My 65 Gallon Mixed Reef

Dont you guys know??? :p Kevin has finally convinced Biggles to go live in the trees.
Well, not so much convincing but more threatening...

Internet access from atop the Eucalyptus trees isnt the best. So Biggles comes out of the trees every 4 days or so to check up on his tank and to deal with us writing in his thread.

In all seriousness Biggles, mate, I hope you are alright.

hahahahahahahahahahah:D I think we write on here more than biggles, he just tries to answer our stupid questions :lol: .but biggles if you need to pass on you corals because kevin is turning you into his brother ( that was not an insalt kevin, just a complement) my tank is looking rather bare;)
Hey biggles( when ever kevin let's you loose;) ) I picked up a gopro black plus today, so hope fully there will be some nice vids to share soon:D. I hope to do some time lapse vids of my soon to be corals, I can't wait:)
So if what sahin is suggesting is true that you are living in the trees, then what are you eating??? And how is the tank going without you???:what:.
We are a demanding bunch aren't we sahin :D I think for the best intrests for biggles and his tank we need to lighten the load. I suggest we split the tank in half, you take half and ill take the other:D. Its in the best intrests for biggles of course:p.
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I had a holy sh!t moment this morning, as when I came into the lounge and looked at the tank all seemed fine, made myself some tea then looked at the termometer and it said 20c!!!!! ( the tank is usualy at 25-26 ) I franticly looked to see what had made it drop and found the heater was unplugged!!. So I plugged it in and looked to see if everyone was ok and they were thank god. So over the day the temp slowly creaped up as I did not want to shock anything. The temp is nearly back to normal and everything survived, thank you god:)
I don't know how you did it biggles but you did:what:
I think he made truce with kevin and they are heading at bello's tank!:)
Bello buddy lock the doors/windows and get a dog:lol:

Joking aside,biggles i hope everything is are starting to worry us:uhoh2:
Aha...Biggles is sneaking typical of him and Bello. :headwallblue: I bet he bought some new acros or something...

Anyway, I watched the latest video he uploaded on YT. Its bloody good quality.

Biggles, what phone did you use to record that?

I think he was talking about a new camera.
Hahahahahaha....Abusive PM's are usually the best way to communicate with biggles :p. There are so many choice expletives in the English language, it would be a great shame not to use them :p

I guess everything seems to be alright, judging from the youtube vid, guess he just needs a bit of break, while he relists his choicest insults for this thread :p.

BTW, Troub did snap a pic of Kevin trying to steal my corals, but biggles was nowhere to be found. Guess he makes Kevin do all the dirty work :p

Hahahahahaha....Abusive PM's are usually the best way to communicate with biggles :p. There are so many choice expletives in the English language, it would be a great shame not to use them :p

I guess everything seems to be alright, judging from the youtube vid, guess he just needs a bit of break, while he relists his choicest insults for this thread :p.

BTW, Troub did snap a pic of Kevin trying to steal my corals, but biggles was nowhere to be found. Guess he makes Kevin do all the dirty work :p


^^^hahahahahahahahahahaha funny stuff bello:thumbup::D are you suggesting that the best way to deal with Biggles is to be straight to the point and use mostly choice words :what:
As I live in the same country as biggles I would be a little nervous about biggles come back, as most aussies cant go one sentence without a few choise explecitives thrown in :D
But I have to agree with you bello that we must all practice the whole english vocabulary, and if we don't some priceless words may be lost forever ;)
What corals was Kevin after ?, he's a bit smaller than I thought;).
I think Biggles is fine and he's just having a break (or he's testing our loyalty to his thread) but I don't envy his job of replying to all our posts;).
Abusing biggles ends up with you being like so,

I think biggles ordered Kevin to get the sps, but apparently koalas go crazy over flubber...go figure :facepalm:

So you're from Aus as well? Western? Lucky bastard :p :lol:
Abusing biggles ends up with you being like so,

I think biggles ordered Kevin to get the sps, but apparently koalas go crazy over flubber...go figure :facepalm:

So you're from Aus as well? Western? Lucky bastard :p :lol:

Well then I'll leave you to abuse Biggles as I don't want to find a outraged Biggles putting a sword to my chest:p Hahahahahahah lol. One question what the hell is flubber:what: but from the pic it looks like your tang and coris were trying their best to defend the corals :D.
Yes I'm from west aus and that is why I'm letting you abuse Biggles and I'm staying out of it, because it's only a short plane trip from Melbourne (melburn as Biggles calls it;) ) to get here. But he will have to get past my two German shepherds first:D and if he gets past them my two clowns will stop him dead in his tracks, as they smother him with love :p