Wow, I forgot you had any left over algae, all the progression shots have been so impressive. The only algae that I have in my system is two spots of bubble algae that just appeared (I wonder if theres a correlation between MB7 and bubble algae?) and a small patch of brown fuzzy algae on one rock that my tang loves picking at, so i don't have that much to judge off of.
Currently I am dosing 10 drops of MB7 and .5ml of 80 proof vodka to my 140 gallon system daily, but I feel like i could be doing more. I have been at this level of vodka for two weeks and the current dosage of MB7 for over six weeks. Some corals are just now starting to really lighten up (ORA Red Planet and Pearlberry, a random maricultured colony) and I'm thinking about starting the amino acids.
Do you think I can/should up my vodka? For starting amino acids do you think I should copy your dosing pattern and do 2-4 drops every tuesday/thursday?