my house reef (211 g.)

<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=7952055#post7952055 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by reefsahoy
wow thats some nice pic you took there. what are your thoughts on the zeovit trip as far as colors and such. and is that a frag wholesaler or just a testing ground for their products?
i got a question for you. how old is your current tank that you are using the prodibio/zeovit method?
it seems to me that every successful sps tanks are old (2 or more years old) and mature. other than the obvious, I begining to think that time is the missing ingredient for the colors to really come. i have never met or seen any sps colorful tank less than a year or so old. i wonder if there is something we can't measure that causes the tank to be able to sustain colorful sps. kinda like cycling the tank before adding fish. your thoughts.

I got to see thier workshop too, but didnt take pics because it seemed rude too. They have display tanks too which are even more impresssive. The tanks in the photos are a combination of wholesale/retail/frag growout tanks.

When you break the method down - the fundmentals are the fundamentals shared by all great reefs:

1. Low nutirents via ro/di, skimming, and water changes. Th ezeo method adds zeolites and the probiotics which is the controversial bit, but his results are persuasive when I compare with the best of British I'v seen.

2. Good light, and he demonstrates the various options in the 10 - 14k band; aided with v low PO4 carbon.

3. NSW levels for the major elements made easier by the salt brand chosen.

4. High water movement - Tunze streams all over the shop.

Mostly standard stuff. He was clear that these basiscs are a must and need to be steady for long periods and the benefits emerge over time.

The rest is twaeking to get the best, and will only really have the 'pop' effect if all else is in line. His wife was saying that the key additives once NSW, LOW nutrient stage were achieved were spur2, b- and k ballance and iodine.

My tank is 48 weeks old and I agree that another 52 should make it look great - thats the timetable in my mind anyways.

Interesting that in the 2 weeks I was away and didnt add anything, my tank looked better. Less is more:rollface: !! But I think that the minor element tweaking is a movable feast and really depends on the aquarists observation skills with cause and effect - thats the big lession I'v taken from Iwan. I still have a way to go.........


I kinda like this :lol: Iwan comes over awes us all, gets TOTM right off the bat ,stays a bit gets some reconigtion (worldwide) and then poof gone .

I say let the thread die until he returns to update it . It is after all his thread about his tank ;)
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=7950779#post7950779 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by TryTheChi
August 06: 6 months of Iwan method followed by 2 of full zeo method:




Is that eggcrate fitted into the effluent nozzle of the 6200? Is so, how much does it cut down on flow?
Its Tunze part number 6212.200. It takes a bit of flow off, but not much. Allows me to put it on tital mode and not worry about fish and snails finding thier way into the propellor.
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=7961105#post7961105 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by kkenn

My tank is 6 months old,I use Iwan method

Nice kk!

Any more details to share on husbandary lighting etc pls?


trythechi, kkenn
how much water movement do you guys have. i just use my return pump. i believe it's in the 1600 gal range into a 80 gal bow front.

kkenn, how long have you had the three acros in the tank above the ping bird's nest?

trythechi, did the zeovit hq corals look as colorful as iwans?

a few weeks ago, i was having to wipe my glass every 3 days or so from build up of brown algae and i also had a little hair algae in my return overflow. i started to use purple up and all of a sudden my skimmate in my protien skimmer started to really pull out gunk. i bought a silicate and phosphate test kit and now am measuring ZERO (unfortunately i didn't measure before). i'm not sure if i'm imagining or what but i believe my corals are coloring up. for sure one of the brown acro turned toi purple tip with a hint of green at the base (no doubt here).
here is wat i measured last night using selifert kits
sg =1.022
mg =1350
si= 0.03 trying to get to undetected
po4= 0
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=7963583#post7963583 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by reefsahoy
trythechi, kkenn
how much water movement do you guys have. i just use my return pump. i believe it's in the 1600 gal range into a 80 gal bow front.
I use two Tunze wave box and two 6100 ,I think the most important gear in my tank is the wave box,now I cannot imagine how can my tank without it
kkenn, how long have you had the three acros in the tank above the ping bird's nest?
I own them since May
trythechi, did the zeovit hq corals look as colorful as iwans?

a few weeks ago, i was having to wipe my glass every 3 days or so from build up of brown algae and i also had a little hair algae in my return overflow. i started to use purple up and all of a sudden my skimmate in my protien skimmer started to really pull out gunk. i bought a silicate and phosphate test kit and now am measuring ZERO (unfortunately i didn't measure before). i'm not sure if i'm imagining or what but i believe my corals are coloring up. for sure one of the brown acro turned toi purple tip with a hint of green at the base (no doubt here).
here is wat i measured last night using selifert kits
sg =1.022
mg =1350
si= 0.03 trying to get to undetected
po4= 0
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=7965673#post7965673 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by DARKSILENTTYPE
KKEEN what size is your tank ?



My tank size is 80'' x 32'' tall x26

<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=7965673#post7965673 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by DARKSILENTTYPE
KKEEN what size is your tank ?



My tank size is 80'' x 32'' tall x26

<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=7965673#post7965673 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by DARKSILENTTYPE
KKEEN what size is your tank ?



My tank size is 80'' x 32'' tall x26
