There was an influx of videos for today so there are a few =) (since I haven't really uploaded anything lately...)
Managed to get a batch of Live Food again today and in the process filmed those that fell to stomatopods.
Up first is my all star small guy!
Rocky - G.graphurus, I gave him a real test today and a potential real threat, a yabbie/crawdad almost the same size as himself, its claws are far more advanced then the shrimp he got a week back...nonetheless Rocky swiftly showed his dominance over this unwanted intruder.
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The Result & Victor - Rocky!
Maximus/Minnie - G.graphurus, Up next is a rather comical feed, watch what happens...
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The Juggernaut - O.scyllarus Didn't take him long to over come his crawdad (I gave him the biggest one being a touch under 3inchs long), there is one part in the video where he hits it so hard (and I slowed it down) that he not only cracks the crawdads head open but it...EXPLODES open and all the internals just spew out which you can see clearly floating about the tank after that hit (the yellowy/golden stuff), imagine what it would do to your finger (being that the crawdad was easily as thick as my finger) except the crawdad has more armor then our fingers too....amazing.
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Morgoth - L.sulcata, this guy was hungry today! A true pig taking 2 fish in the space of a few hours....however I should thank him after all he did finally rid me of my last annoying humbug (Humbugs pick on other Live Food essentially killing / stressing them out).
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More to come as I haven't tempted The Leviathan yet and have another one of them funky eel looking fish to offer