Wonderful pictures and video Bulent. What do you think are the largest contributers to PE?
Love every pic in that post bulent:inlove::inlove:
Nothing can compare with mature & healthy colonies!liked the fts too
What are your plans with that green Monti? Every single time
I made the mistake of placing them close to other corals
they did their best to make me think that they are pests![]()
Yes, I am still using GoPro, Matt. Thanks for your feedback. I am really happy with the camera...
Beautiful tank! Question on your GoPro. Do you use it for stills as well as video or just video? If stills, do you have a remote or do you use a timer?
Hi, thanks.
I use it just for video. I never tried to take still pictures while the camera was submerged in water. I never thought about it to be honest, but I will try. That said, when I took still pictures when the camera was outside the tank, I was not very impressed with the pictures when I place the camera close to objects. I got a concave-looking images. It is possible that I did not use the right settings.
Thanks. How do you take your stills?
Hi, thanks.
I use it just for video. I never tried to take still pictures while the camera was submerged in water. I never thought about it to be honest, but I will try. That said, when I took still pictures when the camera was outside the tank, I was not very impressed with the pictures when I place the camera close to objects. I got a concave-looking images. It is possible that I did not use the right settings.
My daughter's cam (Xiaomi 4K) has two modes, and one of them is "wide".
In this mode the lens works like a wide angle lens giving the concave aspect that you mentioned.
When I started recording with it I used sometimes and only after search a little in the options I found a way to change it to a "regular" mode (don't remember how it is called) with a narrow view.
It is a confession time. I am not very good at keeping anthias alive. One of the three red saddleback anthias (P. flavoguttatus) I purchased recently died a few hours ago. Its stomach was badly emaciated. This is very puzzling to me because it ate very eagerly and even more eagerly than the evansi anthias, which I purchased at the same time. And yet the evansi anthias are still alive and kicking. This knocks my confidence in keeping anthias in general and deep water ones in particular.
On a more cheerful note, PO4 has finally blinked and has come down just under 0.14 mg/L. I carried out four water changes this week (4 X 12%). I am still using FM Ultra Phos (75 gram per 250L). NO3 is steady at 2.5 ppm. I have recently decided to reset my tank in the sense that I am taking it back to the state it was in before I had replaced my previous protein skimmer, Deltec SC 1350, with an oversize skimmer, Deltec SC 1455 last August. The first step I have taken is to decommission the Deltec SC 1455 and restart using my old Deltec SC 1350. I have never been happy with the former because I could not get consistent foam head even though it produced good skimmate. The second step I have taken is to start to dose the same amount of Bacto-Balance I was dosing last August. Finally, I have stopped overfeeding my fish and gone back to my 3-frozen-cube of food-a-day routine despite having more fish than I did last August. I will eventually increase the amount of food once PO4 is under control and corals' colours go back to what they were last August.
The corals keep going even though their colours have suffered quite a bit. However, I am generally content with them.
Finally, here are a few recent photos. The first five were taken last week and the last three were taken a few hours ago:
Suffering colors?!? Bulent, your tank is looking fantastic. Those top downs are just gorgeous.
It’s funny how we always have to tinker, even when things seem pretty darn good.
Your fts also looks so mature and grown in.
I always thought Seriatopora and Stylophora are weeds of the SPS world, but I wanted a change from Acroporids.
Hi, thanks.
I use it just for video. I never tried to take still pictures while the camera was submerged in water. I never thought about it to be honest, but I will try. That said, when I took still pictures when the camera was outside the tank, I was not very impressed with the pictures when I place the camera close to objects. I got a concave-looking images. It is possible that I did not use the right settings.
I just tried my GoPro in my tank and the video is very blue. Do you use a red filter on yours? If so, which one do you suggest? Or some other technique. I have a Hero4 Silver and I don't think I can adjust the white balance.