I will try, but not necessarily BTAs.
I've seen a study that indicates that they also accept H. magnifica as a host.
I could have sworn I have seen a picture pair of wild white stripe maroons hosting in a ritteri.
Damselfishes & Anemonefishes Scott W. Michael pp234-235 "Prmnas biaculeatus, Spinecheek Anemonefish: Unusual occurrence of what appears to be two large females nesting among the tentacles of Heteractis magnifica, the Magnificent Sea Anemone in Lembeh Strait, Indonesia."
IMO, the anemone in the photo on page 235 hosting the two white stripe maroons looks like Entacmaea quadricolor.
The maroon clown Premnas biaculeatus, the sole
member in genus Premnas is commonly known as spine-
cheek anemone fish. Adult fishes have golden yellow bands
and all young ones possess white bands. Males are smaller
and brighter red than females with brilliant white stripes.
This reef fish is in high demand in the marine ornamental
fish trade due to their most striking colouration, and
proclivity to live in association with tentacle anemone
Heteractis magnifica and bulb tipped or purple base sea
anemone Entacmaea quadricolor (Allen, 1972, 1980).
In India, this species is available only in the coral reef
ecosystem of Andaman and Nicobar islands (Talwar, 1990;
Madhu and Madhu, 2000). "
Old source, I don't find the above credible information, not WRT H. magnifica hosting Premnas biaculeatus in the wild.