I am going to chime in here but I am dead tired so this will not be complete by any means.
First and foremost, I want to address Atomikk's comment pasted below:
Secondly, I have seen first hand a yellow tang bully a purple tang into submission.
Just because you have seen this happen, doesn't mean it will EVER happen again. For example, in my system, I had a purple tang and a yellow tang gang up on another yellow tang. The victim holed itself up in a crevace so that it could defend itself, but couldn't come out to eat. It looked worse and worse as the days went by, and any time it poked out, it would be chased back in. I was sure I was going to lose it to starvation. It got very thin and I could not trap it because it wouldn't come out. I had resigned myself to the impending loss, and went down to check the tank one day, and there it was, out about 10" or so looking for food. Within two days it was back in general population like nothing had happened. It fattened back up and is alive and well. SO for nearly a month tis fish was ostrasized, and then let back into the community. I don't know why, but it happened...that doesn't mean it's going to happen to someone else just because they have 2 yellow tangs and one purple tang.
triggerfish1976 makes some good points and in particular #3. This is one of the most important issues in keeping good parameters. We have been sold a load of crap about sandbeds, sand-sifting animals et. al. and I am currently making changes to my system similar to these suggestions.
and Chuck, as for the sand filters not needing any maintainance...that's total BS. If you don't change out the sand, phosphate and nitrate will bond until the sand has reached its capacity, and then you won't be able to control your water parameters. You will end up with a total breakdown IMO. This is indeed an important issue that you should consider, especially in light of your stocking levels, because it will happen faster. Just take a look at all the TBS tanks that crash at about the 2 year mark. Sand is an excellent media but ity must be maintained. Check my thread tomorrow for more on this. I will post sometime after noon.
If my parameters were as high as yours, I would soil my pants...but having wrote that, it is because I want corals to thrive in my system. I view your systems much more as FOWLR tanks, and I think others posting here should do the same. Think of it more as FOWLRs with some experimentation with corals! And lighten up for his sake...you know how we are...we get crazy when we think something is wrong with our tanks. He's going to be freaking out. Be gentle with your students and they will learn something.