I still have the old tank. Get this. We had an offer on the old house for 40K less than asking but only if we left the whole setup. What a deal, huh?
I might just keep it in case I need to down-size some day. I really haven't tried to sell it.
And yes, there will be some ball valves.
I am worried that the roller marks will show up like a pimple on a prom date under the halides. What did your job look like under strong lights?
There will be an OM 4-way on each end of the tank. Those are the inlet holes you see. There will be another CL under the sand bed (the holes in the back you see) and a 4th CL for the center of the tank. So, 4 CL, 2 WaveySea and some Tunze suspended on each WaveySea.
I'm hopeing that the angle iron I sandwiched in the face frame will prevent bowing. I'll put up some string lines to check for deflection when I test fill it. I have a contingency in mind for a center brace. How much deflection would you say is acceptable?