My 65 Gallon Mixed Reef

Hey Biggles. Sorry to hear about the meltdown buddy. I was very sad to see the updates :facepalm:

I'm glad you were able to think quick and keep Potatohead and the rest of the fishies safe though!

And that shot of the Ocotpus was pretty sweet. I don't see any way to say no to that face and coral. So you're already off to a great start of building things back up to awesome!

I bet your fish don't know what to make of things with all that open water swimming space right now. But knowing you, it will be full of beautiful fireworks soon. :thumbsup:
Thanks heaps for the kind words guys, really appreciate them :) I'll go right through the whole crash tomorrow and what i did to minimize the fallout as best i could. I saved quite a few nice pieces including that SSC i posted a pic of shortly before the crash by throwing them in the sump with the fish so things could be a lot worse.
Tonight i'm going to explain how i went to buy a single acro and came home with a flame angel, tamarin wrasse, hammer coral and four acros............

Arrived at Reeflections just as Dave was arriving and followed him in the front door even though the lights weren't on yet........... there's something magical about watching the tank lighting ramp on in a well stocked coral store, way better than a sunrise. I look to see that everything in the SPS tank is washed out and pale, not what i usually see so after a quick once over i found nothing amazing and turned away to give the fish tanks a once over. I scan all the tanks and see no flame angels which i've been thinking about trying since i can now catch a psycho one with little rock in the display for it to hide in.
This is when Dave pulls the occy sting on me. " Damn the octopus got out ! "
Now i turn to see Dave scanning the SPS sales tank saying the occy that was in a plastic container floating has popped the lid and is out.
Now don't tell me any of you wouldn't want to search for an occy hiding in a 10ft long SPS tank. Ten seconds into the search Dave yells " found the bugger " and sure enough out of nowhere is a bloody octopus and it just happens to be standing beside the nicest acro in the tank. I would not be surprised if Dave didn't have it in his pocket and dropped it in when i was looking the other way............
Thing is the occy is giving me a full on stare so i think ok let's see who blinks first - i'm now aware that occy's don't need to keep their eyes moist and dust free and therefore don't tend to blink a lot. :worried:
Told Dave i wanted just the blue tipped acro and wasn't impressed with the stock this visit all the time locking eyes with the occy........

Game on mister octopus...........


He starts going down the tank still staring me down and i'm not giving in so i followed him........


Before i know it he has me in front of heaps of acros instead of the empty tank end and that's when Dave went for the kill.........


Dave casually says, " twenty percent of the SPS today " ............ something went ping in my brain and i murmured " I'll need a poly box Dave "
After selecting three more acros i mention to Dave that typically he has no flames when i'm in the mood to buy one and that's when he pulls another sales rabbit out of his hat.
" There's a nice one in the bottom row of tanks but you need to bend down to see all the fish hanging high at the back "
I hunch down and waddle along scanning the bottom row of fish tanks and that's when i saw Barry. " Bag him up please Dave " - poof there goes $100-. " We have a nice Tamarin wrasse as well " - poof there goes another $60-.

The Tamarin wrasse was gasping on the sand when i turned the lights on after the first night and disappeared by the time i came home from work on Tuesday and i'm certain it's dead - no idea what i did wrong. I still haven't seen Barry eat a single thing since adding him but he doesn't look skinny so not sure if he's starving himself or what tbh. I'm worried about Barry not eating so i'm feeding lots of little feeds often, 5-6 a day so the regular crew are loving it.


Wanting to add more flubber i ask " got any nice hammers Dave ? " " Yeah there's some down the end "

Down the end turned out to be 37 hammers all the colors of the rainbow - a lot were faded etc but none were brown if the pic gives that impression. I picked a nice little green one for $50- which just squeezed into the box and i was done. The dearest one was $120- in case you wondered.


And that's how easy it is to send biggles into a LFS buying frenzy.......:crazy1:
Another very amusing read Biggles. From what I've read about wrasse and personal experience with my fairy (I think you were just jealous about dusty, so you wanted your own one:p) they like to hide for up to a week and then when they feel comfortable they'll come out. Since he was breathing heavily there is a chance he's past on but its not uncommon for them to do that right out in the open and look like there on their last fins but they pull through (this is what my one did after the tank move). As long as Barry is swimming around I wouldn't be too worried, he's probably just getting ready to take on the Acto's:lol:.
Another very amusing read Biggles. From what I've read about wrasse and personal experience with my fairy (I think you were just jealous about dusty, so you wanted your own one:p) they like to hide for up to a week and then when they feel comfortable they'll come out. Since he was breathing heavily there is a chance he's past on but its not uncommon for them to do that right out in the open and look like there on their last fins but they pull through (this is what my one did after the tank move). As long as Barry is swimming around I wouldn't be too worried, he's probably just getting ready to take on the Acto's:lol:.

Hey mate :) Of course i was jealous of your bloody wrasse and the Tamarin looked beautiful in the display for the short time i saw it. Never had a wrasse but i don't really think i'm going to see him again. Barry never missed a beat and is always out and about swimming. Goliath who rode out the storm in the sump is not at all happy about the permanent sleeping spot Barry has chosen. Goliath ignores all the fish except for the yellow tang who he waves his claws at if it gets too close to the stylo. He hates Barry too now.


Both the banggai and the clown steal nori from the yellow tangs mouth nowdays........ i wish i had a tank twice as long and i'd put a purple tang in - i had a red sea purple tang once and it was just stunning........ i'm mellowing out in my old age because i'm now thinking of upgrading to 2mtr long display so i can have super cool fish. Reeflections sold a majestic and a queen angel the day before i went there and they'll order in just about anything you want.
Oh and i ordered 3 x RW-8 pumps now that i have so much open water. Once i get those Fishy i'll clean up the WP-25 i don't need and send it to you mate otherwise it'll live in a cupboard :beer:
Haha lol, that wrasse was jaw dropping Bigs its a pity it probably didn't make it. Barry looks fat and heathy not to mention bloody beautiful (Fishy has fish envy:lol: ). A bigger show fish tank would be awesome and those purple tangs are so stunning. Those pumps are supposed to be very good and should give you a lot of flow:). I certainly couldn't refuse the pump mate but only if you really don't want it. How's the 25 gone for you? Keen to see what you have to say about it:) can't wait for my goodies to arrive:D
Haha lol, that wrasse was jaw dropping Bigs its a pity it probably didn't make it. Barry looks fat and heathy not to mention bloody beautiful (Fishy has fish envy:lol: ). A bigger show fish tank would be awesome and those purple tangs are so stunning. Those pumps are supposed to be very good and should give you a lot of flow:). I certainly couldn't refuse the pump mate but only if you really don't want it. How's the 25 gone for you? Keen to see what you have to say about it:) can't wait for my goodies to arrive:D

Yeah i need to work out what went wrong because i want try another one if possible down the track. The pump will go to waste if i keep it Fishy so i'd rather you put it to good use matey :beer: Kevin wanted to use it in his little plastic sea monkey tank.......... he's spewing mad with you Fishy...... :worried:
The WP-25 is a great little pump with a strong narrow flow. It reaches the 40 inch width of my display easily. All the WP pumps work great but they all have a major drawback which is the significant loss of flow after about 3 weeks once the propeller gets some algae build up on it. Takes 60 seconds to clean the prop and the magnet housing but i hate doing it and my Tunze pumps go for about 8 weeks before they begin losing flow.
If you're like i was this time around and have never used a controllable pump you will be super impressed with being able to control when and for how long the flow pulses last along with the ramping up and down of those changes - it's bloody whiz bang stuff compared to the seven aquaclear 70's i had in my 4x2x2. I had a wave just once in that tank, i placed a Laguna 5000 up one end and turned it on and a 6" wave of water went straight over the side up the other end........ the Laguna wave maker was then removed.
If i had a choice i would go all Tunze but i can get 4 x RW-8's with two twin controllers for less than a single 6095 without a controller.
You should get a twin controller once you have my WP-25 so you can run the two in sync.

I find it quite odd that you bought a green Hammer. That octopus must have hypnotized you.


I have had a green hammer in every tank i've run Marty because they look awesome shimmering under a radium and add a small amount of movement to the coral display. They like slower flow so they're great for quieter spots down low where acros wouldn't be happy.

Barry's tail was torn up when i got him and his back fins are still tatty. I watched him picking baby pods off the back glass for ages today so that might explain what he's been up to. He gets excited when i feed mushed up nori and dashes about like the other piggies but he never actually eats anything lol. He is the only fish i've ever owned that ignored mysis completely btw. Barry likes being cleaned so he and Potatohead are buddies now.


The acro behind Barry is one of the partially bleached acros the occy tricked me into buying. It's very pale and washed out but has good PE at night.
Haha lol, I don't want to get on the wrong side of Kevin, so probably best to tell him that Fishy thinks the 25 would turn his sea monkey tank into a protein shake:lol:. I have hear that they don't like algae and slime on the prop but that's not a huge problem for me as I normally clean my powerhead every week during water changes. I definitely think I'll be impressed with having a controllable pump finally:D. Haha lol that would have been interesting to see a tsunami going over the tank rim and flooding the floor:facepalm:. Yes the tunze's are great but their not cheap. You could buy a wp25 six times over before you get into ecotech country. I had a look at the dual controller on gupo and its only $30 or so.
You probably have a lot of pods in there Bigs so Barry is going to be snacking on those for a while I think. He is a drop dead gorgeous fish mate and I seriously hope he doesn't go rouge on you as he deserves to be on show in the DT:D
Glad to see you "reef appetite" is back biggles buddy:beer:

I'm sure you will make the tank look awesome again,in no time:)
Love your fish names:artist:
Mate, I'm so sorry about the Alk disaster... I was expecting to come back to see beautiful and colourful sps pics in your thread and I see this...

Well, I am having issues with my tank too, and you have to just take it on the chin and move on.

Hope to see a positive update next time.
It should be around 1pm his time Marty so he's got no excuse to not update. Just put work on hold mate, we're more important;)
Hey Bigs, Its been a month since your last update. How is your tank recovering? Have you changed your reef keeping procedures since your last disaster? By the way how did your sump survive the ordeal?

Kevin won't let Biggles post on this thread for the time being.....something about Kevin wanting a birthday present...Biggles forgot. :facepalm: so Kevin banned him...:uhoh2:

At least that's what Kevin told never know with these wild Aussie animals...
Kevin won't let Biggles post on this thread for the time being.....something about Kevin wanting a birthday present...Biggles forgot. :facepalm: so Kevin banned him...:uhoh2:

At least that's what Kevin told never know with these wild Aussie animals...
And for giving away his sea monkey pump:lol: