My new 600 gallon reef

Thanks Chuck. I saw you feeding your fish last night! I was wathcing your tank and i thought id ask what you feed them. Good to hear that the tang is doing well!
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=14204368#post14204368 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by Goodwin9
I finally got my Horse-shoe tang, (Acanthurus fowleri) tonight. The LFS ordered this one for me and it arrived tonight. To avoid conflicts with the other tangs, I put it in the ricordea tank for the night. Had a hard time getting a good picture, so these will have to do until tomorrow when all of the lights are on.







Ah man. You got a Fowleri tang!!! Soon it's colours will come out and blow you away. Well done. My favourite fish.
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=14204659#post14204659 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by melev
Or you need a friend. ;) Put Lunchbucket to work already. :D

The new tangs are very pretty. Why is the newest one called Horseshoe? I don't really see anything that makes me think of one.

The purple mark behind its gills is in the shape of a horseshoe.
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=14204593#post14204593 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by Goodwin9
I'm not sure about being last. I hadn't read anything about them being aggressive. The one site I looked at showed the disposition of the fish to be peaceful. I guess I will find out when I put it in the big tank.

In my experience they're the most docile of the Acanthurus. Almost too docile b/c they'll get picked on. They're extremely fragile too. I'd say more fragile then an achilles. Atleast I've had better success with keeping an achilles than a Fowlers tang.
The Fowler's tang is stunning, and its always nice to see more blond nasos around.

Those before and after photos of the 600 are amazing themselves too. The tank looks very different after you've scraped it clean!
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=14223071#post14223071 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by michika
The Fowler's tang is stunning, and its always nice to see more blond nasos around.

Those before and after photos of the 600 are amazing themselves too. The tank looks very different after you've scraped it clean!
I wished I would have thought ahead and done that with the 470, it was much worse off and now you can actually view the fish inside the tank :)

I had the LFS store special order the Naso the previous week and when it didn't show up, they told me the wholesaler didn't have one that looked good. So the LFS reordered it again for me this week and low & behold, two of them arrived in their order. I was going to take both, except there was another guy in the store looking at it and I let him have it. After getting home with mine and cutting it loose, I wish that I had taken them both. I'd like to pick up another for the 470 if I can get it a little smaller.

The Fowler's is a great looking fish. It's still in the ricordea tank so it is hard to get a really good picture of it's colors. I am really happy that I was finally able to get hold of one. :D
3 new additions, sort of... Saw one of the salt display tanks at the LFS with Mollies in it and thought that I would give them a try. Drip acclimated them for half a day and then dropped them in the frag tank and after a day in the tank, they are still going strong and seem to follow the sailffin around in the tank.


Do you have any problems with the mollies multiplying out of control? I tried 12 of them once, but they all disappeared over the first night. Don't know if they were eaten, or died from the salinity.
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=14224916#post14224916 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by jma1978
Do you have any problems with the mollies multiplying out of control? I tried 12 of them once, but they all disappeared over the first night. Don't know if they were eaten, or died from the salinity.
Maybe Jonathan can answer this one better. I was told at the LFS that they will have more babies in saltwater and that they can be eaten both by the other fish AND corals, which surprised the heck out of me.
Well look at that, I have never seen mollies in a reef, but wouldn't mind adding some if the damsels were so aggressive. Neat :)
I usually get a dozen at a time, and they do not multiply out of control simply for the fact that they live bear and apparently the babies are wicked tasty! :)

I would assume in my system many get skimmed out as well. You can guess an average lifespan in most of the mixed reefs we see on RC for a black molly is about 3 - 4 months.

I have had them last much longer, but most go away wihtin a few weeks. I have witnessed one being snatched by the female maroon clown and fed to the GBTA. Whatever the case, I feel they are good for my reef because:

1. They are really cheap;

2. They bear live young which are then in turn consumed by polyps, fish, and anemones.

3. They eat algae! Yay!

4. They are non-agressive.

Me likey. :D
I acclimated and grew six scats in my last aquarium. They were great for algae eating, and real friendly. I could reach in and lift them out of the aquarium with my hand. I eventually donated them to a LFS when they got big.
my mollies eat nori and poke around nibbling on whatever they find in the tank. They tend to hang near the surface though.
well, they peck at all sorts of stuff, but certainly don't eat enough to make a difference. Sorry for the bad news Micki! :lol: