Feedings this evening - Prawn Meat
EVE - G.SMITHII - I was late with the feedings this evening and Eve had blocked up her entry/exit that she uses primarily as I sign that she was at rest...nonetheless I poked a hole through the door and she came charging out, once she realized it was food her anger turned to instant joy as she zipped around the compartment in anticipation of a feed to come.
ADAM - G.SMITHII - He must of smelt/tasted the prawn meat on the water from the compartment beside him containing Eve, so Adam was already on high alert and 'sniffing' around, once I showed him the prawn flesh on the skewer from outside the tank, his suspicions
SHOCKWAVE - G.FALCATUS - Incapable of photographing due to temporary housing situation but he accepted the food offered.
TINTIN - G.TERNATENSIS - Incapable of photographing due to being to swift in retrieving the food off the skewer.
NICOLE - G.TERNATENSIS - Did not show, left food in compartment, has since disappeared.
ROCKY - G.GRAPHURUS - Like those above him, Rocky had the scent/taste of prawn meat on his mind and was swiftly searching for the source of the tasty meal, as I waved the flesh on the skewer infront of his compartment, he shot forth directly at it and crashed into the front of the tank, only to start zipping up and down the front of the tank, as soon as the flesh entered the tank, he wrapped himself around it and just pounded it until it was free.
MEGATRON - G.CHIRAGRA - Did not show, left food in compartment, has since disappeared.
STARSCREAM - G.FALCATUS - Did not show, left food in compartment, has since disappeared.
That concludes STAND A and the small smashers.
More to come! :lol2: