Not to step on your toes Kharn by answering this for Johanv.
The reason it has been put out as an impossible critter to keep has more to do with the requirements for its care. You’re looking at an animal that is cold water (this is a challenge for most hobbyist). It lives in mud (another challenge). For the most part when setting up a tank for this type of animal you want to set it up in a way to keep it healthy and content in its home, and this is not most peoples driving force behind keeping live stock in a glass box. Most people want a glass box filled with strange and interesting critters, but do not want to spend the time/money to do it to match the natural environment (as much as possible). I have been in this hobby long enough to see the trend of I will get this now and upgrade latter for the animals. This in most cases does not happen. It usually goes like this, get a smaller tank under filter it over stock it and not keep up with the WCs. Then latter down the line the person finally upgrades but by this point the person has figured out what type of animals they are really wanting to keep then build this newer system to handle the new specimens and the old ones die or get traded away due to them not matching the new tanks needs. When you take all that into consideration who wants to keep an animal you see only 5% of about 10% of the time in a tank set up like Kharn’s system of substrate exclusivity? This is why Kharn’s system is so impressive he sets up the tanks to meet the needs of the animal first, then the ability to view/photo/video them. He did this in such a way that he is not limited to one type of mantis. His only hold back really is temperature. With his advent of stand D even these factors have been overcome.
So you see it has more to do with having the willingness to providing the animal with all its needs over the conventional rock wall and bright lights. Kharn’s in new waters showing new people just how amazing mantis shrimp really are. This is why I take my hat off to Kharn. “YOU’RE MY BOY BLUE!”
Thank you for such kind words =) originally when I did my reading I thought that the temperatures were going to be my biggest problem however that may not be the case, whilst Bathysquilla requires 5degrees celcius and Hemisquilla australiensis requires anything from 10degrees - 20degrees shouldn't be that hard to main temperature, not hard (as in just finding a big enough chiller) expensive, yes. Worth it? HELL YEAH!! :lol2:
One thing I need to do before anything at all, is talk to local trawlers etc and describe the stomatopod along with provide pictures too see if they catch them, if they do they will likely instinctively recognize them something that isn't "picked up by hand", then its just a matter of a big phat "bribe" lol... in order to keep a live one with there next finding off one.
The music is so triumphant!
Your skills are growing. I think if you’re not careful other people will start getting mantis tanks and the prices will go up. Lol hey or maybe down. Keep up the work brother.
Thank you for your comment again :lol2:
I just hope to see more in the future and inspire those watching
cheers :wavehand:
EDIT: My biggest concern rite now with STAND D (beyond acquiring the animals to fill it) is actually the substrate...I really want to do mud, as to my knowledge that is what they need and have in the wild, however I don't know mud (period.) and as far as acquiring the vast amount needed...well, I would only collect from the wild as a last resort (mostly due to contamination), even then I am still uncertain about how mud would go in a tank that has virtually no light 24/7...I do not know for certain of the environment 1000m-1500m below the sea surface.
I'm not sure how mud would react in a tank that has no light on it...(since every mud I have seen for sale is for plant/refugium growth and every mud I have seen used (including wild collected) has had light or some light cycle on the tank (usually for mangroves) something I can NOT do, not even a refugium for it (has to be connected ever heard of a refugium at 5degrees celcius! LOL).
So yeah...MUD! I'm gonna use it but I want to know about it first!