"My Modest 200 Gallon System Build"

Another little update. I made a filter sock holder/stand out of the remaining acrylic scrap I had left. It came out decent. Buy no means am I a professional at this. In-fact this is my first time cutting and making dividers in sump..so.. lol...excuse the extra silicone... I also washed out a couple buckets of sand and put it in the tank and refugium. When the rock arrives it will be easy brezzy from there. I hope...lol... anyway pict's below of my little progress.





Stand and canopy are beautiful. Build looks good, just puzzled by how your refugium tank is sitting. Why not have support from corner to corner ?
Good build. I like the cleaning idea I might have to do that on mine
Thanks, yea vinegar works great. lol

Stand and canopy are beautiful. Build looks good, just puzzled by how your refugium tank is sitting. Why not have support from corner to corner ?
Thankyou. I personally tested the stand for the refugium and it holds my weight just fine no problem. The load carries out just fine across the top. The only surface area needed is in the middle. The way my stand is on the interior is why I built it this way. But it all works. thanks
A little update via my HTC evo...lol.. Anyhow look at what Santa has brought me so far...more to come Monday... 110 lbs of Marco rock., 60 more pounds of sand, 4 x 150 gallon salt buckets...test kits..and more.... :D waiting on my 60lbs pukani rock and my buckeye rodi unit to come in Monday via Santa's little helper the UPS man...





Finally got the pukani rock & rodi unit from the ups man @ 7:30 last night...geezzz fedex only for me from now on. lol... Was up to 11:30 aquascaping so I pleased with that. Hooked up the rodi today and the filling has started. Probably will take 2 days to completely fill with good 0 tds water. then let the cycle begin.

Note: to self I am talking and posting for myself since no one else is chiming in...oh well....



What are your plans for livestock/corals? I fell into the same scaping trap by make to many vertical cliffs. Very hard to place corals in their "sweet spots". Great thread though!!
What are your plans for livestock/corals? I fell into the same scaping trap by make to many vertical cliffs. Very hard to place corals in their "sweet spots". Great thread though!!

Just saw this thread but that was my thought as well. Looks like it is going to be difficult to place corals with the scape the way it is.
What are your plans for livestock/corals? I fell into the same scaping trap by make to many vertical cliffs. Very hard to place corals in their "sweet spots". Great thread though!!
Thanks for you concern with my scaping. I plan on playing with it a little bit more when I get back home to make it a little bit different. I was in a hurry to get the tank cycle started before I left town for the holidays. Thanks

Must be full by now.
I wish, I will start adding on every two weeks or so. So be on the look out. thanks

Just saw this thread but that was my thought as well. Looks like it is going to be difficult to place corals with the scape the way it is.
I will tweak the scape when I get back in town, but the pictures and video dont do the rock and its awesome shapes any justice. thanks
Made a little progress before I left to go out of town for the holidays and new year. I hooked up a autotop double switch setup with a temporary 30 gallon top off tank and a timer for the temporary lights. Video below

<iframe width="420" height="315" src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/c52EXgyAwzc" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>
Just some quick updates since getting back home monday, hope everyone had a great CHRISTmas and a Happy New Years. I re-did the aquascaping and added a refugium light put some chateo into the refugium. Have some mangrooves coming in a day or two, also will be installig a permanent r/o top off setup above the fuge. Pm Bullet 3 Skimmer has broken in nicely; wonder if I should clean the neck. lol. It will be 2 weeks cycling this friday. Cant wait till next week or two when I can add some fish. Had no idea ro/di water would still cycle with dry rock with the nitrite & nitrate happening?(Fell free to chime in here) Update Pict's below.





Quick little update with refugium. I put my mangroves in and dropped in some free Caulerpa from Joe (great guy with a nice tank). I also orderd some GFO, Carbon, & biopellets with 2 - two little fishies 150's to be here next week. Cant wait to keep the progress going.

Here's a little video of the tank....please excuse the background tv audio...lol, and mess or wires

<iframe width="420" height="315" src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/fIPiEJHvBgU" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>
I added a rack under the stand for the ro/di top off water tank and a float valve in the sump to stop the syphon and to help retain the correct water level. Expecting 2 more two little fishies reactors today that I plan on hooking up. So ill be running a total of 3 ...carbon in one, phosban gfo in the next, and carbon in the last one. Should help keep the water nice and filtered. The filter media's should arrive tummorow from brs.

