Damn, that's a big a$$ crab biggles :lol:
Nice acro you picked up, ya sneak!. Looks nice and pink. But too be honest, I'm far more relieved that the aculeus is still around. There's really no point bribing Kevin (he's getting expensive........ you're spoiling him biggles), if there's no aculeus for us to steal

Tank looks like its recovering nicely :thumbsup:. Since we do have a few similarities given where we are now in terms of pooey coral colors on a few corals, what's the plan? Reduce nutrients and then work on color? Feed less? Mine have taken a beating with the dips, and some alk fluctuations. My SSC makes yours look like a hottie
Yes he certainly is a big boy Bello, he doesn't back away from my hand if it goes near him either - not that i'm scared of him but i've decided to let him do whatever he wants in the tank..........
That aculeus looks disgusting now with the algae covered dead patches and the blue/purple acro is in the process of encrusting over its base. I'll have to do something to rectify that soon before the blue thing kills too much of the aculeus base - it's in the too hard basket for now.......
I'm starting to see better PE on things at night slowly so i'm fairly certain that the system is on the road to recovery. Over this whole period where most of the acros have been right on the edge of losing tissue i have kept a good amount of food up to the tank. This is what i've been feeding the last few weeks:
Fish get 3 feeds a day - morning is flake and nori, afternoon is mini pellets and evening is a whole rinsed mysis cube.
I put a pinch of reef roids in a few hours after lights out and a big pinch of cyclop-eeze in before i wander off to bed.
Your acros aren't brown from living in dirty water or under poor lighting Bello so make sure they get plenty of nutrition to get through the stress as i'm quite certain the health of my corals is why i haven't suffered a major disaster. Be careful with your lights when you rescape because stressed acros burn tips a lot easier than happy ones. I had the 250W back over the display for a couple of weeks when everything up high began slowly showing signs of tip burn. I have the 400W running again now and i swapped a blue plus tube for a coral plus just because my SPS LFS now stocks ATI bulbs :celeb1:
When i got those last acros i informed Dave who is the best LFS guy in the best reef store in Melbourne that the new SPS holding tank whilst impressive at about 10ftx3ftx18" is a complete fail due to the pathetic LED lights they put over it - it has 4 of those kessil 360 things and made everything other than green and blue dime a dozen acros look good. Everything red or pink looked brown and drab which is how i tricked Dave into knocking $10- off that ripper pink table lol.
Ramble on tips for spotting cool acros and the correct procedure to ensure you get them.........
* When you enter a store looking for SPS go straight to the display - don't talk to the bloody staff just say hi and get to the tank and make a quick 15-20 second scan for anything drop dead beautiful. If there is anything in there that you want and is cool looking enough to be spotted by an SPS thief ( other SPS customers ) you MUST call a sales guy over and inform him you want them but you're going to keep looking for more. Don't find a treasure and then wander off to check out the fish before buying stuff - someone like me will walk through the door and score all your stuff within 30 seconds ! When i spotted that blue tipped echi 10 seconds after opening the shop door i yelled - yes yelled at Dave across the shop ' This blue echi is mine Dave, MINE ' - Dave is used to me so he just shook his head and laughed and said ok. It happened to me years ago before i realised the correct manner to carry out acro hunts.
Your camera phone is your best friend when acro hunting for two good reasons. Take a cell pic of the store acros and it will be totally washed out blue as usual but i want to remind you guys that everything with fluoro pigments and or polyps even if not visible to your eyes will light up like a xmas tree on your phone camera pic - if you ask nicely and even explain what you're doing the store won't mind as you're trying to find stuff to give them money for......
The light browny looking table was poorly lit by blue white LED's and i already knew those lights hide reds and pinks badly, $50 means it must have been pretty when it arrived or the lights were masking colors. Out came the phone and i turned on the flash light so it was a white torch and shone it over the acro - i spied pink hues
Me - Hey Dave i'll take this little brown table if you drop ten bucks off it.
Dave - let me look, hmmm yeah ok i can do that i can't remember what that looked like when it came in.
As soon as Dave lifted the acro out of the water he saw what i had seen and turned slowly to me and said ' you bastard you knew that was pink '
I explained to Dave that it was their own fault for using lights that weren't up to the job. Dave then informs me that they're actually going to pull the 4 kessils and put halides back as they came to the same conclusion a couple of months after changing to blue/white LED's over the SPS.
Everyone worries about the poor newbs being screwed over by cut throat LFS guys - let's all take a moment to consider the poor LFS guys who are themselves 'taken down' at times by a seasoned purveyor and procurer of SPS treasures......... :smokin:
I did offer to pay the full price but Dave has acro honor and knows when he's been bested in an acro joust and to the winner go the spoils...... Dave will lift all brown acros out of the water before giving me a price if i try that again so it's kind of a one shot deal lol.
Amaaaaaaaaaazing tank biggles buddy!:beer:
Tha last "sneaky addition"-will leave bello out,out of respect for him

- made me shed an envy tear:smokin:
Thanks mate, speaking of Bello that reminds me, what type of anthias did you get Bello - you miss these things Mike. Bello casually mentions getting 3 new fish with no details or pics and i have to drag the info out of him as always............ Bello is always up to secret stuff.