My new 90 gallon trimless SPS tank


Premium Member
I have always kept a mixed reef, but yesterday I set up this new 90 gallon and disposed of all my non-SPS. I thought that I would post a few pics of my new tank. Jason



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What bulbs are you using?

Those are 14.5k Megachrome. I have had them for 5 months and LOVE them. I am getting ready to put a new set in.

The tank is 1/2" glass.

Thanks for the compliments! :)
Did you really dispose all your non SPS? That is un-reefer. If you gave them away or traded them into a LFS for credit that would be cool.
dammit. I thought I liked the way my open top Euro braced 90gallon tank I see upgrade in the future ;)
Did you really dispose all your non SPS? That is un-reefer. If you gave them away or traded them into a LFS for credit that would be cool.
OK I will clarify. I SOLD those corals. Didnt mean to confuse you.

brahm, how is yours different? Why dont you like it?

I origionally ordered this tank with no bracing at all but the manufacturer wanted to put it on for peace of mind. It would look alot cleaner without it.
Thunnus said:
OK I will clarify. I SOLD those corals. Didnt mean to confuse you.

brahm, how is yours different? Why dont you like it?

I origionally ordered this tank with no bracing at all but the manufacturer wanted to put it on for peace of mind. It would look alot cleaner without it.

Mine has the euro bracing, which I thought looked nice, until I see yours with no bracing @ all :) I was just happy not to have black plastic trim!
Thanks y'all. I am getting some more corals today and will take some more pictures afterwards. Jason
I thought that I would post a few pictures of some of the corals in the tank. Nothing too impresive here. I am budgeted to buy 2 colonies per month from Reefermadnes(I love there stags) so it should not take too long to have this tank lookin nice. You can see some unintentional fragging in the second picture.



