My Neptune Apex web interface compatible DIY reef controller

I've been adding doser code this week and will test this weekend. arduino side of code is probably 80% complete. Nothing in index.htm yet. I ordered a project box for my dosers but the delivery got delayed, so I'll have to test using temporary connections this weekend.

I kept the design simple.
for each pump, you define the following in config
name, ml per day, times per day, interval between dose, start time of cycle.
in the code, I keep track of ml dosed since last reset that is saved between arduino reboot.
all volumes are in ml, and times are in minutes.
interval =0 means auto. if times per day is 4, then interval is 6 hours (360 minutes).
or interval can be manually set, say 60 minutes. So with 4 times a day and start time of 8pm, it will dose at 8,9,10,11 pm.

I think that is simple enough to program dosing or even water change.
I have to test if it is really feasible to use the doser for water change, as the volume may not be enough for a large tank, plus the pumps may not be able to handle the long duty cycle.

calibration method will be
set a volume value, say 5ml (your typical API test tube).
click start to start dosing, click stop right before it gets to 5ml mark.
Then click on + until it reaches 5ml mark. The program will internally keep track of total number of ticks to get to 5ml. Then you can run a test for 5ml and doser will be turned on for that number of ticks. Repeat until you get the right volume. The calibration value for the doser is then saved.
calibrate using the same liquid that you are going to dose, with the same hose setup, as the hose type, placement, height, etc may affect the dosing rate.

I don't know what will be in web page yet. Maybe showing the ml dosed since last reset, the config values, enable/disable the doser, and a way to manually dose (say for catch up).
thank you d0ughb0y
i was had same issue for the temperature reading 32
also after 5 min my apex hang and my relay switch ON OFF and LCD Flashing
i do not know why ?

after i put fan in side the box to cool the Arduino

all problem solve

may be the heat is the problem


can you try to cool your apex

thanks all

I run everything packed tight inside the chauvet and I don't think it gets hot inside. certainly not enough to cause any problem.

99% of the time it is a connection problem. either loose, open or short.
The arduino will not get hot, as I am pretty sure it is not running the cpu at 100%.

are you powering the relay board off of the 5v from the arduino? or are you using a separate 5v supply to power the relay. The relay coil power will draw some current. And if all relays are on, it will draw a lot of current. If the relay is powered from the arduino 5v, it will load the voltage regulator on the arduino and will run hot. If the arduino is not subject to any load, the voltage regulator will not get hot. Other than the relays, I don't think there is anything in the circuit that will continuously draw current that will cause the voltage regulator to get hot.

BTW, if LCD is flashing, you know you can reset it without rebooting by simply unplugging the LCD and pluggin it back in again. The code will detect if LCD is not connected and will reset the LCD once it detect it is connected.
Also, FWIW, Kill-a-Watt shows my controller is running at 3watts (with everything unplugged of course). So I don't think it should run hot at all.

I was looking at Kill-a-watt hacks and see it provides two analog signal that gives the voltage and current readings.

I was thinking maybe I can add power monitoring. Just a total power monitor, not individual outlets. You can probably figure the individual outlet draw from the incremental change when an outlet switches.
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My board is definitely not getting hot, not even warm near the regulator.

I did make some code changes for the feeder and ATO, but nothing I can see that would affect temperature. I am going to take some time to track this down this weekend.
Very cool you are working on the doser, I am just getting around to getting the feeder done and will work on email support. I can't get the foscam to display in the application, it pops a message (my local port on the controller) can't connect. Please show pictures of your doser when you get it done I will be needing to do the same and would appreciate ideas. I need to order couplers to doser tubing lines and would be good to get some spare lines.

you need the port number for your foscam. If you can view the foscam video directly from a browser, you should be able to see the imbedded video in the controller web page.
I am using the port number in the setup, when i log into the foscam with the browser a window pops up with three buttons for activeX, server push mode, and mobile phone. Could that be hanging it? actually the message is unable to load image.

I noticed when I right click on the cam window and ask it to open on a new tab it attempts to log into the cam as usr: psw@ipadd: port if I attempt to log into my cam with this format using a browser it does not work. Do I have some additional setup on the foscam it is a FI8910W. Also I have the same issue with my temp probe, when I init the controller and the ambient air is over 85 degree it fails initialization, if I drop it in a cool glass of water it passes every time.

your foscam is using the same port number as the controller. change the port of the foscam or the controller. I'm surprised both foscam and the controller even worked using the same server port on the network.

the webcam url format is


where foscamip is the ip address of your foscam. You need to use the external address, otherwise, you won't be able to use it when you are not home.
and port is the port number of the foscam camera.

my foscam is my controller is I can see both of them threw my router on the internet as well as locally. Using that format I can see the foscam with my browser after entering the usr and pwd.

on a browser, does the url with username and password at the beginning work?


That is what the controller webpage will display.

If that does not work, all you need is figure what is the url for video push for your foscam model.
So my DC Pump is on it's way. I got upgraded to a DC-6000 because they didn't have any 3000's in stock. Should be here this week. Will keep you posted, plan on using 1 of the PWM pins to control the return.
That format works with the usr:pwd but I do get a message from my browser about possible phishing site. I doubt that is what is keeping it from displaying from the app. If I am using it from the app on my phone should I be using the local address or the internet address for the setup for the web server?This seems to be what the application is passing http://usr:pwd@ if I change the last part to the correct format it works.
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FYI - I received my plugs for the Jebao pumps today, and they are a square notch but small enough that it fits the Jebao connections. The nit that comes with also is the right thread.
is the threading a perfect fit?
The one I got from ebay is a little tight connecting the male/female together, like there is a slight difference in threading pitch.
d0ughb0y - after closer inspection, there is a slight difference in the pitch on the threads. Fortunately not enough to even notice when tightening them up. I'm going to swing by SparkFun after work today, to pickup what I ordered from them. Nice that they are only 30 minutes away from my house.

I need to hurry up and finish building my PCB board, and build a nice little housing for everything, so I can finish it up. Think once I'm happy with the design on my PCB, I might have some made.
I would be interested in a PCB, my proto board is running out of room and I need to add a few things. I was surprised how hard it was to locate bezels for the 2X8 display when I did I ordered 4, if you need one let me know.
