My Neptune Apex web interface compatible DIY reef controller

I see a problem with RedTops screen shot of the pump PWM. Pump 3 and 4 show the same graph even though one is sync with pump 1 and the other is Antisync with pump 1. Is that how it's really running or is the graph just wrong for the 4th pump?
I have to check the code if it is just a display problem. But you are right, the 4th should be the same as the second.
I did a quick check with the code, and do not see any problem. I have to configure a 4 pwm pump setup and run the program to see what I get.

in the code in pwmpumps.ino, antisync case is calculated the same, regardless of pump number. so pumps 1 and 3 (second and fourth) should have the same values.
Is it possible that the graph for pump 3 is ignoring the Antisync flag for that pump and displaying the wrong graph? RedTop can you confirm that Pump 4 is running antisync from pump 1? Krazie:jester:
I checked the javascript in index.htm. it makes a json call to get the data, which comes in an array. And the service handler in arduino gets the data for the requested channel from the correct array index.

if you got time now, you can test this by configuring 4 pumps (enable pwmb). configure master, antisync, sync, antisync, then let it run for a minute, then from a browser, enter


and see what data it returns.

first set is master, second set should be complement of first set (255-first value, actual calculation is a bit more complex, as it takes into account the interpolated max, so it does not always use 255), third should be same as first, fourth should be the same as second.</yourcontrollerip>
hi d0ughb0y

how are you

i have problem in apex

after 5 min the apex hang

02:17:32 Got NTP time
02:17:32 NTP time is 07/08/2014 02:17:32
02:17:32 RTC time 07/08/2014 02:17:32
02:17:32 Using RTC as sync provider.
02:17:32 System initializing...
02:17:34 Network initialized.
02:17:36 Temp sensor initialized.
02:17:37 pH sensor initialized.
02:17:38 Outlet Timers initialized
02:17:40 Initialization Completed.
02:17:40 3604
02:17:45 Alarm Event : Temp=88.70 ph=8.03 Top Off water level: r%
02:17:54 /
02:17:55 /pwmwavedef.json
02:17:55 /cgi-bin/status.json
02:17:56 /cgi-bin/datalog.xml?sdate=1407070117&days=31
02:18:04 /LOG/2014/07/08.LOG
02:19:04 /cgi-bin/files.json?root=/
02:19:42 /LOG/2014/07/08.LOG
02:25:05 Got NTP time
02:25:05 NTP time is 07/08/2014 02:25:05
02:25:05 RTC time 07/08/2014 02:25:05
02:25:05 Using RTC as sync provider.
02:25:06 System initializing...
02:25:08 Network initialized.
02:25:11 Temp Init failed
02:25:12 pH sensor initialized.
02:25:13 Outlet Timers initialized
02:25:14 ATO water level 106
02:25:14 Initialization Completed.
02:25:14 3604
02:25:15 Alarm Event : Temp=32.00 ph=8.01 Top Off water level: j%
02:25:21 /LOG/2014/07/08.LOG
02:25:44 /cgi-bin/status.json
02:25:44 /cgi-bin/datalog.xml?sdate=1407070125&days=31
02:25:44 /cgi-bin/datalog.xml?sdate=1407070125&days=31
02:25:47 /cgi-bin/status.json
02:25:47 /cgi-bin/datalog.xml?sdate=1407070125&days=31
02:25:48 /cgi-bin/status.json
02:25:48 /cgi-bin/datalog.xml?sdate=1407070125&days=31
02:25:48 /cgi-bin/status.json
02:25:49 /cgi-bin/datalog.xml?sdate=1407070125&days=31
02:25:54 /cgi-bin/datalog.xml?sdate=1407070125&days=31
02:26:03 /config.json
02:26:10 /config.json
02:26:21 /LOG/2014/07/08.LOG

I have to check the code if it is just a display problem. But you are right, the 4th should be the same as the second.

I have been running 4 WP pumps since day one of d0ughb0y releasing the code and the only problem I have with it is when you reset the arduino pump 3 and 4 default to H1 and not in Auto. But it works with sync and anti sync
I haven't updated the code since daylight saving and the controller has been running without any problems so I didn't update it yet.
I hadn't noticed the graphs being off but the pumps were functioning properly, I don't know if this just recently started but I've watched the graphs before and they were functioning properly...

odd that it hasn't had an issues til now, could it be that I have the 2 WP10s disconnected from it right now ?

I just disconnected them a few days ago, I've been testing the Ferduino wavemaker with the WP10's, since I added the function to automatically change modes
well, when I opened the pump that is wrong on the web interface, it updated and corrected itself....I don't know if there is a problem or it was just a glitch on my PC LOL
ok. it may be possible that the page was in the middle of updating the very instant the screenshot was taken, or maybe some caching on the browser is displaying old data. Anyway, if anyone sees it again, try to refresh the web page, if it still shows the wrong graph, go to a new webpage and enter the url


and email the result to me.
d0ughb0y -

Do you mind sharing more detail on your Jebao cable you made?

I can't find my notes on the pin out, but its really straightforward, just open up your stock controller and figure which pin is +24v, PWM and Gnd.
If I remember correctly, if you look into the cable 3 pin connector (not the one connected to the pump), with the notch on top, the pin to the left is +24v, pin to the right is Gnd, and the bottom pin is PWM.

The PWM is connected to the PWM pump pin on the arduino, plus gnd. The +24v and Gnd comes from the power supply.

I used stereo jack for my pwm0 and pwm1 and gnd connection from controller. I used 2 DC jacks to connect the two DC power supply from the jebao pump. As an option (since you can get just the pumps only on ebay for cheap), you can get a laptop power supply that has double the amp requirement of all the pumps and just wire it directly to the 3 pin connector. Make sure you get a 24vdc power supply.

I've been happy with my 2 wp-25, that I'm considering replacing my return pump with a DC3000 or DC6000.

ok, I found this diagram. note this is looking at the pump side of the connector
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Yes, however I ordered thru Alie Express. Once I get my Protoboard done for everything, I'm thinking of actually have some produced for a cleaner look.