My peninsula tank build 72x30x30

Just came home to my shipment of 80/20 that I'm using to hang my radions .. And I love the clean sleek look it has.. I think it's the nicest way to suspend lights over an aquarium
Latest update; I've been busy with work. Water tested it and canopy is done. We are expected to have it up and running this Saturday






Had a lot of set backs with the shipping of the skimmer then trying to find a 75g for a sump.. Did all the PVC work and water tested everything and its good to go. transferring the livestock Saturday afternoon
Have you set up your lights yet, or even played with them? I'm actually a little worried il be a little too computer illiterate to sync them up properly, lol! I'm dreading having to program those suckers!
Thanks stylo.. No I haven't even attempted to program or sync them all that will be Saturday .. I'm not the most computer smart person myself but my girlfriend is so I should be ok.. Once I get them up and running I'm going to try the vivid aquariums lighting schedule and see how that works out for me..
Nice and clean stand, tank looks fantastic. This has all the elements to be a great build. Good skimmer choice also. I have the SRO 6000 external and is a monster. Let me know how you like that octo pump, I have been eyeballing them for a while but they have almost no reviews.
You did a great job on the wood work. Set up will look really nice when it is up and running.
Here is what the setup for the lights look like



Here is the finished tank




They got hungry


Only thing we are missing is to prop the doors on the canopy.... home depot is slacking on the magnets we need
Faaaaaannnnntaaaaasssstttticcccc lol really looks great, so much potential. Your gnna have a blast with this puppy.