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I'm still working on the password change code. It is definitely doable on javascript code to encode/decode base64. I'm still deciding what is the best design.
option 1:
after a program upload and ROM reset, on first web connection, it will prompt to create a login.
option 2:
make default login admin/password. Then in setup page add a page to change login.
since the email alert also requires base64 encoded string, I figured if I go with option 2, then I can make the email setting configurable from the web page as well. So I am leaning towards option 2.
in either case above, the password change will only be allowed if the browser is connected from the local network (internal ip address). So you cannot make this change from the internet.
I also just tested my lumia 5.1 and noticed the violets on channel 5 does not glow like the other leds. I contacted the seller, and the seller claims it is normal as it is in UV range (I thought UV is below 400nm, the violet led is supposed to be 410nm) and it will have a glow of only 5lumens per led, vs 180 lumens for the other leds. I posted a question about this in another thread. Anyway, it probably does not matter, as long as I have my led hardware ready so I can start coding the led code again.
I will simplify the LED code design further. The code I lost, I calculated sunrise/sunset based on latitude and longitude and day of year. I am thinking that is not really necessary hence can be simplified. I will use June 21 and Dec 21 as summer and winter solstice day (actual is +/- 1 day of this), and all I need is a longest and shortest day length (say default to 14 and 10 but configurable) and just calculate the sunrise/sunset daily. I think I can also estimate/calculate solar noon, which is at 12noon on equinox and is shifted the rest of the year. The main objective is to have varying day length throughout the year without having to setup/configure too many parameters. I will initially code using pca9685 and then code using arduino pro mini.
+1 for Option 2.
The UV LEDs do look dimmer than the rest. There are two reasons for that. First is that the LED is putting out a lower lumen/watt output as mentioned. Second is that even though true UV doesn't start until 400nm the human eye starts to lose the ability to see the color at ~418nm. 410nm is well below that and so our eye is not able to perceive the actual brightness of the light being produced.
In my experience those UV LEDs have done almost nothing for the corals anyway. I'm glad they removed them on the lumia 5.2.
Will there also be simple Ramp up, stay on, and ramp down options for the LEDs as well? The changing time period sounds cool but for my needs just having a start time, a ramp up time, an on max percent, a ramp down time and an off time is more than enough. The Max percent would allow easy acclimation of new corals and would make it easy change only a couple of values with each step in acclimation to get back to the normal output.