My new 600 gallon reef

<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=14229310#post14229310 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by Cougarman
I acclimated and grew six scats in my last aquarium. They were great for algae eating, and real friendly. I could reach in and lift them out of the aquarium with my hand. I eventually donated them to a LFS when they got big.
What is a scat? Never heard of them before :confused:
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=14231239#post14231239 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by jnarowe
they might eat 10 x their body weight, but they only weigh a gram or two! :lol:
The more they eat, the fatter they get :confused:
Hard to believe it was two years ago when the tank arrived.








I am actually going to be down in SF for a few hours on Friday...You should PM me your number if you will be around about 3pm. I would love to see all your tanks!
The inside of the tank has changed and looks amazing, but I'm equally amazed that you've managed to NOT change the equipment underneath it. It seems I'm always tinkering with the support equipment...
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=14273009#post14273009 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by jma1978
The inside of the tank has changed and looks amazing, but I'm equally amazed that you've managed to NOT change the equipment underneath it. It seems I'm always tinkering with the support equipment...
There are a number of additions that happened behind the tank, 3 additional media reactors, 2 additional 40 watt UV's, and to the right of the tank, there now sits a 1HP chiller, so much for having it all planned out in the beginning......
I was lucky enough to see ALL Chuck's tanks in person!!! :eek1:

All I can say is WOW!!

It was amazing how well taken care of the tanks were. I only have three tanks and can hardly manage to keep them up.

The fish were way too cool, all so nice and big. It is really neat when you can see how the fish interact with each other in such large tanks.

All I wish is that I had more time to spend at his house looking at all the equipment and tanks.

Great job Chuck!!!!

Just got back from Sioux Falls, SD and had the pleasure of seeing Chuck's house and several tanks.

I can elaberate on Dustin's "Wow" from above. This is a house that is dedicated to the passion of fish keeping. Chuck truely has a passion and you can tell it on his face the moment you walk through his doors. It took us a good 45 minutes to make it to the basement because he has 6-7 very interesting tanks on the first three levels of the house.

If you ever have the time it would be well spent looking at this "aquarium heaven". Pretty much everywhere I looked i could see some kind of aquarium in sight...Now some of you might be thinking "but are they all nice?"...That is an easy answer. YES!! I could have spend 5-6 hours at his house and never even get to the basement.

But the basement is information overload. He had a "water-station" that is proabably better than all of the LFS's i have ever seen. He definantely has much more salt than a semi could hold!! The 600 is absolutely stunning with all the different tangs...The 470 might even be a better tank if that is possible. No, he doesn't have like 100 "super colored" corals, but he honostly has a more realistic reef than what i have at my house.

You will never truely understand what kind of person it takes to care for these types and numbers of tanks until you meet Chuck. I would guess its a full-time job!! :) It was truely a pleasure to see your stuff and I hope to see it again!! I do regret forgetting my camera, but if you ask nicely I am sure he would snap you photos of anything you wanted!
What a great post. I completely agree - Chuck is a very involved aquarist that wants all of his livestock to be happy. I had a great time visiting his home 1.5 years ago, and hope to get out that way again some day.