My Ultimate Multi Mantis System(s)

I love when you upgrade stuff on the system and your left with half the cords. It always feels as though you forgot to plug something in. Lol

Why bother with cutting the flow just turn back the ball valve till the returns are more or less equal. Also having flow from the return is a good thing. It is laminar flow but is directible in the section that it blows into. I would try to direct the flow towards the BB to flush out all the ditritus we see in the videos.
I love when you upgrade stuff on the system and your left with half the cords. It always feels as though you forgot to plug something in. Lol

Why bother with cutting the flow just turn back the ball valve till the returns are more or less equal. Also having flow from the return is a good thing. It is laminar flow but is directible in the section that it blows into. I would try to direct the flow towards the BB to flush out all the ditritus we see in the videos.

Cause the bottom output is spraying water 3-4ft out :)....

But each level output is equal in volume we timed it 10secs per outlet they spit out the same but they have various strengths the 1st exit being the most powerful.

That is what these ends are that go into the tanks.
My Premium Ricordea Wall (and thus the whole compartment) will be completely finished on by Monday :) and my Forest Fire wall will be close behind it if not itself also completely filled.

I just struck a deal for another bulk purchase of Ric's with a local :D

What you see is what I'm getting these are all actually quite large and as far as deals go it is by far the best and leaving me in a little bit of buyers remorse over my previous bulk ric purchase...this one is about $1k Cheaper but each Ric is either 2inch diameter or larger.

The Red X2 is actually a bright blue base with bright yellow tip, first I've seen of them here.
Nice snag on the ric pack. Soon you will be known for having the finest ric garden more so then being the mantis man.

LoL I have seen many others currently down under that have been working on them for years with much nicer quality and far larger ric's....tanks that could easily be used as down payment on a new house :X....just cause of the cost of Ric's down here.
The sumps will not arrive until Monday...

So right now I am at a stand still seeing as I have finished everything I can PRE sumps...

But I went to the LFS today and picked up 2 more of the really bright green Ric I previously purchased off them along with around 20 feeder prawns :).

I also purchased some eggcrate sheets to make my Frag Rack out of for inside the Krakens old tank the Middle Tank of STAND B, the most stable system of them all (the largest), it also has the largest Refugium connected to it.
Well...The Krakens old tank, the Middle Tank of STAND B has been completely gutted this was how it looked before.

And now....Due to me not rushing to get another O.scyllarus soon, at least for this tank, I want to test out growing coral specifically the small common Ric's I have right now, along with a few large ones that are not attached to anything, I'll place them on the rack with plugs under them to attach to.

As for the plugs all I did was pick through all the rubble I removed from the Krakens tank and any flat/coin shaped pieces I found I kept and now have about 2 dozen good little frag plugs waiting :).
Every protein skimmers dream

That's it :D

I gave Morgoth a portion of it and he went...NUTS, for the first time in years he completely came out of the burrow to show of his full size and If he is indeed an L.sulcata he might just be the largest....I thought they only got to 150mm originally, then 200mm...Morgoth is 300mm long at least.

The spearer has grown dramatically over the years I have had it as I remember him when it was quite smaller.
Hand fed my smaller smashers just then Maximus seems to be content with my hand now :D although perhaps he is just getting to old to care...

Either way I manage to record and hand Feed Nicole, Minnie & Maximus...I thought about it with the spearers but well.....I think Morgoths video will be enough to show that he is not yet ready to be trusted :X...
The upgrades continue the sumps are 10mins away according to the driver :)

All the FX5's and plugs on the wall, I have already removed most of the small HOB Nanos

Here it is now awaiting the sumps soon to arrive, the thick black rubber matting is what they will sit upon, STAND C sump the furthest away sits closer into the stand which is why it looks smaller, all sumps are the same size (900x450x300)

More to come!
Omg so existed! Wish you had a live feed.

haha existed :P...excited :lol2: ?

Well here is a quick update the sumps arrived all good and well exactly as I had hoped for and they came with 200L of NSW as well :D.

Here are the individual returns after the ball valves for STAND A these will be unique to the other 2 stands since the sump is 3ft long and the displays 2ft, so they need to bend back into the displays rather then running neat straight up across and down like the other 2 stands will be like.

EDIT: the returns will (inevitably) all be hidden behind my DIY Fake Wall Burrows, but right now most tanks don't have the Fake Walls done except for the Middle Tank of Stand A so let that tank be an example for the rest in showing how the walls hide everything :D.
Success :D :D :D

STAND A is now running it's sump & return plumbing along with the skimmer in the sump :D

Will show short video soon just charging camera battery -_-...

It's overall very quiet, far quieter then previously.
You will have to check out my Facebook page for the small short video clips I make along the way like the one of STAND A now up and running sump, skimmer n all.

I just don't want to break my clean video streak on Youtube with some of these quick captures unedited videos, when it's ALLLL done I will make a YouTube video comprising everything.
Here is some small information :)

Did you know that my system if all tanks were pulled down (including the sumps) and lined up side to side they would stretch to....

38ft o.O ...... :D
STAND A is fully operational and no water spilled overnight so the HOBs and Sump are doing their job :D the skimmer overflowed (into the sump) but that is expected whilst tuning it.

Before I went to bed last night I noted that the skimmer cup had a light brown gunk in it and already began to smell bad. :)