My new 600 gallon reef

The Pearl Eye Bicinctus clownfish seem to be developing streamers...




<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=15302817#post15302817 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by kudora
just finished reading all the splits over the course of several hours, all i can say is WOW. What a dedication to this hobby, you truly take it to the next lvl Chuck. my wife thought i was crazy as i commented out loud to myself on how beautiful your tangs are.

i learned a great deal about tangs reading your thread and i can say i learned of a couple new ones i had never seen before. Thank you for the documentation over the years.


you are only 9 hours away i would love to come down and check out your tank sometime.
I'm glad that you enjoyed the thread. Your wife probably thinks I'm nuts.. If you are ever in the area, let me know and you are more than welcome to stop and check things out.
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=15308136#post15308136 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by jnarowe
man those clownfish are wicked. I have never seen that before.
I first thought that I was seeing things when I noticed them last night. The tail fins sure don't look like any I have ever seen on clowns before. At first, I thought that it was the white in the tail fin, but the closer I looked, the more they looked like streamers. I'm going to have to keep a closer eye on these fish and see what develops.
The past couple of days, I had noticed my Blonde Naso was becoming very inactive and not eating much if anything. The silver color was becoming more of a dark grey, almost brown. I took the first picture Monday night. The next two were taken yesterday afternoon. Looks like I won't have to feed the carpet for a while.



<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=15395279#post15395279 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by Cougarman
Holy smokes!!
That's what I thought when I found it in the carpet. The Naso was at least 6" long. In the past when I have fed the anemone frozen krill or shrimp, it wraps itself around it and doesn't open back up until it is gone. I haven't checked this morning to see if there are any remains. Will have to remember to keep my hands away from that anemone.....
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<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=15395315#post15395315 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by Goodwin9
That's what I thought when I found it in the carpet. The Naso was at least 6" long. In thepast wehn I have fed the anemonoe frozex krill or shrimp, it wraps itself around it and doesn't open back up until it is gone. I haven't checked this morning to see if there are any remains. Will have to remember to keep my hands away from that anemone.....

WOW - Holy Moly - I didn't imagine it could eat something that big. YIKES.

Do you think it snatched it while it was weakening and ate him, or he might have not made it and was being blown around in the water flow dead and got blown onto the carpet?

I'd be curious to see a picture from today. Just tried to get on the webcams but can't get the images to load - are they down?

<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=15395315#post15395315 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by Goodwin9
That's what I thought when I found it in the carpet. The Naso was at least 6" long. In thepast wehn I have fed the anemonoe frozex krill or shrimp, it wraps itself around it and doesn't open back up until it is gone. I haven't checked this morning to see if there are any remains. Will have to remember to keep my hands away from that anemone.....

It'll take your arm off man!!!
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=15395331#post15395331 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by Itaysworld
WOW - Holy Moly - I didn't imagine it could eat something that big. YIKES.

Do you think it snatched it while it was weakening and ate him, or he might have not made it and was being blown around in the water flow dead and got blown onto the carpet?

I'd be curious to see a picture from today. Just tried to get on the webcams but can't get the images to load - are they down?

I would guess that it got blown into the anemone. I just went down and looked at the tank, and with just the actinics on, I didn't see anything in the anemone and didn't see any remains in the tank.
That is too bad about the naso. I wonder if the carpet may split after such a large meal???

That pearl eye clown is very cool BTW!
Awesome to see nature at work although I'm sure it wasn't nice to lose the Naso. I've always loved Naso Tangs. They always seem to be on sale around the 20" mark here though. I ike to get the fish young and watch them develop.
wow thats not something you see everyday. sorry to hear about the loss, any other tangs showing the same symptoms?
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=15395577#post15395577 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by Bax
That is too bad about the naso. I wonder if the carpet may split after such a large meal???

That pearl eye clown is very cool BTW!
This photo was taken a few minutes ago with just the actinics and flash. I still can't figure how the anemone would be able to consume such a large fish in such a short period of time. Sure hope that it doesn't split..

I bought that clowns cause I like their little beady eyes, the streamers are something I have never seen before in pictures of clowns. Kind of a nice little extra....

<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=15395649#post15395649 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by NexDog
Awesome to see nature at work although I'm sure it wasn't nice to lose the Naso. I've always loved Naso Tangs. They always seem to be on sale around the 20" mark here though. I ike to get the fish young and watch them develop.
Well, I guess that it is better than trying to get it out of the tank and flush it. This is the second time over the years that I have lost a Naso with similar circumstances. No visible signs of disease, becomes lethargic, and stops eating.

I'll bet a 20" Naso would be an impressing looking fish!
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=15395724#post15395724 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by kudora
wow thats not something you see everyday. sorry to hear about the loss, any other tangs showing the same symptoms?
I noticed Monday when I was feeding the tank, that the Naso wasn't in the middle of the feeding frenzy that takes place with the larger tangs in the tank. Other than being much darker in color, there weren't any visible signs. Guess I had better get out the vitamins & garlic for a while and hope that I don't have any more problems.
Same thing happened to one of mine, and the GBTA protected the kill. I finally gave up and let it keep it. You may find out that the body is under the anemone and half eaten, like it is saving it for later.

I would definitely load up on carbon too.
Years ago, my carpet anem got quite ill after consuming something that was too large for it to properly digest. Basically, the food (I think it was a starfish) started to rot inside the gut.

In the end, I used tweezers to reach down inside and pull an ugly black ball out of the anem's gut. The anem made an immediate recovery and I still have it now 12 years later.

I dare say, my green carpet might be larger than yours!

So...keep your eye on it. That is certainly a pretty big meal. I do wonder what happened to your Naso...

What was it eating? It makes me wonder if I'm giving my Naso enough variety of foods.
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=15396380#post15396380 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by Untamed12
Years ago, my carpet anem got quite ill after consuming something that was too large for it to properly digest. Basically, the food (I think it was a starfish) started to rot inside the gut.

In the end, I used tweezers to reach down inside and pull an ugly black ball out of the anem's gut. The anem made an immediate recovery and I still have it now 12 years later.

I dare say, my green carpet might be larger than yours!

So...keep your eye on it. That is certainly a pretty big meal. I do wonder what happened to your Naso...

What was it eating? It makes me wonder if I'm giving my Naso enough variety of foods.
I've have been surprised that I didn't find any skeletal remains from the naso. Seems the carpet ate the whole works. The carpet has not shown any ill side effects following such a large meal.