My new 600 gallon reef

<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=14050793#post14050793 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by Goodwin9
I think that I have one...


The ABT is a favorite of mine, whish I had a 300 g or so tank for one. Guess I missed that one going in. Or just forgot it in all the awesome tangness.

Glad to see you're on top of of it!!! :thumbsup:
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=14067188#post14067188 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by prostaff
That's a gorgeous rabbitfish. What is it called?
It was sold to me as an Orange Spotted Rabbit fish, but I wouldn't call the spots orange, so I am not sure exactly what it is.
They are sweet...but tend to munch on things you would rather keep.

Hey Bax, did you see pics of video of my ABT?
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=14074319#post14074319 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by jnarowe
They are sweet...but tend to munch on things you would rather keep.

Hey Bax, did you see pics of video of my ABT?
This one pretty much wiped out most of the zoos in the tank...

Where's the video...I didn't see it :mad:
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=14070023#post14070023 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by marcus.breaux
that is an awesome tank!!!
Thank you! I am impressed that you were able to read my thread in 1 minute following your previous post. :confused:
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=14074358#post14074358 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by Goodwin9
This one pretty much wiped out most of the zoos in the tank...

Where's the video...I didn't see it :mad:

I did see that vid J ... in a word ... cooool!

And Chuck I had no idea they were zoa eaters! Had a Blue Striped Rabbit that taught several of my fish to eat zoas!

Just the sheer size of J's has scared me off of trying one in my "soon to be" 200 g.

I just luv'em though OSTs too!
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=14081734#post14081734 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by jma1978
I'm getting confused here. Which one is a zoa eater? The rabbitfish or the Atlantic Blue Tang?
The Rabbit fish in my case....
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=14081734#post14081734 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by jma1978
I'm getting confused here. Which one is a zoa eater? The rabbitfish or the Atlantic Blue Tang?


The confusion was mine, I didn't realize Chuck was talking about the Rabbit, my rabbit ate zoas too. I thought Chuck meant the ABT was eating zoas and that would have been something I would not suspect from the tang. Must have skimmed one post too many there :rolleyes:
yeah, other than my foxface, most rabbits I have seen eat zoos. To bad because they are wicked cool. I love the orange spots in particular. I find that rabbits tend to have very friendly personalities.

On the topic of big fish, I have been tempted so many times to get a vlamingi. I have met a few that seem to be extremely friendly and well mannered. And there are some local people with ones that are "show" size (but not fully grown). They all want to GIVE them to me.

The problem as you can see, is that at just under 12", the ABT looks rediculous in my tank. Don't forget my tank is 8' x 5' x 35"h. That ABT came out of a tank that was about 200g IIRC...and it just clearly outgrew it.

So, word to the collector, fish that get very big will be a problem, even in very large tanks.
I haven't seen my rabbit eat any zoos. I think the moorish idol beats him to it. I just place my zoos around the tomato clownfish and it's anenome. The tomato clown chases the moorish idol away from the zoos in the area. I have to make a note to do that with my new tank.
My blue stripped rabbit takes pellets right out of my hand. I really like him and could live without the zoas, but he nips (more like chomps and tugs) at clam mantles, and that's not cool!
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=14083684#post14083684 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by jnarowe
yeah, other than my foxface, most rabbits I have seen eat zoos. To bad because they are wicked cool. I love the orange spots in particular. I find that rabbits tend to have very friendly personalities.

On the topic of big fish, I have been tempted so many times to get a vlamingi. I have met a few that seem to be extremely friendly and well mannered. And there are some local people with ones that are "show" size (but not fully grown). They all want to GIVE them to me.

The problem as you can see, is that at just under 12", the ABT looks rediculous in my tank. Don't forget my tank is 8' x 5' x 35"h. That ABT came out of a tank that was about 200g IIRC...and it just clearly outgrew it.

So, word to the collector, fish that get very big will be a problem, even in very large tanks.
I'd agree on th rabbit's personalities. Mine eats out of my hand.

I've nerver kept a fish that grows faster than a Vlamingii. I've got 3 and the one in the 210 needs to be caught and placed into the 600. There are super friendly and always at the front to the tank, (till you have a net in your hand).
I love the vlamingis, really. Just too chicken to get one.

My Foxface Lo is so friendly it will rub up against you like a cat...therein lies a serious problem. I got stung by it (on accident) one time, so now I never put my hand in the tank during feeding.

I often have kids over that want to feed the fish so I have to be very specific and watch very closely. You never know when someone will have an acute reaction. As it was, my sting was on my wrist for months.
I love Vlamingis, they have the most fantastic personalities like everyone's mentioned. Too bad they don't come in a smaller, more small tank friendly size.

I would probably adopt another one, but most likely I would put out the word and see who has one that has outgrown its current tank again.
Ah geez....I'm in serious trouble. Currently, I have the following in my 400 gallon tank:

N. vlamingi
Atlantic Blue Tang (I had no idea they get THAT big)
N. unicornis
N. elegans

While the elegans and vlamingi might achieve comparable sizes, there is no doubt that the vlamingi gets there much quicker!
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=14086353#post14086353 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by Untamed12
Ah geez....I'm in serious trouble. Currently, I have the following in my 400 gallon tank:

N. vlamingi
Atlantic Blue Tang (I had no idea they get THAT big)
N. unicornis
N. elegans

While the elegans and vlamingi might achieve comparable sizes, there is no doubt that the vlamingi gets there much quicker!
WOW! I just looked at your web cam....very impressive looking tank. If you don't have a thread with pictures, you sure are welcome to post pictures of your tank on my thread. I noticed the Look Down, how has it done in your tank?