INTERESTING (CupriSorb Is exhausted) Just removed last week
ReefWreak, you may be on to something.
When I pulled out the CurpiSorb last week, I did that when I shut down GFO with Scrubber starting up. (I was running in tank for a few months, on and off a few times)
I just tossed the baggie in a bin to dry.
When I looked at it next time, it was already dried out, so looked white (not darkened). Which to me was is proof/indication of no metals (Thus a dead end solution).
After post above, I was gong to throw it back in, but I had a 1/2 jar so thought I would put in fresh resin.
Then I noticed that the
OLD CupriSorb when went went Dark. Not blue like it says on (Jar Instructions) for Copper, but Dark Brown/Black (which also is specifies on Jar)
new one now in Baggie stays white (Even WET).
So maybe OLD Cuprisor did fill up and Exhaust and could explain the setback. Especially on the Monti that lost it white tips. Certainly explains the Bird of Paradise.
Would explain why any sensitive Coral like Red Dragon, would bleach right away. Tried 5 Red Dragons. Would explain why I can't keep a single Milli for more than a week (tried at least 8)
CurpriSorb is tuned resin for Copper, but will pull out all Heavy metals over time (thus two kinds of beads, I guess)
And DEAD GOD, maybe this is why my fish is SPS tank haven't been contaminated with ICH from other tank (Light Copper in Water).
Getting paranoid here. (Dark Brown, may not be exhausted color. Blue/Black is exhausted) I googled for images, can't find) Let's see.....
Let me run the fresh baggie and see if it darkens, and if corals spark up.
I put in in a fresh Nylon Sock, in Tank Return Drain. Full flow thru.
This could be a game changer!!!! Keeping Fingers cross.
If it does change things, then it's either old Metals from that Copper Contamination early this year, or a leaching metal from the RO Float Arms, or something else.
And frequent water changes, just keep things barely good.
BTW. I just emailed SEACHEM to confirm Color of OLD resin.