Wow is about all I can say! To the shelves, tanks, mantis', the whole build and documentation in general.
If you could only have one tank which mantis would you suggest? Would want it to be able to have a light as well.
G.graphurus I'd say.
I have 3 currently and each one is extremely interactive/colorful & housed with coral (there not phased by bright lights).
Each one has its own personality.
Minnie - Flirtatious and dominant, she dictates like an overlord when copulation between herself and Maximus. She decides the place/time/position. She is bold and will actively attack anything that goes into her compartment.
Maximus - Lazy and old, he is big...REALLY big for a G.graphurus (typically the species only gets to 90mm long) he is 120mm...although he is big and "old" he is just as interactive as Minnie and will attack/defend his compartment swiftly (my finger -_- caught this first hand). Although he is very submissive in the presence of Minnie (even though size wise he could quickly dominate and likely kill Minnie).
Rocky - Energetic, Cocky, Escape artist! This is what indiana jones reincarnated as -_-, Rocky once punched a large hole through his heavy duty plastic container to escape, he came into contact with Minnie the slightly larger then him Female, they had a clash and it cost him a claw (long since grown back). He almost came to clash with Shockwave (something I believe would of ended him...) but due to my swift intervention I saved him, very curious critter always investigating. Loves to play with food -_- (as you can see in the videos of him).
In the end though and to answer your question again.
G.graphurus! - Interactive / Colorful / Tough & they don't get (or suppose to not get) larger then 90mm.
I like to call them "Colorful G.smithii" lol