My 65G Shallow Reef Tank

Great info ... I also note my SPS seem happy with great PE even when alkalinity drifts down to 7.5 dkh range. I just start buffering up towards 8-8.5 dkh based on reading forums 🤫 and really no other good reason ... Think I might experiment a bit...


I do not worry about low alkalinity, which occasionally drops down to 5.4 dKH due to failure in my dose, because I use a kalkstirrer, which maintains pH levels at fairly high level (typically between 7.9 and 8.2). Without it, lower alkalinity has no leverage on pH as its buffering capacity becomes limited below 7 dKH. It is for this reason that I believe that most believe keep their alkalinity at 8 dKH or above.
Wow! So to quote a famous Quentin Tarantino movie, you went medieval on your tanks ***!!
You are a stone cold steward of that tank or yours Bulent.
A proficient, and talented stone cold steward!

Thanks for your compliment Matt. I really like the quote.

When I looked at the particular photo exhibiting my tools afterwards, I really felt awkward about it subconsciously. It did not feel ethical somewhat.
You have absolutely killed me............i'm on holiday this week and my to-do list was considerable.....nothing was done!

I started reading your thread at 1.00pm and have only just finished!!!!!

Your attention to detail and lack of complacency is incredible. Thanks for the tank; thanks for the thread and thanks for providing the inspiration for my new project.
OMG. No way!!! Beautiful colonies! :eek2:

But why?

Reason 1- Deforestation (all the unwanted growth, such as over spreading M. setosa, and undesirable corals, such as mushrooms and M. digitata, were removed).

Reason 2- Prevention of so-called "old tank syndrome" (2/3 of sand bed was removed and replaced with new one, and all the rocks were scrubbed and rinsed to remove detritus and vermetid snails, where necessary).

Reason 3- Rescaping (Acropora colonies that have enjoyed rampant growth (either due to high light or high flow or both) are repositioned to slightly lower light places. Other Acropora colonies that have not shown their full potential so far took their place. This may also result in uncovering "real estate" on live rock that was overshadowed previously. This may then means that new forestation can take place. Furthermore, a change of scenery is as good as a rest.

This is a biennial ritual that ensures that not only my reef stays healthy in long term, but also any complacency on my part can be interrupted.
You have absolutely killed me............i'm on holiday this week and my to-do list was considerable.....nothing was done!

I started reading your thread at 1.00pm and have only just finished!!!!!

Your attention to detail and lack of complacency is incredible. Thanks for the tank; thanks for the thread and thanks for providing the inspiration for my new project.

Thanks for reading my thread and your compliment. I appreciate it.

It's time for a brand new FTS....I think....I just think....

It is almost time, but not just yet, Alex. I have quite a lot of setosa sub-colonies and frags to clear from the sand bed. I also need to "plant" new frags onto recently created "real estate", which I created as a result of rescaping. Hopefully, it won't be long. This is a hard work when you don't have enough length and depth in your tank. It is a constant struggle.
Those were some serious measures to modify the scape and colony growth.
I am very curious to see how the tank is looking now.
I started dosing TM Reef Actif today.
I think my tank needs some ..... "shake".
Are you still using it? What's your impressions about it?
Best regards,
I started dosing TM Reef Actif today.
I think my tank needs some ..... "shake".
Are you still using it? What's your impressions about it?
Best regards,

Hi Alex,

Yes, I am. I like the product and its rationale. I am committed to use it continuously.

Theoretically, the product should reduce inorganic phosphates, meaning that I should record reduction in PO4 using my test kit. I do not record such reduction. I do not know why. A possible explanation is not fixing the daily feeding amount. It varies from day to day. That said, I observe increased coral growth, which I can attribute to this product. I have a note on my Facebook page on TM Reef Actif in which I recorded my observations on its use for a period of time.

I have recently started to use the recommended dose once a week. Previously, I used to dose just over the half of the recommended dose once a week.


Hi Alex,

Yes, I am. I like the product and its rationale. I am committed to use it continuously.

Theoretically, the product should reduce inorganic phosphates, meaning that I should record reduction in PO4 using my test kit. I do not record such reduction. I do not know why. A possible explanation is not fixing the daily feeding amount. It varies from day to day. That said, I observe increased coral growth, which I can attribute to this product. I have a note on my Facebook page on TM Reef Actif in which I recorded my observations on its use for a period of time.

I have recently started to use the recommended dose once a week. Previously, I used to dose just over the half of the recommended dose once a week.



Did you note any changes in the aspect of the substract......or in the detritus over the tank in general?
Hey Bulent, another question for you.. will/would you give Coral Balance a try?
My understanding is that Coral Balance would have a stronger effect on po4 reduction than reef active. But I know the two products are purported to have similar effects in the reef...
My take on a P04 spike---

I have been using Bacto balance on my frag tank for one year now. Probably not news to you Bulent, but the product is great for steady state. It will keep the ratio balanced well, but if it gets knocked out of balance short term you have to intervene.

I used standard GFO to do this.............once my p04 gets back to under .10 the Bacto balance will keep the ratio intact again. I ran GFO for about 4 days and took it's been months since and I've kept the same levels and ratios for the whole year.

I'm only dosing .3 mls a day for a 60g total volume system.

From my experience to date this is not a product to knock down high levels of either but great for maintaining standard levels that are widely used on most successful Acro systems.

For the past year my levels have kept steady---

P04- .05-.08ppm
No3- 5.0-10.0ppm

I don't think anyone needs to go down the road with actif or other products to band aid this. There just needs to be short term intervention.
My take on a P04 spike---

I have been using Bacto balance on my frag tank for one year now. Probably not news to you Bulent, but the product is great for steady state. It will keep the ratio balanced well, but if it gets knocked out of balance short term you have to intervene.

I used standard GFO to do this.............once my p04 gets back to under .10 the Bacto balance will keep the ratio intact again. I ran GFO for about 4 days and took it's been months since and I've kept the same levels and ratios for the whole year.

I'm only dosing .3 mls a day for a 60g total volume system.

From my experience to date this is not a product to knock down high levels of either but great for maintaining standard levels that are widely used on most successful Acro systems.

For the past year my levels have kept steady---

P04- .05-.08ppm
No3- 5.0-10.0ppm

I don't think anyone needs to go down the road with actif or other products to band aid this. There just needs to be short term intervention.

Yep. Sage advice.
I've never used bacto balance but once again, I am considering it.. is it a liquid or powder and if liquid, could it be used with a dosing pump?
Hi Matt,

It's a liquid.........I use less than a 1ml a day so in my case it has to be hand dosed. I never used more than .7 and that was at start up.

I'm not sure I would trust a doser being accurate unless you would be dosing at least 5mls per dose.
Thanks, Ed.. in 350g, Im still below, but getting close to 5 ml.. I know it depends on nutrients..
Really getting tired of my perpetually high po4..
It’s still stupid difficult to get around here...
Bulent, I assume you are still using bacto Balance?i remember it was the backbone of your nutrient control system.
Hey Bulent, another question for you.. will/would you give Coral Balance a try?
My understanding is that Coral Balance would have a stronger effect on po4 reduction than reef active. But I know the two products are purported to have similar effects in the reef...

Hi Matt,

Below is the marketing information about FM Coral Balance:

"Coral Balance is a modern nutrient control system that enhances metabolic turnover rates. It was specifically formulated to reactivate and stabilise nutrient cycles and alkalinity control in modern reef aquaria. Phosphate reduction, which is usually hard to control, will be increased and stabilised, leading to permanently low phosphate levels.

Using the natural power of marine biopolymers, Fauna Marin Coral Balance will produce remarkable results even at very low doses.

Fauna Marin Coral Balance is a coral feed, nutrient and water conditioner in one product. Due to its special formula it works rapidly and efficiently, speeds up nutrient reduction by increased coral growth and biological element cycling.

Corals will become more resilient by forming a natural protective layer and increase their coloration.

Coral Balance will supply dissolved and particulate nutrients like minerals and dissolved organics directly to your corals. Natural biopolymers and marine organic compounds will supplement the water in your aquarium with essential compounds. Acid-base regulation will be stabilised, helping to maintain stable biological and chemical conditions.

For me this product is identical to Reef Actif. Consider the TM's marketing information on Reef Actif:

"REEF ACTIF contains marine biopolymers which bind excess nutrients and other pollutants and lead to their decomposition via specialized microorganisms. This promotes a natural marine microbiology environment in the aquarium and keeps the water extremely clear.

The activation of the microflora provides the water with numerous vitamins and other vital substances in a wholly natural manner. Corals and shells open better and display their full range of colors. Fishes, too, benefit from the stable bacteria flora and the probiotic effect; they become robust, displaying their vitality in the form of perfect coloration.

• Ensures consistent water conditions between water changes
• Has a double function as adsorber and valuable bacteria nutrition in the aquarium
• Binds nutrients and encourages their utilisation through bacteria and other organisms
• Promotes the removal of water contamination by binding contaminating substances
• Slow decomposition of excess nutrients without oxygen consumption in the aquarium
• Improves consistency and continuity of skimming
• Enhances vitality and coloration of corals and reef mussels

That said, I am curious about this FM's claim: "Phosphate reduction, which is usually hard to control, will be increased and stabilised, leading to permanently low phosphate levels." I need to ask Claude to explain to me how this is achieved. I have my doubts. This product simply transforms the state of phosphates from inorganic to organic. Unless you have very good coral growth, a lot of filter feeders that consume organic phosphates, such as sponges, as well as activated carbon and good bacterial balance and finally efficient skimming, organic phosphates will remain in the water column. The problem is that you cannot measure organic phosphates.

Hence, I have no immediate plans to try Coral Balance unless Clause comes up with a good explanation about his claim. I will write to him on FM's forum.

Thanks, Ed.. in 350g, Im still below, but getting close to 5 ml.. I know it depends on nutrients..
Really getting tired of my perpetually high po4..
It’s still stupid difficult to get around here...
Bulent, I assume you are still using bacto Balance?i remember it was the backbone of your nutrient control system.

Yes, I have been using Bacto-Balance for nearly four years. My current dose is 1.8 ml per 250L.
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My take on a P04 spike---

I have been using Bacto balance on my frag tank for one year now. Probably not news to you Bulent, but the product is great for steady state. It will keep the ratio balanced well, but if it gets knocked out of balance short term you have to intervene.

I used standard GFO to do this.............once my p04 gets back to under .10 the Bacto balance will keep the ratio intact again. I ran GFO for about 4 days and took it's been months since and I've kept the same levels and ratios for the whole year.

I'm only dosing .3 mls a day for a 60g total volume system.

From my experience to date this is not a product to knock down high levels of either but great for maintaining standard levels that are widely used on most successful Acro systems.

For the past year my levels have kept steady---

P04- .05-.08ppm
No3- 5.0-10.0ppm

I don't think anyone needs to go down the road with actif or other products to band aid this. There just needs to be short term intervention.

I agree with everything you said, Ed. This has been my experience too. At present I am struggling with keeping PO4 below 0.1 mg/L. Like you I use a phosphate adsorber. However, unlike you, I use FM Ultra Phos and permanently in these days. When you use Bacto-Balance in long term, I geta ratio of 1:10 between PO4 and NO3 like Herr Balling says we should get. This is not always a good thing because many people argue that 1:100 ratio promotes better colouration. I ma on the fence on this argument.

As for using Reef Actif along with Bacto-Balance, I put the following questions to Herr Balling:

Q: What does Reef Actif offer that NP-Bacto-Balance doesn’t? NP-Bacto-Balance contains a carbon source.

A: Reef Actif offers a choice of polymeric substances that are only accessible to specialized bacteria. There is a pronounced beneficial effect to corals and also fish that is visible in just a few days. We found them testing substances that might adsorb nutrients. NP-Bacto-Balance has oligomeric substances that are accessible to much more kinds of bacteria and which do not adsorb nutrients to their molecular structure.

Q: What are exactly natural marine bio-polymers and how do they differ from other organic carbon sources, such as vodka, vinegar, sugar? The confusion here is that in the translated version you stated "REEF ACTIF contains a carbon source in the form of the mentioned biopolymers. These, like most organic compounds, are mainly carbon.” Specifically, if bio-polymers are a carbon source, then are they consumed by only specific bacteria? Is that why you used the term symbiotic bacteria? Are symbiotic bacteria different than facultative heterotrophic bacteria.

A: Vodka, vinegar and sugar are monomeric or oligomeric substances which can and will feed many kinds of bacteria including detrimental ones. These substances are metabolized and oxidized by the bacteria rapidly which may cause bacterial blooms and oxygen depletion. For our liquid organic carbon additives like NP-Bacto-Balance we chose the substance that caused the least bacterial slime buildup and to which corals seemed to react best. Reef Actif is even more safe and more beneficial to corals and fish than NP-Bacto-Balance. It has a prebiotic effect which means it seems to feed mainly harmless and beneficial (=mutualistic, mutualism = a beneficial kind of symbiosis) bacteria.
Yep. Sage advice.
I’ve never used bacto balance but once again, I am considering it.. is it a liquid or powder and if liquid, could it be used with a dosing pump?

Bacto-Balance can be used with a dosing pump, but TM says that Bacto-Balance container must be sealed really well. Otherwise, you will get fungus growing inside the bottle rendering the product useless, I guess. The product cannot be diluted for ease of dosing purposes.

I dose manually everyday.