My new Tunze 240/3


New member
Hi there,

I just bought a 240/3 today and was just wanting to ask a couple of questions. Firstly is the bottom of the actual skimmer surposed to pop off so easily? Secondly, I have it on a 700L tank and it is rated between 1000-2000. How long roughly is it going to take until I start getting skimmate in the collection cup? My water is generally very clean.

It is just siliconed in place so yes it does come off easily, you just need to put a new ring of silicon adhesive and then snap it under the tab, it is done this way so it can be fully stripped for cleaning. Is it the newer design with the one piec cup/riser tube or the old two piece unit?
I think it's the old one because I got it at a good rate and I'm pretty sure it's two piece. After a nights sleep its starting to collect so things are looking good. I will have to re-do the silicon as I pulled it all off because the base wouldn't clip in the way it was.

Thanks for the reply
That old cup design didn't work very well and you will at least double the performance by getting the new cup, the new cup is quite expensive though, about $70 US.
It is 3" in diameter inside so their is much less resistance to the foam rising and it doesn't clog, it is much bigger in volume as well.