My Neptune Apex web interface compatible DIY reef controller

ok looking at it I can do that that with the outlet programming it as far as I can tell but your just saying about further dimming ok.. I get it now.

Any updates lately.. I getting ready to start working on a board bases on current design. I have to expect it will change but I need something just to get things working but is there going to be a new design coming out sooonish or is it going to be a while yet?
it will be a while before the new version will be done. I'm waiting for the LED controller PCB to arrive (maybe another week), and if they are good, I will submit the new controller pcb order, which will take another month. Then it will be all programming work. I will probably complete and release both at the same time.
cool thanks much for the update. I decided to start anyhow but I wanted to get an idea if I was going to wish I had waited but probably not going to be worth it at this point. I look forward to seeing how it looks. Are you planning on publishing the design files or anything or selling bare boards etc?
OK so is there a way to control the outlet LED based on particular time you want for it to turn on and a time for it to turn off? It seems like it is just arbitrarily based on when you set it up and how long it will cycle like all the other outlets? Or am I not understanding how it works. So far it isn't doing what I thought I would expect.
OK so is there a way to control the outlet LED based on particular time you want for it to turn on and a time for it to turn off? It seems like it is just arbitrarily based on when you set it up and how long it will cycle like all the other outlets? Or am I not understanding how it works. So far it isn't doing what I thought I would expect.

yes you would set up as follows, if you want them on at 10am and off at 10pm for example, you would have initial off time 10(off for 10 hrs past midnight) ontime 12(amount of time outlet is on, off time 2(hours left in 24 hr cycle) set mode to auto and make sure inverse cycle is off
Thanks a lot Froggman it now makes more sense that way I just can't seem to get it to turn off when I would expect. So maybe I need to wait for a new day for it to start a new cycle correctly? I also try rebooting the thing I been power cycling it a lot so maybe its lost it's marbles at some point.
When I try to compile i get the following error:

In file included from Chauvet16.ino:23:0:
config.h:122: error: 'NEGATIVE' was not declared in this scope
Chauvet16.ino:34:95: note: in expansion of macro 'LCD_POLARITY'

Any ideas why?
Ok so now I figured out what was wrong why it still wasn't making totall sense. I forgot to adjust the timezone correctly. (doh)

Which leads to a different problem. Is there a way to download changes to the firmware through curl interface remotely? My computer is like far away and that presents a different problem.
Hmm I deleted all the libraries from programfiles/arduiono/ and re-downloaded/modified the ones in my sketchbook folder

In Arduino\Chauvet16\config.h around line 122 there is a line

I went thought the


and there is no reference to LCD_POLARITY
Hmm yeah I not sure it been working for me ok.. Do you have these libraries?

#include LiquidCrystal_SR.h
#include LiquidCrystal_SR2W.h
#include LiquidCrystal_SR3W.h
Hmm I deleted all the libraries from programfiles/arduiono/ and re-downloaded/modified the ones in my sketchbook folder

In Arduino\Chauvet16\config.h around line 122 there is a line

I went thought the


and there is no reference to LCD_POLARITY

this depends on what I2C LCD setting you use, either 1 or 2 depending on the I2C backpack you have on your LCD
Ok so now I figured out what was wrong why it still wasn't making totall sense. I forgot to adjust the timezone correctly. (doh)

Which leads to a different problem. Is there a way to download changes to the firmware through curl interface remotely? My computer is like far away and that presents a different problem.

i dont know how to use the curl but i think that is how you can make changes, i just bring my laptop to my controller everytime i make a change or you can just adjust the time on your outlets to compensate for the timezone
i dont know how to use the curl but i think that is how you can make changes, i just bring my laptop to my controller everytime i make a change or you can just adjust the time on your outlets to compensate for the timezone

yeah I was afraid of that I was being lazy didn't want to have to setup the whole build environment again on a laptop.. :(

I was lucky in finding a set of a** long USB cables and seemed to work ok to program it. I wasn't sure if the cables be too long but lucky it worked. :)
My Neptune Apex web interface compatible DIY reef controller

Hmm yeah I not sure it been working for me ok.. Do you have these libraries?

#include LiquidCrystal_SR.h

#include LiquidCrystal_SR2W.h

#include LiquidCrystal_SR3W.h

Yes all 3 of those exist in Arduino\libraries\LiquidCrystal\

If try changing NEGATIVE to POSITIVE i essentially get the same error

In file included from Chauvet16.ino:23:0:

config.h:122: error: 'POSITIVE' was not declared in this scope


This is the screen I'm using


However the compiler shouldn't care which screen I have .. Should only care if the code is correct
That is weird I using a "positive" screen as well and it compiles fine for me.. You got the right aurdino platform selected? Maybe your still missing a library that isn't obvious?
hunting it down I did find this in LCD.h so maybe your missing this file/library somehow.

@abstract Define backlight control polarity
@discussion Backlight control polarity. @see setBacklightPin.
typedef enum { POSITIVE, NEGATIVE } t_backlighPol;
So that does exist within the LCD.h file.
I tried adding an include for that file directly but didnt work. also deleted the liquidcrystal library and re-added via the zip file.. still the same issues.
Woooo it worked! Thank you to geekengineer for your help!

I ended up deleting all of my ardino folders/projects/libraries (renamed for future use) and started fresh. I loaded a known working version from another member. i then had to individual re-zip each library and add it back to the sketch via arduino > sketch> library > add .zip and add each one individually.. after this it finally compiled!

now my next battle: I have a static IP, I can ping it, index file is on Sd card, port is set to 80 yet nothing loads in the web browser.

On the lcd scren boot it says:
Webserver up
Temp init failed.
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