My peninsula tank build 72x30x30

Today's updates!

Fish tank came in... lights are in... Reef flakes came in... and water blaster 7000






I think with the location you put your tank in, you might actually spend time in a dining room.. At least in my house my dining room has like tumbleweeds going across it..

Anyways the whole get up looks great, and can't wait to see it up and running. ^_^
Lol thanks.. I just need to finish the canopy and figure out how to hang the lights and wait for my sro xp5000 that should ship sometime mid month.. I'm hoping for the first week of October To have everything up and running
Nice.. The boxes looked like they went to hell and back but everything was ok.. When will you be placing it in your tank.. How many lbs did you end up getting ?
Thanks just got home from work and I've been staring at it for like an hour thinking about the set up lol.. Tomorrow I'm going to figure out the canopy with Radion configurations
Since I have a 6ft tank and it doesn't have a center brace it has 2 braces one at 24 inches and one at 48 inches.. So 3 radions will fit in each opening.. But since there is 4, if spaced equally some of them are partially going to be over the glass bracing which will interfere with par would you guys suggest to mount them this way regardless or mount them a different way.. I was thinking to mount 1 at the first opening then 2 side by side in the center opening then 1 at the last opening... Will look something like this
l = l
Nice.. The boxes looked like they went to hell and back but everything was ok.. When will you be placing it in your tank.. How many lbs did you end up getting ?

Yea the boxes were banged up! I ordered a few plumbing parts and some pieces fell out of a hole in the box! I got 210lbs... I still have to skin and stain my stand, build a hood and then it will all go up. A couple weeks out I assume..
Since I have a 6ft tank and it doesn't have a center brace it has 2 braces one at 24 inches and one at 48 inches.. So 3 radions will fit in each opening.. But since there is 4, if spaced equally some of them are partially going to be over the glass bracing which will interfere with par would you guys suggest to mount them this way regardless or mount them a different way.. I was thinking to mount 1 at the first opening then 2 side by side in the center opening then 1 at the last opening... Will look something like this
l = l

Why dont you try just mounting 3 of them and see if its enough par for your corals. You can pretty much resell one for full price or return it?

If you plan on doing two bommies and a lagoon in the middle, obviously the middle will not need more light. I guess it depends on where you put your sps and the depth they will be in.

Looks really nice BTW. I can see your dining room being used much more now
That was another option to sell the fourth and get an mp60 for the opposite end and upgrade and get the new tir lens
What I Heard was that one xr30 is = to around a 250 watt MH, and should be ok for 24 " cover and the 30" deep u may want the tighter lens, but i would play with that after you try them out first in the set up.