Names of stomatopod bits and pieces


Premium Member
I occasionally forget (or there is no common name) and refer to various parts of stomatopods by their technical names. In case you are interested in these, I've attached a jpeg of a drawing that we did in my lab that lists some of the major parts. The animal shown is a common spearer, Pseudosquilla ciliata. This image is pretty low resolution. If anyone would like a higher resolution (3 mb), email me privately and I will try to send it off.
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Thank you for the useful drawing... I wonder, is there a picture or drawing of what a claw would look like, spearer or smasher?

I think my Mantis is in the process of growing his back. He can strike with it/them, but they are pinkish on the end (he is green), and not as developed as I had imagined.