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I think being full frame is the difference. My camera body is a dx cropped sensor and my macro lens is for an fx full frame sensor. So at an aperture of 2.8 I find that less of my image is in focus using a dx sensor than I would imagine using an fx sensor. So many times I find myself shooting at f11 or f16. Which Cuts light by a lot. This is why I bump my iso up so that I can get a usable shutter speed. Hope that makes sense lol
I've been talking about this too. Cropped seniors actually magnify images. Nikon DX sensors have a crop factor of 1.5x the Focal length.

A 105mm Macro is just that on a full frame. A DX sensor would have 105 x 1.5 = 157.5 effective focal length.

Full Frame sensors have an ISO advantage, but not a Focal length advantage.

Look into other methods of "getting closer" like extension tubes and Diopters.
Aaron just went thru the entire thread. Simply amazing photos. I have never seen photos this crisp, vibrant, and alive! Stunning...

Thank you for checking out my thread, glad you like the photos.

the close up of the mantel on the clams are amazing. To be able to zoom in with such clarity to see the algae is awesome. Thanks for sharing all these photos they are inspiring

You're welcome, thanks for looking. :)
This was taken on an entry level DSLR with a 60mm macro almost 2 years ago, i've grown since then.

Copperband Butterfly by --Aaron--, on Flickr

I still think your D7000 is more than capable with your lens Frankie, yes a FF will give you an advantage with higher ISO but you should still be able to get good results.
I have a question for bubblewood. Why would you jack up your ISO if youre using flash? A good flash should enable you to dial back that ISO and get much cleaner images.
I typically shoot with out a flash on my d5200. After reading and seeing what guys are doing with a flash I wouldn't have the ISO at that level. Working with using a remote flash to see what types of results I can achieve. It's the operator error why I'm not getting crisp shots that I know I can get. :-)
I have a question for bubblewood. Why would you jack up your ISO if youre using flash? A good flash should enable you to dial back that ISO and get much cleaner images.

Even with flash, you may want to use a higher ISO to bring in ambient light or to close up you Apeture a bit to increase your depth of field.

Aaron, great photos! Hope you don't mind me tagging along.
Thanks everyone. Not added any for a while as I've had one thing after another with the tank. Lost all my lovely Clams last month apart from 2 and had a huge power cut last weekend. It's been a trying time for me last few months. Need to go shopping for new stock in the next week or so, until then here's a few I took the other week.

Bubble Coral by --Aaron--, on Flickr

Leopard Wrasse by --Aaron--, on Flickr

Mandarin by --Aaron--, on Flickr

Mandarin by --Aaron--, on Flickr
Yes, another splendid job. Clear and sharp. I like the second clove polyp and the first fox particularly. If I were to nit pick, a couple feel a bit, perhaps subdued / dark overall, just a smidge?