My Ultimate Multi Mantis System(s)

First thing I am going to do today is SECURE the powerboard for STAND A to the wall, I am quite paranoid about how easily the powerboards can come off the wall and fall into.....the sump.

I'm in no rush to kill myself xD...
Good to hear. How is the flow in the stand? Would you say you have increased it overall?

I'm assuming it's increased simply because there are now 3 outputs into the sump rather then the 1, so rather then the stand being turned over, each tank is even though it's all 1 system :) was a good idea.
STAND B (top) & STAND C (bottom) Return Plumbing all finished, drying before being placed into the tanks you can see how these don't have that extra angle in their returns after the ball valve just straight across and straight down.

More to come :D
Another FX5 is tossed aside as the sump B for STAND B gets switched on and becomes operational, along with its skimmer!

STAND B is now done and out the way :) all that is left now is STAND C :D

Once I get the final sump up and running I'll go about setting up each sumps pair of TLF reactors along with start to fill the Refugiums with live sand from STAND C and Macro Algae from each of the stands since all stands currently have some in them.

With the Sump upgrade to STAND A I can now get back 1/2 of the Display tanks since currently 3 compartments hold corals whilst the other 3 are refugiums, I will pull out these refugiums, place in Fake Walls and fill them with a coral.

:) Almost there...
Although it looks the same as STAND A here is a picture of STAND B operating :)....everything is so quiet o.O far quieter then when the FX5's where doing the work along with the pipes that attached the tanks....

Its always so concerning when the noise levels change from a system you know so well. The funny part is when u come home from a long day and you forget about the changes you made. Then you remiber o yea I upgraded. Lol. How is the new filter set up to deal with ditritus and debris in the water column?
No real change yet in the displays its good to see Nicole and all the Premium Rics are doing fine after I aggressively ripped the fake wall out of the tank multiple times...I started to get frustrated cause I made the wall so "neat" it basically has to be forced into place and out of place....

I had to trim the base of the wall and the side of the wall outside the tank with pliers whilst the Rics stayed on it and Nicole was still inside it, about 6 times I put it in the tank pulled it out trimmed etc. got me really frustrated and I was worrying about Nicole and all the random water dipping and removing but she is fine as are the Rics.

STAND C will be easier to get up and running since the Return Plumbing is all done now :)

I got word from my Ric seller that he had to post pone sending the Ric's due to purchasing the wrong sized bags -_- so rather then get them today I'll see them next week, I warned him that if he cannot follow through next week I will have to pull out and get my money back as I won't be on holiday anymore after the following week.

I am a little upset considering the amount of money I have given him for the average "urgency" he is sending them out at...
To right. I pay you ship that's how it works. Lol

Well either way I have confidence that it will come through...I just hoped it would be today or rather thought as much he did message me saying that he purchased the wrong bags and apologized but I assumed he meant they'd be sent the following day not the following week :X...

I got more important things on my mind right now such as STAND C the final system to get upgraded and operational...
The HOB Overflows fit PERFECTLY into STAND C :D any larger and they would not fit, the inner slot jusssssst's so tight in a way that overflow cannot be assembled outside the tank and simply hung on, it must be assembled onto the tank with the inner box going in first, else the small screw head prevents it sitting properly but if done up in the tank under the rim lips, it sits nice and neat :) no forcing but still quite well in place, there is no way the HOB will even come off the tank unless you undo the nut xD...

It's full steam ahead!
However if there is 1 thing I still want to do it's find the issue with Sump C Skimmer pump, it's humming distinctly louder then the other 2 and it's currently the loudest thing you hear, albeit everything is still much quieter then before! :D

Overall turn over is looking good :D

Ooo Post #2000 for the thread :D
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