Circulation Tune UP/FIX (GyreXF150 / CP24 ) Mis-Balance [Particulate TRAP]
I'm been waiting for weeks for my tank to clear up from Particulate. (Was expecting Significant Clear up with SAND BED gone)
Tank Clarity is important not just for lighting, but for allowing stronger circulation. Without blasting corals with debris.
It's kept bothering me, that my corals look beaten up. Tank always Cloudy which was very noticeable with MH Lights on. Annoying.
When I first threw in the New CP40 Gyre Type pump (ON RIGHT SIDE) to compliment the MaxSpect XF150 (ON LEFT SIDE), I just wanted it running for better circulation mix.
TODAY, I took a closer look at my programming and flow.
What I discovered is that the XF-150 is way more powerful than the CP-40 at LIKE-TO-LIKE Setting.
I did look at the flow when I originally programmed things and there was some random mixing. I then added a few more flavours.
However today after observation, I notice that with XF150 being so much more powerful, the tank Water Column, always rotated CLOCKWISE.
And Futhermore the XF-150 Being on the same side as OVERFLOW, was pushing away MOST larger particulates away from Overflow Drain.
As shown ABOVE, my particulates would rotate over and over again.
And even worse, during lower circulation programming would setting on Rock and Corals. Only to be stired up again on next stronger Cycle.
I wasn't cleaning my tank of Particulates, by sending them down the overflow and into sump.
After playing with various power setting on both the CP-40 and XF-150, I found the sweet spot for BALANCE (50/100).
With that discovery I found better random mixes.
I then Programmed a variety of Balanced Mixes.
BUT THE GREATEST improvement was programming a mode when the Tank Cirulated Counter Clockwise.
And with the XF-150 Off, "MUCH MORE PARTICULATE" was going down the overflow.
I also learned from all this playing that I could find much better flow patterns, NONE of which were TOO STRONG LAMINAR FLOWS, directly hitting Coral (All reflected and broken up Currents).
-> My unique Setup with More Powerful Gyre Located Next to Overflow
was the BIGGEST problem.
-> No programming to allow particulates down return.
-> Small tank is tight for circulation so random flow is more difficult
-> Mis-Balanced Pumps didn't help.
-> Corals at top (where most are) were being continuously irritated. I noticed those secluded were doing better.
-> This improvement also allows me to run more Gentler, but effective (Particulate Cleanup), flow overnight as well.
I simply can't see how a tank of Endless, increasing debris could be good for SPS!!
We'll see if tank clears up and I see less Particulate Blasted Corals
This may solve my lighting problem, since "There Is No Lighting Problem"
Hoping this also saves my Red Planet
-> Since Looking at it
damaged much more on one side, couldn't have been just light.
-> PLUS!!! The base recession pattern looks like circulation blast (Seen in First Photo).
------> That is not vertical Light Damage or else it would have been a circular ring. It's a V-Shape around Stem (Flow deflected off stem).
------> That damage happened when I put Red Planet Higher originally for more light. BUT!! Also Closer to XF-150 Stronger Flow (And particulates).
-> Why are two tips not showing burnt tips? (They were facing the side with less laminar Flow).