My Neptune Apex web interface compatible DIY reef controller

My Neptune Apex web interface compatible DIY reef controller

You need to type: password on the password field if you dont changed before.
I got it. I changed the config file for email username and pass but didnt realize that would also be the web login. Time to mount this in an old battery backup enclosure.

This thing is amazing. Thank you doughboy!
The login username and password are defined in config.h

#define BASICAUTH "YWRtaW46cGFzc3dvcmQ="

which is a base64 encoded string, the decoded value is
this is the default login name and password.

to change the login, figure your new username and password, say for example


then go to website to get the base64 encoded value
the encoded value is dGVzdHVzZXI6MTIzNDU=
so you change the config.h entry to


and next time it prompts for login, you enter testuser for username and 12345 for password.

The same base64 encoding is used for the email login and password, but they are separate for email. Change the value the same way as above, only do it separately for username, then for password value.

#define SMTPUSER "YWRtaW4="
#define SMTPPASSWORD "cGFzc3dvcmQ="

The login prompt is the same level of security you get with Neptune Apex controllers. I won't consider it secure by today's standards, but this is also what you get on a $500 controller. The ip address of all login attempts are logged in the controller log (the $500 controller does not). If needed, I can add code to increase the security level, but I don't see the need yet at this point.
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Thanks Jerry, the pwm pumps function is working great. The only thing missing is multi channels LED control and this controller will be perfect.
Thanks Jerry, the pwm pumps function is working great. The only thing missing is multi channels LED control and this controller will be perfect.

you can add your own code now in the main loop to control pwm duty cycle on digital pins 5,6,7,8,9,46 (use analogWrite). variable timenow will contain the value of the current time. to convert that to seconds since midnight, call function

I started messing with Fritzing and its a little slow going. I figured I may as well ask if anyone has done a shield layout for this yet?
I am getting errors, i dont have all the pieces yet, so i dont know if that is why, i am very new to arduinos. The error i am getting is

Apex:7: error: expected constructor, destructor, or type conversion before '(' token

Lots of errors like this.

Any help would be greatly apreciated.
I got it to compile after following the directions and commenting out the stuff from a few post back. so know to build it.. If I use this at work where I have no control of the dhcp and what IP address I get is this going to be a problem using this sketch? If I don't know the ip's to put in config.h?
was finally able to get it all compiled, biggest problem I had is I was unable to edit the libraries with the installation of Arduino's IDE. On a hunch I went ahead and downloaded the zipped version, I was able to edit them there. Just a friendly tip just in case anyone else runs into that problem.
Anyone having trouble SMTP from gmail? I'm using, 587, tried user name with and without, both username and pass are base 64 encoded. What am I missing?
Anyone having trouble SMTP from gmail? I'm using, 587, tried user name with and without, both username and pass are base 64 encoded. What am I missing?

I havnt gotten that far in my build yet, so not sure what problems you are facing, but here is some helpful reading in regards to GMAIL and SMTP:

hope this helps
I haven't set up mail for me yet but have you set authentication ssl/tls on the account Google's SMTP server requires it.

SMTP port: 465
Google starts with SMTP enabled, I don't think you need to set SSL/TLS because it sounds like SSL is mandatory. I changed my port to 465 and that wasn't it. Looks like my NTP update isn't working either so I probably have the network settings jacked up somehow.