I think not QT'ing my fish finally bit me after 10 years in the hobby. Within a couple of days I lost my anthias, kole tang, clown fish and coral beauty angel. Today I found my nassarius snails doing what they do best, cleaning up my dead chromis. I have a lone YWG in the tank now, and wouldn't be surprised if he croaked in a couple of days. All of this happened within a week and there were no signs of illness until the fish died.
Based on the sources of the fish, I suspect the kole tang to be the source of the illness. He was a Pet Co fish and the rest of the fish came from LFSs that QT their fish before selling them. Lesson learned...QT, especially when coming from a less than awesome source.
It sucks to lose a tank full of fish, but so goes life in the reef hobby. The last thing I want to do is toss more fish into a diseased tank. Assuming the YWG dies, how long should I let the tank sit before adding more fish? I'm sure there's a point where whatever killed the fish will eventually die off, but I don't know how long to wait. I also have no clue what killed them and I know that makes advice harder to give. I can tell you that it wasn't ick and there were no external sores/spots. The fish were very active until they died. I did notice that the male clownfish was swimming erratically right before he died. It was a rapid onset and he died shortly after. All others died over night.
So, based on what we know COULD be out there, how long should I wait for it to run its course?
Based on the sources of the fish, I suspect the kole tang to be the source of the illness. He was a Pet Co fish and the rest of the fish came from LFSs that QT their fish before selling them. Lesson learned...QT, especially when coming from a less than awesome source.
It sucks to lose a tank full of fish, but so goes life in the reef hobby. The last thing I want to do is toss more fish into a diseased tank. Assuming the YWG dies, how long should I let the tank sit before adding more fish? I'm sure there's a point where whatever killed the fish will eventually die off, but I don't know how long to wait. I also have no clue what killed them and I know that makes advice harder to give. I can tell you that it wasn't ick and there were no external sores/spots. The fish were very active until they died. I did notice that the male clownfish was swimming erratically right before he died. It was a rapid onset and he died shortly after. All others died over night.
So, based on what we know COULD be out there, how long should I wait for it to run its course?