My wood tank build

Hi Del,
Lumenarcs are here and the Wavyseas are shipped. Still no word on the Tunze:(
If you need any help let me know. I may be asking for some advice with the upcoming project. It is a go:)
i have total 4 outlets in the front and 4 along the back bottom,
2 left front & 2 left rear on 1st OM V3 Sequence 5800
2 right front & 2 right rear on 2nd OM V3 Sequence 5800

stands are awesome BTW, but will it be better to use flange then mount them to the floor so it will be stable both top and bottom.
IMO it really doesn't matter how you mix them up as long the tank is getting random water movement depending on how you will be setting all the corals & rocks placement. as long all the water movement will be going toward overflows getting rid of the debris. also on the front left corner of my display there is very little water movement since most of the feeding is done and food will not be blown all over the place. also i wouldn't have to turn off the pumps or dial them down just to feed.
great progress Del and keep em coming
Stands are temporary and will be built in to the future catwalk. You guys must pretty rough in the fish room to be knocking stuff around. Nevermind, I don't want to know. Also, I will support/hide/cover much of it when the catwalk goes in.

So I dumped about 30 gallons in the room last night. Fitting came off the temporary drain to the temporary sump. Pump sucking air woke us up around 4 AM. Splashed out on the floor, seeped under the sill to the carpet. My wife is so happy to have her new carpet cleaned she can't stop thanking me.

I'm sealing the @%!$ out of the floor sill. Floor drain took most but not all. I love a clean carpet.
Well, She can't say that you don't ever clean now.....LOL!

Sorry to hear, at least there was no loss of life/pump. I know how much of a mess water makes. I'm sure it is a mess that no Reefer can say they have not had!

Good work on everything as of yet.

i'm pretty sure everyone's had their fair share of light or heavy flooding, but the fish room gets kind of rough due to anxiety attack of new livestock therefore knocking everything down :lol:.
I am certain I have been there more han any other reefer. I am on my second shop-vac in less than 16 months.
Gota love them Rigid tools. I just got a 1/2 hammer drill cheaper and a stronger motor then the dewalt with lifetime.
Somehow, the fact that you are each as accident prone/forgetful/dumb (insert your own word here) as I am did not do much to assuage the stink-eye. There she goes again...I swear, she needs to get to the eye doctor soon.

All cleaned up and back to normal. One more week of flow testing and then I'll drain it down, put a sheet of polyethylene on the bottom, plumb the under-substrate lines, add the sand, start the RO/DI and sit back and watch. Oh yeah, and work on more plumbing, lighting, electrical, room finish......time for a beer.
Man, you guys are tough.

Drained everything this past weekend after several weeks under flow. Nothing leaks.

Adding the under-substrate plumbing, then sand then start the RO/DI, probably this weekend.

Working on a double Rubbermaid sump system to get me by til I have time to build a proper 300g+ sump this winter.

Other than that, plugging along finishing the room FRP and electrical while waiting for several parts to arrive.

I am saving one for you Bart.