My 72 gall reef tank

Led reef

New member

tank is72 blowfront with 27 fish runing two mp10 w es sump 20 gall light Ai vega and octps skimmer . light go on 9:30Am to 8:00 pm
Your tank looks brilliant! Great colours. :beer:

Can you provide a list of fish please? What fish/coral foods do you feed the tank?

Apart from skimmer and liverock, do you use anything else for filtration?
1 Barnecle Blanny
2 blue assessor
1 yellow tang
1purple tang
3 lyretails anthias
1 mag fox face
2 hoyal gramma
1 black cap blasselet
1 Purple dortyback
3 Jewell damsel
2 yasha gob
1 little halk fish
1 chroms damsel
3 red ruby
2 spot mandarin
2 clownfish
And fews others
Wow, thats a lot of fish. Maybe thats why your corals are so nicely coloured as they have plenty of food. :)

What fish/coral foods do you feed the tank?

Apart from skimmer and liverock, do you use anything else for filtration? Thanks.
Filtration only skimmer
Food I make my own I buy oyster and shrimp with lobster eggs and I put oli fish together and spot feed