My new office tank!

So came to work today and saw that almost no water was gone from the tank. Appears the lid is working well. The filter was still running strong and things are looking good. My next purchase will be a timer for the lights so they come on when I am not there for when I eventually put some softies in. I also fed a bit of phytofeast for the little guys in there that may need it. So far so good.
Well, I added some more rubble to the middle overflow chamber in the back to give some more surface area to the tank. Then I tested for Ammonia to check my cycle. My reading on API was .50 so I am definitely in a cycle. My office mates keep asking when I am going to put a fish in and I just keep telling them "when it isn't going to die" lol. Even though my plan is not a fish anyway. So, the tank is cycling! Woohoo!
Hey my RBTA just split to a quarter size would you like him for your tank?

I would! I will have to put him in my DT for awhile as this tank is still cycling! Where abouts do you live? I live in Lake St. Louis but work part of the week at olive and 270 and the other part all over Central and Southern Illinois.
I would! I will have to put him in my DT for awhile as this tank is still cycling! Where abouts do you live? I live in Lake St. Louis but work part of the week at olive and 270 and the other part all over Central and Southern Illinois.

I live in Shiloh, IL just PM me when you want to come by I'm always home on sundays.
I love my sexy shrimp, so cute and fantastic personalities. Very interested to see how your tank goes since it is something I am also considering for my home office. Keep us posted