It uses the 1 wire library and so all temp sensors connect to the same arduino pin. Plenty of info and images on Google likeI am ready to add a 18B20 as the ambient temperature detection. But I want the pin to the motherboard? There are no tables indicating circuit diagram. And the first 18B20 together?
It uses the 1 wire library and so all temp sensors connect to the same arduino pin. Plenty of info and images on Google like
You can run the example library with more than one connected and open serial monitor, touch one sensor until the reading changes and you know the address for it to put in the code against ambient.
Thank you Guy1980 for your solution. I think of a way to read them. Try.
is there a way to run the sketch with out the temp probe? it will be a little while before comes in and I cant get it to work, the log gives me a error on temp because I dont have one installed, should I still be able to get on the web server if I dont have that working?
I researched this a bit more and it looks like JavaScript can encode and decode base64 string. I'll see what I can do with this.
I researched this a bit more and it looks like JavaScript can encode and decode base64 string. I'll see what I can do with this.
#define CONTROLLER_NAME "Foggmans Tide Pool" //change this to your controller name
#define NTPSERVER 206,246,122,250 //, used if dns lookup fails
#define LOCAL_IP 192,168,1,15 //change this to a local fixed ip address
#define ROUTER_IP 192,168,1,1 //change this to your router ip address
#define DNS_IP 24,25,5,61 //dns of your internet service provider
#define MAC {0xDE, 0xAD, 0xBE, 0xEF, 0xFE, 0xED}
#define ROUTER_PORT 8081 //usually port 80 for the ip configuration web page