My new 600 gallon reef

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jnarowe & Goodwin9 Well said!

And UM....web cams on 24/7? I feel left out....I wanna tell

oop look at that a little red!
wow well i just read the last 2 pages of this thread and well i just found out about this thread after spending 2 hours drooling at Chucks house. but I can understand why some ppl say he is over stocking but IMHO I don't see a prob. with it in any of his 30 some tanks at his house lol. as this was my 2nd time visiting with him and looking at his tanks, I have never seen any aggression between any of his fish, they all swim where they want and all are very fat and healthy besides a couple that he spoke about.

the reason he has so many tanks is to avoid aggression. a diff tank for diff. species. all of his parameters are in a great range for having so many fish. but also the equipment that he uses also helps very much in keeping them in check. he has some top of the line equipment running his tanks. trust me these are not just setup and go tanks. they have been very well thought out.

also I love seeing a tank like that with so many fish. it really makes it look like an ocean reef. how many times do you watch a documentry on reefs and only see 4 or 5 fish swimming around. hardly ever, you always see hundreds of fish swimming.

so i say keep up what your doing and don't let ppl tell you how to set up your own tank. your water parameters tell you that your doing things right. many ppl here agree with me and don't see any problems with your tank.

i will try to read more tommrow and post some more as now I am subscribed to this thread. and also being tired. lol

but thanks again for showing me the tanks as next time the wife wants to come after i tell her about the setups. :D and also thanks for the macro I hope this works better than my last few batches.
yeah, check his web site. the web cams are sweet. I checked in a while ago and the rays were having a party! damn I want to see that in person. If I had only known last time I was in SD, I would have made the drive. If my wife's Grandmother lives another year, or even if she kicks off, I will definitely invite myself over! :D

And Chuck, you are doing a good job. I myself wouldn't attempt to keep rays as I think they need more space, but then Energy has had them in his system for years too. Don't worry too much about the kids in the room. You just need to get a few hobbyists going in your area so you can sell off problem fish like my LFS does! :lol: That's how I got my maroon clown pair.

They were brought into the LFS and given back because they are a total PITA, and then he sold them and their GBTA to me for $350...don't I feel like an idiot or what? Now I can't put any corals in their area of the tank. I ended up with digitata all over the place because she would toss them, break them, and spit the pieces everywhere. Kinda like a real reef! :)
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=10527580#post10527580 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by erics3000
I realy don't think people would talk the way the talk if they were face to face. I can see both of your intentions but you both come off very rude. Manners...Concern for fish..You guys really sound like a$$holes..Your approach kill your points..At first i was curious how old is Atommik and trigger fish,what do they do for work? I really dont give 2 s#!$ Your attitudes destroy anything that might be constructive..

Overstocking is an interesting topic. Fish selection is also an interesting topic. A great discussion with a lot of valuable information.

I myself have been interested in Chucks stocking of his tanks. Like Johnathan said he does have a few other tanks up and going with a lot of fish for a few years. That must say something. We sure all don't know everything..Especially about the ocean and the creatures in it, not to mention raising them in captivity..

Sorry to everyone..for my replies. I really look forward to seeing the progress of your tanks Chuck.

Thank you for your input and thoughts. I'm not the most knowegable one on this forum, but I have learned a few things. I thought that I had a pretty good grasp on fish compatabilities and put my lions and trigger in a FO tank, my Octopus in his very own tank, and my shark and rays in their own tank. From what little I know, I believe all of the fish I have in my 600 tank are capatable with each other. From my personal experince, I know which fish I am unable to keep either from my lack of knowledge of the species or proper care and feeding of them.

Overstocked, is that the same as heavily stocked? When I first got started, I was told by the LFS that the rule of thumb was 1" of fish for every gallon, so if this is a wifes tale, what constitutes "over stocked" I probably should have done more reading before I bought fish???

By the way, I don't think that you over reacted by any means......
Goodwin9, you can judge a fish by its behaviour, age and coloration. The older they get, the worse their aggressiveness becomes. For ex, schooling tangs such as Yellow tangs, should be ok with the size of your tank. You might be ok with Hippo tangs as well. When it comes to solitary fish, such as the big Acanthurus tangs, they will eventually want their own territory within your tank and will fight. They will also fight for dominance, and for food.

That is why I have two different species in my tank. They get along great. You can have a Zebrasoma tang (like a sailfin), and a Sohal tang, and a Atlantic Blue tang in one tank. Different species of tang. Some you can have more of, as they school in nature.. like a Convict tang, yellow, Atlantic, and so on You got to do research to make sure that they will be compatible. I had a yellow tang go to town on a Copperband Butterfly... A butterfly!! So you never know.

I would keep a school of yellow tangs. I would remove most of the Acanthurus tangs, except those that you really like. I wouldn't keep more than 3 in your setup, as they get large (HUGE). With Zebrasoma (Sailfin, Yellow, Purple, Scopas), I would keep only up to two of each. One can take one side of the tank, and the second the other side. Naso tangs I have seen kept in pairs or in threes so you might luck out there. But remember, they all get very very big. So if you do plan on having those fish 5 years down the road.. then you need to sell some off.

I hope that helps.
Goodwin0, when it comes to aggression.. you may not see it right now as fish are still young and maturing. Once they get to the adult stage in their growth.... you will know. Trust me. I have seen tangs kill each other before.
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=10527970#post10527970 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by MrSaltLife
I take u didnt care for my defending u?
No, I do appreciate it! I've been trying to figure out what they have been talking about and respond to them the best I can. I hope someone can tell me the when & why my tank is going to crash and what I can do to prevent it from happening.
Here is a picture from my 470 and since I don't have a thread going on this tank, maybe someone can chime in and tell me if this tank is going to meet the same fate as my 600. This tank has been up and running about a year and a half.

Please hurrrrrrryyyyy sell all fish in that tank there is toooooo much fish pooo there all gonna die. Or better yet give them to me(LOL)
Nasos that I have seen to tend to be mild mannered, but all the sailfins I have seen, including my own, are quick witted, eat anything, and run the tank wild. What's interesting is that most reefers I know consider the purple tang to be fairly agressive, yet mine is not at all. There are definitely personality differences in fish too, and when they are introduced to the tank matters as well.

I have watched your cams numerous times and never seen any problems. But with time comes maturity, and that's when you will make those decisions. The great thing about this hobby, at least IMO, is that reefers are so willing to share.

Even in my case, I ordered in three yellow eyed koles and one arrived DOA. That meant two went into the tank and one beat the other one into submission. I got lucky and netted it as it was giving up, and gave it to another reef keeper. He was so happy to get the free tang and I was happy it could go to someone else's tank.
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=10528016#post10528016 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by Atomikk
Goodwin0, when it comes to aggression.. you may not see it right now as fish are still young and maturing. Once they get to the adult stage in their growth.... you will know. Trust me. I have seen tangs kill each other before.
This probably sounds like a stupid question, but how do I tell the difference between a juvi or adult yellow tang for example?
Is that 4 Yellow Tangs???? What are u thinking??? There gonna get big and kill each other!!!! You see statements like these are not necessary they are rude!!! And pointless the ocean is one of the strangest things ever no one knows alot of anything have u heard about the whale eating squid just found after years of fishing and research???
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=10528106#post10528106 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by jnarowe
Nasos that I have seen to tend to be mild mannered, but all the sailfins I have seen, including my own, are quick witted, eat anything, and run the tank wild. What's interesting is that most reefers I know consider the purple tang to be fairly agressive, yet mine is not at all. There are definitely personality differences in fish too, and when they are introduced to the tank matters as well.

I have watched your cams numerous times and never seen any problems. But with time comes maturity, and that's when you will make those decisions. The great thing about this hobby, at least IMO, is that reefers are so willing to share.

Even in my case, I ordered in three yellow eyed koles and one arrived DOA. That meant two went into the tank and one beat the other one into submission. I got lucky and netted it as it was giving up, and gave it to another reef keeper. He was so happy to get the free tang and I was happy it could go to someone else's tank.

Johnathan let me know when you have trouble like that. I assist you with my address. I will even chip in on the shipping.

Fish are wierd.
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=10528113#post10528113 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by Goodwin9
This probably sounds like a stupid question, but how do I tell the difference between a juvi or adult yellow tang for example?

Some species of fish have distinct juvenile coloration. Ex, Chevron tang.. Red coloration when young, brown when adult. Most Acanthurus species are bland in colour during juvenile stages of development. In tangs, their 'spurs' get sharper and their tail fins get streaks. The colors on an adult fish are unmistakable.

For yellow tangs, I would judge them by size.
Wow alots happened since I last logged on. People are really taking this too seriously.
I have several large tangs, naso and acanthurus, with minimal aggression. The answer lies in the abundance of food. The fish are not fighting for territory itself, but for the resources the territory provides. There are many instances in the wild where animals that are normally in competition, come together peacefully when food is abundant.
I am a heavy feeder, and as a result I am able to reduce in tank aggression. Whether in the wild or in captivity, when food is in abundance, there's no need to waste energy or risk injury in fighting. I think alot of these coral guys restrict their feedings to maintain water quality, and thus promote competition of their fish for food. Sure a fish will fight and even kill another if food is limited. It's about survival.
The downfall is I have to do more frequent, larger water changes, but its worth it to keep these beautiful animals.
i dont post ever here,,
first off, regardless of the so called porfessionals on these sites opinions, your tank (if you can call it that) is gorgeous,,

unfortunately, as i have witnessed many times before, it seems that you have become yet another victim of the AP haters, who basically surf threads and and point out mistakes or as they see them. These mistakes are strictly based on the information that they believe in,,, it sort of falls under the same concept as religion, all with one goal,, all with different ways of getting there,,, regardless, i do believe that one of the so called doomsday theorists of your tank crashing had a quite similar event not too long ago, so really has no right to point fingers... it appears that they are taking a calmer way, but unfortunately are somewhat two faced as they are preaching "HOW NOT TO STOCK YOUR TANK" on the "other boards.. cough AP cough...

Although i do not personally agree with all your methods, i do not feel it is not my right or anyone elses to scold you,, honestly, the hobby has advanced tremendously in the previous years, and most of these "pros" are only as intelligent as the last thing they read on their home board and really have no previous knowledge past "Euro Reef and Metal Halide or T5".... They are for the most part trend reefers, and thus, follow the information that they read on the net,,, and truly have no experience in the "Long run". But rather, leech off the information which is given and feel it their god given right to pass it on to everyone who they feel does not fit into their "proper methodolgy".

I commend you on sharing your piece of the ocean, and taking everyones thoughts wishes and advice with such an open mind, if i were you, i would probably already be banned...

In addition to this, regardless of how large or little of an impact my comment makes, i feel it necessary to tell you that you are being made an example of on other boards in a negative way, this is not to upset you, but just to bring it to your attention, as i feel that this is inexcusable, and just stright rude, as the instigator of the thread on the other site is also a poster on this one...
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