My Ultimate Multi Mantis System(s)

Longest Video to Date but also the most's simple, this 5min video is a compilation of all the greatest clips of my deceased giant smasher Juggernaut.

1080p High Definition & High Speed Slow Motion within! :D

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Trying to gouge the reaction of people with this type of video as I get a 50:50 mix of love and hate towards my more "effectsy" videos...a.k.a all present bar this one.

I'm working on and half way through a Large Spearer Compilation the same as this.

Great video man! Crazy how it owns the crab.
He finally turned up today.. and changed color...

I'm happy for you, its very relieving to see them after you haven't for so long thinking their dead and gone...

I am still waiting to see Tintin, gave his burrow a flush twice again last night and nothing came out but some minor crap, I too am worried that whilst he has been molting, I keep a very small match stick long blenny in his compartment with him...

If Tintin is indeed dead I have already made plans for what will happen...Megatron the G.chiragra shall move up and into this compartment, being much larger then Tintin and well unstoppable, I don't see the blenny lasting long, he is also the next most interactive individual I have that isn't within a Display setup rite now.
Great video man! Crazy how it owns the crab.

I admire the pugnacious personality of the smashers over their actual 'might/power', they stand before adversaries with no fear, only advanced intellect and sheer confidence, the power they bring after this just wraps it all up in a neat little package :).

There are videos floating about the net of Stomatopods rising up against very much larger creatures...

Reminds me of a young child/toddler, the fearless, curiosity.
Check any other holes/cravities. My N. wennerae decided to ditch his home where he hitchhiked and moved into another rock to molt. He has yet to return to the original cravity.
I have a video of Maximus my G.graphurus displaying this "Child Like/Fearless Nature" where I placed a decent sized crab in with him and whilst the crab was more around half his size, it was a bulky and mud crab looking crab (much stronger then what I normally give them).

During combat he was rubbing his "head", eyes, antennal scales, antennas everything around the carapace over the crab and the crab a few times couldof simply closed its pincer and crushed the eyes instantly of the smasher, ending it all...But Maximus kept rubbing his "head" all over the pincers whilst trying to get in super close for a punch "between the eyes".
Check any other holes/cravities. My N. wennerae decided to ditch his home where he hitchhiked and moved into another rock to molt. He has yet to return to the original cravity.

Unfortunately Tintin can be in only 1 place which isn't something I am sorry about, more about my design in wanting this :)...

There is only the wall to hide within, the substrate is a fine layer of dead coral chunks, there is nothing else within the compartment beside the Rhodactids & Corallimorphs.
Have you per chased the sump tanks?

In the meantime I do have large buckets that I can run as sumps and intended them to be the sumps until I started to decide about having the refugium in the sump.

With the overflows incoming and now settled, I have turned my gave toward the next and most likely dreaded area of the entire system, something I tire of for this will be the third and FINAL time I upgrade them!

Lights... -_-

However through all my research which I have been doing at random points, saving various pages then deleting them when I make a new list of pages I have finally come down to 1 type of fixture, seeing as I need or rather want at least 5 new lights (3 for STAND A and 2 for STAND B) the tanks either planned for coral or currently hosting less light hungry corals like Mushies / NPS.

I found what I hope to be a damn good led fixture specially for its price and they seem to be a really nice mob very swift to respond in communications even though they are once again...from the U.S. (like the overflows incoming).

Their called 'ReefBreeders' and their lights look amazing specifically their "Photon" series, of which I am intending to purchase 3x24" Fixtures & 2x32" Fixtures, I may eventually also purchase a 3rd 32" Fixture further down the track depending on what happens with the Top Tank of STAND B (however right now the Top Tank of STAND B is considered completely done, being a refugium & DSB).

Either way the price of the ReefBreeder Photon Series LED Fixtures seems to be better then anything I can find and still be a more then reef worthy fixture rather then a cheap knock off from Tazikikhashitan...

They even come with cool little remotes :D all in all rite now I am sold on the lights as I am yet to read any horror stories about them, price wise, spec wise, it all seems unbeatable.

Will be going with 120degree optics due to the nature of the fixtures being so close to the water surface in each tank (6"-8" gap).
Reefbreeders ftw!

Bang for Buck I don't think I can't find anything better. :)

They seem to have the quality of much more expensive lights, along with features to match, but...there the price of cheap chinese models, but...ReefBreeders have many reviews with everyone happy so it all seems to sell itself in my view :).

Only thing is I'll have to make my own mounts for the lights, hardly a problem though seeing as I work in the steel industry and on a CNC/miller.
As for the actual sumps themselves that being the glass ones, the dimensions I am going with are as follows...

Length = 600mm
Width = 450mm
Height = 300mm
Volume = 75L Full

Length = 900mm
Width = 450mm
Height = 300mm
Volume = 110L Full

I'm confident that these sumps actually won't cost much thinking back to when I got my sump made a few years ago by a local mob and all it cost was $120, schematics are slightly larger then the largest sumps mentioned above, so I assume these 3 will be around the same (since I want dividers/baffles) in place in the new sumps which my old one doesn't have, just a large refugium.

Rite now I know the following, each sump will have 3 compartments, 1 for refugium, 1 for skimmer and 1 for return (likely in that order for the sake of getting the largest refugium I can out of each sump). I also know that rite now the sump for STAND A will have 3 equally sized compartments due to the size of the skimmer and wanting to still have the biggest refugium possible yet not wanting to make the return area so small that I'll suffer even worse for not having an ATO currently (the return chamber is where the evaporation is going to happen so if its really small then it will drop fast), so basically 7"-8" per compartment for the sump to STAND A depending on what I do with the dividers, whether I have baffles or just a simple divider sectioning off each area and lowering the depth in each area to an inch below that of the one before it.

As for STAND B & C sumps, I decided to make them the same size for the sake of likely making it cheaper for me and easier on the builders, as for their compartments I want to adhere to what I said above mostly wanting the refugium space to be the largest of each sump maybe 16" Refugium and 8" Skimmer zone and 12" Return zone, again for the sake of evap and who knows maybe a reactor as well, not to mention the ATO equipment will be in this last compartment with the return pump.
I'm a little worried about my new sump design of STAND A (or rather new design in general but my concern is only with STAND A), since I am working with only 600mm of overall length and the skimmer itself takes up 230mm of that...I am finding it difficult to make the most out of both Refugium (for overall effectiveness) & Return section (for overall evaporation of the stand being here).

Rite now I am working off some "basic" dimensions with the glass for the sump being 10mm thick this is what I have jotted out....

This is for overall length of Sump A only length.

10mm side + 230mm Skimmer + (10mm baffle + 25mm gap + 10mm baffle + 25mm gap + 10mm baffle (80mm baffle)) + 95mm Refugium + (10mm baffle + 25mm gap + 10mm baffle + 25mm gap + 10mm baffle (80mm baffle)) + 95mm Return + 10mm side = 600mm Total Overall Lengths

My concern lay in the last 2 chambers very small length of 95mm (Refugium & Return) however the width of both is quite big at 450mm...depth planned would be 225mm for the Refugium and 200mm for the Return...

Which overall isn't much at only 8L for the Refugium and 7L for the Return section whilst the whole stand will be around 220L...
Scratch it all -_-

Going to bite the bullet and make all 3 sumps exactly same size, so sump A is gonna be 3ft and poke out the side (which you won't see) simply because the TV covers all that in front, Stand A meets neatly to 1 side of the TV whilst STAND B meets neatly on the other side of the TV, STAND C is beside STAND B.

This will solve all issues I am currently having and in general give STAND A overall a better filtration system or at least larger one :).

EDIT: Fyi each sump is now going to be 900mmLong x 450mmWide x 300mmTall.
Tintin is dead :(...

Or rather MIA but I am now practically positive the little guy is dead :(...I couldn't bare waiting any longer and so removed the wall from his compartment and...

Nothing was within it...completely empty wall, completely empty compartment, no Tintin in sight...

He either died in the molt and that fleshy thing I sucked out and inspected was his carcass as I said didn't look like anything but goop, or...he somehow got into Nicoles compartment and paid the ultimate price...

Either way...RIP lil fella :(

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I'm really sorry to hear about your lose :(

Could he have jumped out? Even if he did make it into another compartment he could still be hiding somewhere in there rather than killed by his mates... I hope he turns up for you sometime soon.
I'm really sorry to hear about your lose :(

Could he have jumped out? Even if he did make it into another compartment he could still be hiding somewhere in there rather than killed by his mates... I hope he turns up for you sometime soon.

Nope, to a most likely failed molt, when Stomatopods molt they often do it together if their in the same water like each of mine within each stand, so when Tintin molted so did Nicole, although she came out fine Tintin must of died, I flushed his burrow and sucked up a lot of his molt shell like telson and hammers although there was no flesh aside the goopy thing which must of been him, likely doesn't take small smashers/stomatopods long to molt, Nicole was done in a day...

However the compartment now has a new inhabitant, a larger and more bold one in the form of a G.chiragra...Megatron!
With the Death of Tintin and his compartment empty a new resident has taken up refuge within and he has already proven to be quite interactive, not only does Megatron the G.chiragra come out of the burrow frequently to forage about but he also climbed over the wall within 10mins of being in which made me sigh in frustration since I had just put the Rhods back in place on the wall etc and catching him from behind there would mean having to remove the wall again from the compartment...

However the cheeky devil climb straight back over as I was watching pondering how to get him so as soon as he did I put eggcrate above the wall effectively now making it impossible for him to pass over it.

He has taken to his new home quite well and I already know he is an absolute star when it comes to being infront of the camera, none of these shots frightened him off, I can move fast and it won't startle him, nothing startles him at all, totally fearless.

And very aggressive I have very few videos of him but of those I do each one is stunning, due to his fearless nature for the camera he enjoys fighting right in front of the lens.

More to come!
In order to prevent the curious adventurer Megatron from crossing over either the divider or the fake wall again I came up with an elaborate structure that fits perfectly for now but will be refined next weekend, its basically 3 racks of eggcrate cut to fit into a large 'T' with 1 rack above each fake wall (because I made the walls simply to low in height they meet the waterline making it no effort for a stomatopod to crawl over as Megatron demonstrated).

On the weekend I plan to make it 1 rigid structure neatening it all up but either way, none of it is noticeable unless you want to look in that area.

More to come :)