My Tank Thread (Take3) ★Total AUTOMATION★ DIY Doser, Sump, AlgaeScrubber, WaterChnges

Very nice. P is great! I, personally, wouldn’t want it much lower even if many keep it much lower.. this is where personal preference based on coral colours starts to play a role.
Will be interesting to see how he snail in the fuge affects nutrient numbers.

Things are out of my hands. I have no control over Water Parameters since I'm not doing anything specific.

If I wish P to not go lower (if trend continues):

1) I guess I can reduce water change frequency or amount
2) Start feeding corals more? (like the Reef Roids). Maybe feed fish more, but it's 4+ times a day now.
3) Slow down Algae Scrubber (Reduce Photo Period)?

Changing nothing right now.

Keeping an eye on things to see where things go.
ALSO...."This from the Salifert PHOSPHATE Test Kit Manual"

In the Salifert kit there is a table.

ppm Phosphate
0.03 (Good)
0.10 (Critical)
0.25 (Coral Growth Retardation)

So I assume that I'm very close or at Good and if I keep things that way, (Stable) I GUESS I should see some movement on my Growth/Encrusting.

I also have been SLOWLY increasing Photo Period from that original DROP I did when I put NEW Bulbs in.

I'm now at 6hrs 15min MH, and 9 Hrs T5's.
That should be good for a while.

PARS as in Post above.

All together I think I have nothing left to do except watch for a while.
Any other suggestions?

Things are out of my hands. I have no control over Water Parameters since I'm not doing anything specific.

If I wish P to not go lower (if trend continues):

1) I guess I can reduce water change frequency or amount
2) Start feeding corals more? (like the Reef Roids). Maybe feed fish more, but it's 4+ times a day now.
3) Slow down Algae Scrubber (Reduce Photo Period)?

Changing nothing right now.

Keeping an eye on things to see where things go.

Yes.. I'm not really saying you should do anything. At this time watching the movements is enough but it's not totally out of your hands nor are you necessarily doing nothing.. photoperiod, as you mentioned will will affect nutrient uptake and that snail in the fuge will also have an effect.
Feeding fish more or less and reef roids will all play a roll in altering levels.
So.. data gathering time..

As for that chart in the salifert instructions.. I wouldn't call .1 critical. That word indicates to me a need for strong or immediate measures..
.1 isn't critical, it's just time to start looking at nutrients and devising a plan to mitigate any more increase..

Anyways, Wally, you've got things under control.
SPS TANK ( Most Stable Ever )

Quite happy since things are beyond my expectations on Stability.


Yes Alk is dropping a bit, while CALC slightly rising so small offsetting A/B dosing.

I stopped water changes (few days) to see if P would rise, and it didn't even thought I did a ReefRoids Feeding.

Haven't checked N, but will next time.

Algae Scrubber is very active, and did another small harvest (Yes, Turbo Snail is still in there).

Will restart water changes but slightly lower quantity (Every 3 Days, 2%) so effectively around 20% water change Monthly.

Can't see any ( (Stand out) Growth ), but All Frags looking pretty Good, even the Cut-Down DeepBlueAcro, and Ice Fire
Unusual increase in Suspended Particulate in SPS TANK (Think I found reason).


That Turbo Snail in Alage Scrubber is munch, and is ripping apart some of the macro he passed over. (The Macro Stuff is very flacky / brittle)

Might put a better ATS-OUTPUT Filter/Screen in place. Or use brine-shrimp-Net just to scoop-clean ATS.
Or let it be. Could be particulate food for Corals? Fish?
I wouldn’t necessarily do anything drastic..
I forget, do you have a filter sock in the drainage from the display..
I wouldn’t necessarily do anything drastic..
I forget, do you have a filter sock in the drainage from the display..

I used to have a filter sock at Drain from DT.
That used to filter before ATS.

But ED and others have suggested to remove that and I did a few weeks ago to minimize mechanical filtration.

No need to change anything, since the particulate increase was temporarily and went away.
MAJOR FLOOD (Fish Tank Flood Sensor Gave EARLY WARNING)

Some bad luck/good luck happened here.

Never heard of this before, but my house Copper plumbing sprung a leak in basement ceiling (very close to my office/Fish tank).

I got a early warning when Apex Floor Flood sensor kicked in.
I thought it was the fish tank.
Found no problem so turn it back on, but water kept leaking on the floor.

Eventually the drywall started to leak in many place as the Duct box filled up and soaked thru.

I punched holes into the ceiling to find direction of water source and finally found the spot.


The copper elbow on original house plumbing developed a pinhole leak/spray.


I first thought it was the elbow itself.

BUT IF YOU LOOK Close it appears the Plumber did a shabby job of soldering and that solder drip eventually (15 years later) ....Water bore it's way thru solder and developed a hole.


The good news (due to early warning and being alert) is water didn't make it way into my TANK or SUMP (but very close)

BAD NEWS is I have Major Water damage in basement, and this is going to be a big restoration job.
That’s crazy Wally. I can’t imagine copper plumbing springs leaks very often.
Bad luck!!
At least it wasn’t salt water all over..
That’s crazy Wally. I can’t imagine copper plumbing springs leaks very often.
Bad luck!!
At least it wasn’t salt water all over..

My Basement SUMP room is designed (sealed with passage to basement floor drain), so I could handle a tank drain without any house damage (Sure tank would be gone)....
Even my 1st floor tank has a custom drain to drain in sump room directly below.

I never would have guessed it would be in wall plumbing.

But it does happen, since I just spoke with neighbour across street.
Exact same thing happened to him (this last Sept), but it was worse since it happened on 2nd Floor of house (and he was in Italy at the time).
I saw lots of contractors at his house over last while, but thought he was just renovating.

Wonder if the street builder hired a cheap plumber. Makes me scared if it can happened again. Neighbour replaced all his plumbing since he had many walls open.
Nice (Health/Appearance) Transition on SPS Health (As Ideal PhotoPeriod/Intensity Approaching or New "Additive" Dosing)

In Past MH Lighting Time wasn't the best viewing time for SPS corals.
The Candy Coated BlueLED/T5 Lighting was always better.

Perhaps I've been dragging my feet and increasing Intensity/PhotoPeriod too slowly, but I'm pretty close to 10" Fixture Height and 8 Hours on MH lights.

I notice the Corals are looking more Vibrant/Colorful (GLOWING) During MH Time.

I can tell there is coloration coming more from TIPs vs Stem/Polyps (which is something I'VE NEVER SEEN BEFORE), was always the opposite.

It may be an illusion, but SPS are all kind of looking Thicker, Stockier.

It's either:

2) or I started (4 days ago) AquaForest ABEV dosing. (Amino,Build, Energizer, Vitalizer).
-------> I had to do something since things were looking bleak

3) Or BOTH

I know I wasn't suppose to Start Additives (but with all that's been going on, I have no time to feed fish as often).
Also the I lost a couple more $7 frags, while the Premium One's were hanging in.

Why I chose AquaForest ABEV:
-> Corals appeared to be bleak, some going downhill, etc
-> Needed some more food in system (since Algae Scrubber is active and exporting), and Not Feeding Fish as much.
-> N & P at very good levels
-> Did some research on success rate of ABEV
-> AquaForest Products (unlike Zeovit) tell you their Ingredients (And what they are specifically for)
-> Dosing slightly below spec
-> If Shih is doing 120% for his corals (then 75% dosing should be safe)
-> I see positive results in very short time (and if thing reverse, I'll stop)

So far so good. No Regrets.
Actually Quite Happy and Surprised with the quick results.
---> No I won't start overdosing :)
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Hey Wally, nobody should be holding your hand forever. If you feel the time is right and you are seeing results then more power to ya!
It’s your tank and you are the one who sees it up close and the only one who can evaluate and make the final decisions.
Very happy to hear you are seeing positive results- albeit quicker than I would expect..
You did your due diligence, came up with a reasoned and reasonable plan and are moving forward with it. No cliff jumping here.
Looking forward to the next round of sps pics.
You are absolutely correct.
I greatly appreciate all the Hand-Holding/Guidance, and I think much Hand-Cuffing over the last while.
You've gotten me on the right track towards a pretty good recovery from the mess I had gotten myself in to.

It's now up to me to not mess up again.

As you say, only I can see things up close, and notice subtle differences.
That's why I can't imagine how beautiful your tank must look like in person.

I'm NOT even close to any significant improvement, since I don't really see any encrusting. That's kind of weird but hoping AF ABEV will help with that. (Plus more time)

The weird part is my SPS tips look really healthy, and yet a very few, the bottoms are as NOT vigorous and healthy as tops.

And ALL my coral degradations have started bottom and worked their way up.

What I did notice last night since I was up very late for today's Flood clean up crew is deep into the night when lights have been off for a while, the whole tank we covered by those tiny snail like encrustations (no snail shells noticeable).
Same kind that come out in my LPS tank and I've ignored for years.
Probably nothing to worry about. (I looked around closely, and none on Living Corals that I could notice....Just Rocks.).

Also the mounted Corals look really good (Assumption is they have been around longer), so just more waiting time on the Frag Rack Frags.

As much as my hands itch to mount these Frags (Sick of looking at a Frag Rack hiding the Rock Scape), I'm holding off for AT LEAST ANOTHER MONTH.
Hoping some encrusting starts before I do. (I think that is a minimal requirement before they are moved)

That will be the next tank Photo (With Frags Mounted).
I may reach out for some SPS names (ID), to prepare for proper placement.
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I guess I can feed a bit more Nitrate dropped bit more.

P went up, but I think Last 0.03 Reading was Wrong using Hanna (ppm) Egg.

This time Hanna (ppm=0) but (ppb=0.08)

** NEW TANK/Upgrade Opportunity [Before Flood Repairs] ** (ONCE In a Lifetime Chance)

This just hit me as I was looking around.....

The Tear apart Crew has done their Job (today) after the Basement Flood this week.
Place is full of Fans to Dry things out for 3-4 days.

Restoration Contractors are busy for 3+ weeks, so I have time before they come.

The Leak/Flood started at the opposite end of the room, but travelled the Beam Box (towards the Sump Room Wall).


If the SPS keep Growing the 65 Gallon Tank is going to get tight.

Plus I've always liked my 90 Gallon Kitchen tank for flexibility.

My Sump/System etc can certainly handle over 100Gallon Tank.

Tank Upgrade would be fairly easy at this point.

I need to have access to clean 3rd side of tank Glass, so two choices:

-> Fit inside sump Room like Tank is now (Will be very tight, too tight)
-> Modify Right Wall to make tank 3 sided viewing

Anyone have any thoughts, ideas (I don't have much time to make a decision , design )

I'd love to have Tank Glass Flush with Wall (since I hate the receeded setup for Glass Cleaning), not sure how that is done.
After that Tank Upgrade IDEA came to my mind, my mind is racing. ( GO BACK TO LAST POST ON Previous Page )

When I looked into the Sump Room Backside, I remember my Fixture is 48", but I modified it (narrowing MH Bulb clips) for my 36" re-use tank.

Even the T5's are custom DIY made (and ballast could handle 48")


I basically have everything I need to go 90Gal or a close (depending what tank options are out there).

Would have to extend 2x4 STAND, and deal with Wall.


A dream I never had in mind, could come true :)
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I bet my wife is going to think I punched the hole in the pipe :)

I measured the Sump Room. 90 Gallon will FIT perfectly!!!

-> Just need New Tank
-> Extend Wood Stand

Drafted up a Sketch on how it will look.

NOW (65 Gallon):


AFTER (90 Gallon):


It will be amazing in many ways. :) :) :)

Timing is perfect (since I only have to move simple Frags and some Rocks), thus I won't be damaging hard to move Colonies.

-> I'll shutdown Frag Tank, next to SUMP (it's useless now)
-> Move / Run 65 Gallon on Right Side of Sump (rotating Sump)

-> Prepare new 90 Gallon Tank
-> Flip Sump again and all set.

Sometimes bad luck works out ( "Tank Setback/Restart" and the "Flood Reno" ) in close proximity
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TIME for (TAKE 4) A Fresh Rebuild (Preparations underway. Shutting down Frag Tank)

With the new opportunity to upgrade Tank to 90 Gallons, I am moving full steam ahead.

I'll probably start a new thread.

It has been a pleasure with this thread, and I've learned a lot.

It started with the Automation Build, and that is pretty well ready (finely tuned)

Thread is ending at an IDEAL POINT where I've figured out Lighting, dosing, water changes, circulation and good routines.

Couldn't have gotten this far without the support of (Reefmutt), Ed, and Sensei. So THANK YOU all very much.

I'll continue to post SPS Frag progress till the new thread/build get started.

-> No Time for Frag Tank
-> Need the tank for the DT(65) -> DT(90) transition.

There are 4 cheap frags in there. Will go into Garbage since I can't put them into Kitchen tank (Don't want to contaminate between tanks)



WOW!!! (I may have found the TANK CURSE) Post Flood Inspections

Since I had the copper Pipe Leak Flood in basement, I decided to do full inspections on all water plumbing in house.

I may have found something that could possibly be my Tank Curse (of past many month).

I discovered after removing everything from Kitchen Sink Cubboard (underneath cupboard Shelf) At the back wall was wet and rotten. It wasn't visible from the Front.

I found out that the Dishwasher Corrugated Drain hose had developed a crack.


It would only leak when dishwasher was running, and it wasn't a big leak but enough (since dishwasher is used DAILY).
DRAIN hose Means dirty, SOAPY water.

The floor is ceramic in kitchen but at the back of cupboard the ceramic ends.
At the wooden part there is a tiny hole that Builder Made to install Alarm System wiring.


That hole was directly over my RO Reservoir.


I never tested my reservoir since my RO system and a buld in TDS meter that checked in and our TDS.

That reservoir was recently changed (about month ago....around the time of Water RESET), but it always was a garbage Bin. And it used to be located more directly under Drip hole.

During Water Reset, I was making lots of water rapidly, so maybe dishwater water didn't get into some of the made water.

IT HAD a lid but sometime I would remove the lid (in the past, on occasion)

SO IF DISHWASHER was running, RO system WATER RESERVOIR for making Salt Water could have gotten contaminated by Soap, dirty dishwasher drain.

** DIFFERENT levels of RO Water contamination, depending on various situations (Dishwasher Running, Lid open, etc)**

Water changes could have been TOXIC to SPS.

** AND this could explain why I saw no Drip Water on the Basement floor, since it went DIRECTLY into Reservoir **

Maybe this wasn't "THE TANK CURSE", but highly possible, regardless I'm glad I caught this.

TDS of reservoir NOW is 1.0, (which is fine) but I will test from now on.

Hey, this is great!!! The new Current/ Future Tank might have a chance to do well!!
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