My little man made reef is full of life! PICS!

Corps, thanks for the info!

Hillsboro Beach is a private beach, so I don't have to worry about people too much. Based on FWC rulings I may be observing the natural phenomenon of close to shore reef creation that some how magically happens here on Hillsboro Beach with our unique tidal changes. :)
The beach might be private but that's only to the water line. Listen to CoRPS, you have to be careful what you put under the water, it can become a navigational hazard.

Corps, thanks for the info!

Hillsboro Beach is a private beach, so I don't have to worry about people too much. Based on FWC rulings I may be observing the natural phenomenon of close to shore reef creation that some how magically happens here on Hillsboro Beach with our unique tidal changes. :)
Sonic my observations would be within the designated "swim zone" where no vessels should be traveling, I would never do anything illegal and, I appreciate your concerns.
avaneaton2000, I know what you're talking about by the inlet on the rock wall correct? Seen some nice fish out there, fish I would never imagine were in out waters like a powder blue tang.
Stop all the legal mumbojumbo guys. He organized a couple of rocks together to create an ecosystem. It can likely be tumbled over with a storm. Whats the big deal!!

Nice job streetjudge.!!!! Awesome pics, awesome job!!!!
awesome trigger, awesome RAY.....Congrats!!!!
Thank you Eddie.

Santiago, No do you mean the rock wall @ Hillsboro Inlet? I have heard Boca and Hillsboro have a lot of interesting stuff, and I heard a legend of a purple tang pair out there. I live north of there and was going to "observe" inside our buoyed swimming area.
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If you live in Boca like I do and ReefWreak is from, then what he said is so true! This is the land of hungry lawyers, you hear them talking about this suit that suit at starbucks all the time. Hell I'm scared to drive my car down Glades rd. afraid I'm going to hit one of them. Never under estimate where a law suit can come from.
I've seen queen angels, Atlantic purple tangs with the yellow tales, french angels to name a few. Just yesterday I was collecting water and saw what I think is a damsel but it was the most beautiful damsel I have ever seen. Front half was black with flourescent blue poka-dots and the rear half was bright blue as well. Man I wanted to jump in after it! It's ashame it's a felony to swim there. Cast net is too slow to reach the bottom where they are.
Well, I made a second rockpile today about 25 yards north of my first one..It's in a big Candycane shape. I'll check it out in a few days and see if there is anything on it. I found two small rockpiles today, seems others are following suit, lol... I guess I started something. Saw two small barracudas on my first spot today.
Well, they can't do anything to you if you take the rocks that are already in the surf and just move them all to one central location. I assume you are referring to outside rock that you dump?

Just an FYI, do it at your own risk! Called FWC and they said if they find you doing it they'd not only fine you for creating a artificial reef, but fine you for dumping into the oceans. Be careful.
Well, I don't even know the legality behind that. The guy I was talking to made it pretty clear he didn't want anyone messing with the ecosystem. Although in your case, if you're just collecting the rock and putting them in one spot, I don't think it'd be illegal, but I have NO idea.

I really wanted to do it though :(
As for the cheerios, I believe it. One of the wierdest snorkel trips I've been on was in Grand Cayman. About 30 feet of water, they chummed up 3-5 lb yellowtail snapper. Bigguns. What'd they chum em up with??? Scroll down....

Glazed Donuts!!! No kidding, no lie,dead serious. They went absolutely nutso over em!
We were fishing in the bahamas a few years ago when someone broke out the ribs, we had a few racks while fishing and throwing the bones overboard, one of us gets a decent grouper that when he hit the deck spewed out a bunch of rib bones. I said screw it and put a nice rib on my hook and caught another one right away, I think we ended up with 15 red groupers, all about 15-20 lbs. Goes to show, when fish are hungry they'll eat anything.