Please remind me again- the scrubber is on the sps tank?
I’m always getting confused about what is on which tank between the frag tank, kitchen and sps tank..
Yes, scrubber is on, and Algae is growing.
If you are losing seriatopora and montis in the sps tank, it is really weird.. not to mention acros.. birds nest and montis are much more tolerant than acros..
Mystery to me too. What the F can be wrong.
The cuprisorb is supposed to be pulling what when it turns brown? Do they say?
Haven't heard back from Seachem. Instructions only say Blue, no mention of brown.
Really seems odd all the trouble in there..
No kidding. Even with some tinkering, things shouldn't be this bad.
However, I still think leaving it alone is the best thing to do.
I did just make one more adjustment. HAD TO. Will explain below.
What salt are you using for the auto water changes?
Tropic Marin Pro ($150 a bucket). Mixed to match tank ALk=7.7
One other question.. remind me again where n and p were in the sps tank one year ago, where they went once the scrubber went on, where they went when scrubber stopped and now they are 5 and .11..
It was around P=0.1 to P=0.2, and N=10, but I will check 100%
What’s the longest living acropora you’ve had in there? Do you have any healthy lps in the tank? Have you tried adding some to see how they do? Lps and acros are fully compatible..
Interesting Idea to try a piece of my LPS (got tons), but my LPS tank lighting is 5-10 time less intense.
There is one acro that is surviving. Pink Tip Millie (In the middle of tank, but enclose withing rocks, so protected from STRONG Circulation.
And that is what gave me the last clue. (longshot, but possible)
I've been commenting that my NEW FRAG do good at back/bottom of tank on RACK. Then things go bad when glued on rocks.
So I was at GTAreef. He always turns off his DT and FragTank Circulation so I can see corals with PE out.
I asked that he turn on
Circulation, since I've NEVER SEEN what proper circulation is.
Everybody including ED' thread say STRONG.
So my tank is setup for OVERSTRONG. But I only use a fraction of power.
When he turned on DT and Frag Tank. It was nothing compared to mine
I'm like 20 times more powerful. Maybe more. My flow is ROUGH.
But his corals look like they get circulation because PE is extended, so it look like movement.
So after last circulation improvement, to clear up water, I even went HIGHER FLOW.
The one Digit that encrusted a rock but never grew stem, started pealing off, bit by bit every day.
My circulation is OVERKILL.
Something you can't see in a video.
I played with my Programming. All was ON or OFF at various powers. SOME POINTS IN DAY ARE PRETTY STRONG, to clear up Particulates.
I changed all pump programming to Pulse and lowered power on each. That is way better. NEVER LAMINAR FLOW.
Now the tank looks like GTA's tank. Gentle Flow, very Random, but reaching into every part of tank.
Now my FRAGS are extending PE, but getting flow.
Looks like GTA's tank.
Probably not the Life Saving reason, but a good change, that doesn't really change Water Quatlity/Parameters.