Myka's 69 SPS Tank 2015

A couple other deepwater Acro look a bit sketchy. It doesn't look like typical round AEFW bite marks though. And it's only on the top side of the branches, not the shaded sides.

Yeah, even though it doesn't look typical AEFW was the first thing zooming through my mind. I'm going to dip tonight or tomorrow and see if I find anything.

NP Pro didn't affect nutrients in my tank. Like I mentioned, nutrients were highest when I was using it, but I only used 2 drops per day. NO3 hasn't ever hit 1 ppm in my tank no matter I keep my fish stuffed. I bumped the pellet feedings to 2 per day today.

I just dipped a smooth skin that looked just like that. About 6 AEFW came off :thumbdown
Curious to know if you find aefw on that caroliniana..
The np pro seems to be slow acting and requires a little more than recommended, I think..
Certainly is the case for my tank..
My first thought is AEFW 2. If you don't want to take it out to dip just turkey baste it with cold rodi water. They fly right off and the fish eat them up.

AEFW is a possible explanation for those circular pale areas on that one acro. I was able to wipe them out in my tank with my reef tank fish. I feed them with a turkey baster so they are used to the turkey baster and associate it with food. Baste away and the hungry horde will pick off any flatworms. My leopard wrasse learned how to hunt them down and he ate well! One of our friend's daughter took care of my reef tank during a vacation and she loved to watch the fish wipe out any AEFW's blown off the corals. I came home to an almost AEFW free tank, some very fat fish, and a happy fish-sitter :bounce3:.........Jim
Well I pulled the caroliniana off the rock (barely got it off), and dipped it in Coral Rx (I lent my Bayer out). I blasted the snot out of it - literally. All I got off was slime. I then let it half dry out and inspected it dry outside in the sunshine, and I didn't find anything on it. No eggs, no bare patches, no AEFW, FW of any sort.

I think Matt might be right about it being too much light and not enough food, which was my second thought after I've been inspecting it thoroughly through the glass of the tank. The Acro is only about 4" away from the glass, so it's in a good spot for inspection. I'm still going to keep a really, REALLY close eye on it (and the other two that look sketchy). The patches really aren't typical AEFW marks, but yes that was my first panicked thought. Boy would I be mad - I'm fairly tedious with my dip procedure.

Yesterday I turned CH2 back down to 70% for 5.5 hours, set the auto feeder to make a 2nd pellet meal during the day, started adding a small piece of nori everyday, and have been making a point to feed the fish a bit extra homemade mash in the mornings and evenings.
Glad to hear it. I have a couple deepwater that grow a little "patchy" it's one I think might be having AEFW feasting on it... But any time I take it out and dip or blast it I get nothing.
The dusk reef shot looks very cool Mindy, what's in that tub on top of the ATI light fixture.......... better not be flake food because flake food makes acros turn brown in case you didn't know......:reading:

Hi Andrew, would you mind elaborating on the highlighted section above please?

Well I pulled the caroliniana off the rock (barely got it off), and dipped it in Coral Rx (I lent my Bayer out). I blasted the snot out of it - literally. All I got off was slime. I then let it half dry out and inspected it dry outside in the sunshine, and I didn't find anything on it. No eggs, no bare patches, no AEFW, FW of any sort.

Mindy, I hope that your coral will not be affected adversely by the dipping. I have stopped dipping smooth skin acroporids because they almost always strip after treating them in Coral Rx.
Well, glad to hear it ain't the aefw bastards!!
Me too! I didn't think it was them bastard, but I also figured I better cover my luck and mention them. [emoji38]
Glad to hear it. I have a couple deepwater that grow a little "patchy" it's one I think might be having AEFW feasting on it... But any time I take it out and dip or blast it I get nothing.
Have you figured out why the patchiness?

Hi Andrew, would you mind elaborating on the highlighted section above please?

Mindy, I hope that your coral will not be affected adversely by the dipping. I have stopped dipping smooth skin acroporids because they almost always strip after treating them in Coral Rx.

I think he's pulling your leg Bülent. :D

I do find that Coral Rx is pretty rough on Acros, but in all honesty I'd rather kill them than have AEFW in my tank.
Glad to hear that there's no evidence of AEFW. .................Jim
Me too. Thanks for rooting for me. :)
Sump cleaning day!

I designed my sump to be easily removable for yearly cleaning. I disconnected the drains, slid it out, and sprayed it down with the garden house. This forced me to finally redo the return plumbing and install the "new" Eheim return pump. This entire time I had a Quiet One 4000 as the return pump which was never supposed to be the primary pump - it's my backup pump because it's so noisy. The impeller rattles like most Quiet One pumps. Ironic considering the name. :hmm2:

I originally installed the QO pump because I didn't have the Eheim yet, and also I was missing a couple pieces of SCH80 fittings to complete the return line. I've had the Eheim pump for about a year now, and just never got around to getting it all installed as I had planned to do some fancy plumbing with a manifold and all that, but now I decided to keep the return line a dedicated return line for best Herbie drain performance. The new return pump is an Eheim Compact 3000, and I'm very happy with it so far - it is dead silent.

Now the noisiest part of the tank is the Eheim 1260 skimmer pump that's probably ancient. I plan to replace that sometime in the future. I was thinking to replace it with a Red Dragon Speedy 3 pump, but parts and replacements are difficult for me, so I may consider a Bubble Blaster. It will take some research to make a decision.

In the pics the skimmer was wet skimming - it was just reacting to a slightly too high water line before I lowered to the normal level.



New return plumbing:

Top view of first chamber where the two Herbie lines go in, then the filter pad area, then water goes through skimmer area (not really shown) and then the baffles and return chamber.
Dosing changes...

Well, I've become increasing frustrated with the lack of consistency in the Aquaforest stock at which is the only place to order AF in Canada as far as I know. I was just about to order another batch of Components 1+2+3+ and see that it is "currently unavailable" and restocking time is unknown. :headwallblue: Ok I figure, I guess this forces me into making my own mix with the Ca, KH, Mg, Mineral Salt, and Components Strong. Well, the KH Buffer isn't even listed on :headwalls: So then I figure, enough of this crap, I'll supply my own Ca, Alk, Mg, and I'll just buy the Mineral Salt and Components Strong as I've seen these two consistently available. So that's what I'm in the process of doing now.

Since trying to choose products to use in place of the AF products, I've noticed that I don't see sulfate mentioned anywhere, and I'm wondering where it might be provided. Is it in the Mineral Salt? I asked on the AF forum yesterday, but no answer yet. I certainly don't want a chloride build up.

I actually sent off a water sample to Triton a couple weeks ago which was the peak of my AF dosing, so it will be interesting to see those numbers and compare them to numbers after a few months of making these new dosing changes.

So if I can't find any sulfate being adding in the AF system I will keep Mg out of the Ca solution, and I'll manually dose a 5:3 mix of MgCl2 and MgSO4 during weekly waterchanges. If I find the sulfate, I'll mix pure MgCl2 in with the Ca solution.

So here is my current dosing up until very recently:

Components 1+2+3+ 42 mL per day
Pro BioS 3 drops every evening
Coral E 2 drops every evening (bottle now empty)
Coral V 2 drops on odd evenings (bottle now empty)
TLF AcroPower 2.5 mL on even evenings (bottle almost empty)
Reef Chili 3 scoops per evening

As usual, my corals are on the pale side and I'm not getting much of any nutrients in the water column. I have a small amount of green cyano in a couple places, but no too concerning. I'm trying to boost coral food.

So here's the new plan...

CaCl2, NaHCO3, Na2CO3, MgCl2, MgSO4 plus Components Strong (not started yet)
Mineral Salt (not started yet)
Add Zeolite mix
Pro BioS 3 drops every evening (no change)
Zeovit LPS Aminos (I have a big bottle, want to use it up) will start with 1 mL every evening
Zeovit Sponge Power 3 drops per evening (started a week ago)
Reef Chili 3 scoops per evening (no change)
Reef Nutrition Phyto Feast 1.25 mL per evening, will ramp up (started a couple days ago)
Reef Nutrition Oyster Feast 1.25 mL per evening (not started yet)

The idea with the Phyto is to help feed the Flame Scallop (non-photosynthetic clam) in the tank (I think it may have benefited from the Coral E before) as well as helping to increase microfauna. I'm also adding the Oyster Feast for the Flame Scallop and also for SPS food.

We'll see how things progress...
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...And of course I go to make the order on for the Mineral Salt and Components Strong and what do I see??? Components 1+2+3+ are available (and ships within 1-2 months...***). Oh sigh...
Throw an order at for 1-2-3, it will arrive in about 2 weeks. I had the same problem as you and even bought the used one they had, it was new, and a week later the the official new 1-2-3 showed up along with the reef salt. I ordered extra thinking about the time line, now I'm over stocked LOL
Why not order from

That hurts my bum. :debi:

Throw an order at for 1-2-3, it will arrive in about 2 weeks. I had the same problem as you and even bought the used one they had, it was new, and a week later the the official new 1-2-3 showed up along with the reef salt. I ordered extra thinking about the time line, now I'm over stocked LOL

I'll give it a shot, thanks. :)
That hurts my bum. :debi:

Why? I am curious about it. :uhoh3:

I order from Seachem matrix bio media and Seachem matrix carbon are almost half price including delivery, but I have to order small quantities to avoid import duty and tax :hammer:.
Wow Mindy the sump looks great, good job.

I just recently started dosing KZ Sponge Power myself, hoping to see some good results. I'll have to check back with you and see if you notice any increased sponge growth in your tank.