Just got back from Sioux Falls, SD and had the pleasure of seeing Chuck's house and several tanks.
I can elaberate on Dustin's "Wow" from above. This is a house that is dedicated to the passion of fish keeping. Chuck truely has a passion and you can tell it on his face the moment you walk through his doors. It took us a good 45 minutes to make it to the basement because he has 6-7 very interesting tanks on the first three levels of the house.
If you ever have the time it would be well spent looking at this "aquarium heaven". Pretty much everywhere I looked i could see some kind of aquarium in sight...Now some of you might be thinking "but are they all nice?"...That is an easy answer. YES!! I could have spend 5-6 hours at his house and never even get to the basement.
But the basement is information overload. He had a "water-station" that is proabably better than all of the LFS's i have ever seen. He definantely has much more salt than a semi could hold!! The 600 is absolutely stunning with all the different tangs...The 470 might even be a better tank if that is possible. No, he doesn't have like 100 "super colored" corals, but he honostly has a more realistic reef than what i have at my house.
You will never truely understand what kind of person it takes to care for these types and numbers of tanks until you meet Chuck. I would guess its a full-time job!!

It was truely a pleasure to see your stuff and I hope to see it again!! I do regret forgetting my camera, but if you ask nicely I am sure he would snap you photos of anything you wanted!