I got the meanwell ldd yesterday. so just waiting for the lumia.
I had a computer problem last week, and lost all the led code I did so far, so I have to redo all that again since I did not have a backup.
Word to the wise from personal experience. Don't power up the LDD's and apply a pwm to them without a load. It makes pretty smoke that makes the wife turn on fans and light lots of candles. Krazie :jester:
Hello,d0ughb0y.some BUG I found in the test controller, I use a hair dryer heating my 18B20 sensor, data did not change when I refresh the page display. You can modify the sensor refresh fast some where. In addition, the refresh button in my home page other than the page click on the browser or press the F5 key for computer keyboard refresh, page blank solidification can not return. This should be the index.htm file of the BUG?
Find out the problem, view log found: A "larm Event: Temp 64.40 Ambient: 0 pH:0.00 cond:0.00 * Alk:50.00 Sonar.114% * 0 female:" should I set cal to "to connect to Chinese leads to unable apex. parsererror" error. Should brush except 2560 inside EEPROM to normal connection. But what can I do to brush except EEPROM? Excuse me, now that I should do?
The reason the password cannot be changed from the webpage is because it will add a lot of code to do the base64 encode/decode function. The way it is coded now does not require base64 conversion as the program simply does a straight compare of the base64 encoding password string.