My little man made reef is full of life! PICS!

pump? :confused: the current in the water is a billion times better than a pump. Though it would be cool to see a little coral population grow out in the ocean. pics are awesome btw

I'm saying to use a pump to get fresh ocean water in and the warmer water out that way you can keep corals, not saying pump for flow.

Kinda like using the ocean for a sump.
Putting frags on that reef would be irresponsible, taking anything from our aquatic home environments and putting it in the ocean is. So nix that idea, please. Not saying it wouldn't work, probably would. but don't do it. That being said, it's a cool thing to have created that, very interesting life there. If you want, I'm constantly uncovering rocks in my yard, you'd be welcome to lots of them to seed it. I just throw em back in the canal where they came from.
Great pics. Anyone know what type of bait fish the large schools are? Shaped like a greeny, but different color.

These pics remind me how I need to get back out in the water.
That trigger was quite bold... almost nipping my toes, lol. I brought out a bag of cheerios and he went nuts! Actually all the fish did.
Very cool idea, thanks for sharing pics and stories!

I'm half surprised that the fish eat cheerios, but I guess in the wild fish will eat anything they can get their mouths around.

In theory you could be ecologically neutral and harvest a small quantity of legally-collectible corals off the shore and "plant" them in your made up preserve. Assuming that they thrived, that would be a positive ecological impact, if not neutral. Super cool to live on the beach.
Na, Frags wouldn't last long, it's too shallow and too warm, plus when the waves start picking up , the rocks get knocked's constant maintenance to keep it there in tact.

Odd question (and possibly stupid) but what about doing something like using acrylic rods or cement to form a man-made reef and keeping it intact?
Odd question (and possibly stupid) but what about doing something like using acrylic rods or cement to form a man-made reef and keeping it intact?

The problem is that the beach sands move so quickly and in such huge amounts that it really takes constant human intervention to keep anything constant in the surf area, unless you used the acrylic rods or cement rods to anchor it to a deeper level of the beach sand.

Frequently the liverock farmers down here will lose entire fields of rock because one mild storm kicked up enough sand to make an entire field of rock disappear.

I think some of the reason that he shouldn't/wouldn't anchor it is that it's a public beach, and if you don't know to look out for a rod of some sort, trouble can ensue. Nobody is going to assume that a rock pile on the beach is from someone artificially placing it there, but start building acrylic rod structures, and there might be some problems, especially if someone trips and falls on it (lawsuit in the land of obscene frivolous lawsuits).
Interesting. Thank you Reefwreak. What about requesting a permit to construct an 'artificial reef'? As in building a small habitat for local flora/fauna to promote ecological diversity and species propagation?
We should make that a FMAS project. Make an artificial reef somewhere. I can get a nice amount of limestone to bring out and should have my boat ready within the next couple of months...

Actually, I think I'm going to make a new thread about it.
I live right next to this man-made reef, have snorkeled it a couple times with my wife, and never new it was manmade! Awesome. Hope to meet you when we are out there sometime. PM sent.
That is awesome, I was thinking about doing this behind my place to see what shows up. You have provided me inspiration to load up my kayak with rocks and start placing them.
Just an FYI, do it at your own risk! Called FWC and they said if they find you doing it they'd not only fine you for creating a artificial reef, but fine you for dumping into the oceans. Be careful.