Nano as a reference

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AIO and Nano's should be seperate categories.
That way theres no arguement about if a AIO is a nano or not. Especially now that red sea has a new 65g(?) AIO. That is definately not a nano.

For the forums, set a display volume limit on whats a nano and call it good.

As for the NTOTM, modify the rules. No candidate for the NTOTM can have the total volume of the sump, refugium, and/or frag tank exceed the total volume of the display. Then set up a AIO-TOTM competition.

Pico's are a bit tougher. So many want to set the cut-off at 5g. many of the other reef forums set it at 3g. To me a 5g is still a Nano, not a pico. My thoughts on that are the same as why others call a 20g a Nano but a 30g is not.
I just dont see why there is a differrence between a sump that is attached per say in the tank vs on that is exterior. they do the same thing we are working with the same amount of water as one with an exterior sump. my AIO just has baffels in the back where water goes through, only really the hide the unsightly heater, carbon and top off. I could have set this up with a 20g but then you would have seen the unsightly things that are in the back. I dont see a difference to having except that it is louder. I had a 10g with a 5g sump underneath it in the stand and it was much louder than this tank and there is no difference in filtration and i had almost the same display volume i do now.

I dont know why you dont want AIO to compete. the only thing different is they didnt have to put an overflow in and drill a whole in the bottom or back. but whether it be 20-30g you are still going to get the same chemistry problems and filtration problems. and with a 30 AIO how much display do you really have maybe 20g. that is like haveing a 20g tank and a 10g sump which was stated as being ok in arguments in the beginning. This isnt a DIY forum so are many saying AIO tanks arent aloud just cause they didnt do it them selfs they still contribute as well as learn from the same problems other people are having that drilled the tank them selves.

srry for the long rant.
I don't think AIO's and Nano's are different - certain types of AIO are nano's and some aren't. We just need definitions as to size. I'm sticking with my 20g display and 10g sump, but think the sump less than display and display less than 20g rules could work too.

As fatrip said, in tank filtration is the same as a sump - just closer to the display. :)
IMO we can have as many different classifications, or TOTM's, as we want (PicoTOTM, NanaTOTM, MicroTOTM...that is not what is important here ...the key to this list is the common issues we face as small tank owners...any attempt to split this group up into smaller parts will only make it more difficult for folks to find answers and share information...which is what RC is all about...
I agree 100% and since were not talking about NTOTM, then i would say any one should be able to post, if some one with a 40g wants to post why not, he will soon figure out that he needs other advice becuase different filtration is needed for a 40g. but i would say the 20/10 seems to be a good one. then the 30g nano's would qualify and we would be all happy dorry. cause with 30g you still in the region of the same chem and bio problems.
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=14224145#post14224145 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by Whacked
AIO and Nano's should be seperate categories.
That way theres no arguement about if a AIO is a nano or not. Especially now that red sea has a new 65g(?) AIO. That is definately not a nano.

For the forums, set a display volume limit on whats a nano and call it good.

As for the NTOTM, modify the rules. No candidate for the NTOTM can have the total volume of the sump, refugium, and/or frag tank exceed the total volume of the display. Then set up a AIO-TOTM competition.

Pico's are a bit tougher. So many want to set the cut-off at 5g. many of the other reef forums set it at 3g. To me a 5g is still a Nano, not a pico. My thoughts on that are the same as why others call a 20g a Nano but a 30g is not.

"AIO and Nano's should be seperate categories.
That way theres no arguement about if a AIO is a nano or not." You just said nothing. A big part of this discussion is whether or not to include AIO just saying "AIO and Nanos should be seperate" is just exspressing (sp?) an opinion with no information to back it up. Why seperate them, what is the real difference? I think, no matter what kind of tank it, whether DIY or AIO, the main thing that needs to be considered is display volume.
I agree with Fatrip, there really is no difference between a sump that is inside the display Vs. externally. Thats part of the reason I specifically said Display Volume in my first post. As far as Red Sea having an AIO 65 tank........even considering both sides of the discussion, nobody would consider that a Nano.

I know I might sound a little contradicting judging from my first post, but Ive never owned an AIO tank, and didnt know until now that, for instance, a 29 Gallon Biocubes tank volume doesnt have a 29 Gallon display.
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=14226196#post14226196 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by kookerson
"AIO and Nano's should be seperate categories.
That way theres no arguement about if a AIO is a nano or not." You just said nothing. A big part of this discussion is whether or not to include AIO just saying "AIO and Nanos should be seperate" is just exspressing (sp?) an opinion with no information to back it up. Why seperate them, what is the real difference? I think, no matter what kind of tank it, whether DIY or AIO, the main thing that needs to be considered is display volume.
I agree with Fatrip, there really is no difference between a sump that is inside the display Vs. externally. Thats part of the reason I specifically said Display Volume in my first post. As far as Red Sea having an AIO 65 tank........even considering both sides of the discussion, nobody would consider that a Nano.

I know I might sound a little contradicting judging from my first post, but Ive never owned an AIO tank, and didnt know until now that, for instance, a 29 Gallon Biocubes tank volume doesnt have a 29 Gallon display.

Did you read this thread? Even your own posts?
should I have rehashed everything that was said before?

Only thing really different was my suggestion in creating a AIO-TOTM.
AIO owners tend to be (justifiably) proud of their tanks. Now they can compete in a category that is all theirs and against similar tanks.

This thread is for us to toss ideas around. thats what I did. if you dont like it *shrug* thats your choice, I dont care.
but we're saying is what is the difference between an 30g AIO vs a 20g with a 10g sump? why would it need to be split? I just dont see a logical reason behind it.
There is no reason. A nano is an aquarium under a certain size. An AIO is just a design of nano. A red sea max is not a nano.

The only category that is required is something between nano and large. I don't like that everything else gets shoved in general. I think it needs more classification, but that's beyond this discussion. This should be about the generally accepted size of a nano.
The only category that is required is something between nano and large.

If a Mid-Sized Reef SIG forum is created that would, by its own nature, reduce some of the 'non-nano' posts on this list that seem to cause friction on this list. Simple to do...I say do it and lets move on... I have moderated forum lists before and my suggestion, to the current moderators, is to make any change as natural and virtual as do not want moderators having to work 4 hours a day moving posts around or enforcing rules.
I agree with adding an in-between forum I mean it would settle the vast majority of the conflict out there. I honestly don't care where people like me (40Br) are put, as long as it is not in the general forum as that's a quick fix that screws us.. instead of being a source of conflict in the nano forum we'll get yelled at for being in the general discussion forum (Inundating with even more posts and info in there)... that and finding/keeping up with our threads would be nuts considering we'll be in the most popular forum constantly being lost or ignored.

Why not give us a forum of our own? The idea of making our info about each other's tanks easier to find, sharing info makes that plea valid. I mean.. that's why the Larger tanks and nano tank forums were created. Looking at the many posts supporting kicking us out is evidence of this validity... techniques can't be applied to the nano (According to how most interpret that term) aquarium, nor can they be applied to the larger tanks (as that definition applies there). That really only leaves a solution.. give us a mid-size forum. :)
Oh I forgot to mention, someone else mentioned this should be a sticky and I agree, I missed this thread until now. That and a lot of people start threads like these which never lead anywhere but flaming.. so I typically ignore them (The threads) but since we have a mod that started it I'm hoping more people will chime in and results will be achieved. :)
This was a sticky, but wasn't receiving attention. There are some very valid points here and much more to be discussed. Keep on commenting.
There are alot of people out there who dont like mid sized tanks in the nano forum. But where else are we suposed to go???? There is a LARGE forum and a NANO forum. The large forum has stipulations, 180 gallons or larger. No problem there, total know the rules on that one. The nano forum has nothing. No stiuplations what so ever, just says nano, and people on there decide on what ever they feel a nano should be and then harase other people when it dosnt meet their own personal rules. Well IMO if the large is for 180+ and the only other is NANO then wouldnt that meen that everything else should fall under that catigory, or am i missing somthing? I think two things need to happen, one, we need to put rules on how big a "NANO" tank can be, right on the forum page just like the LARGE forum, and two i think there needs to be a forum for all of the mid-sized tanks that are getting the shaft out of this little problem.
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=14236397#post14236397 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by rupes reef
There are alot of people out there who dont like mid sized tanks in the nano forum. But where else are we suposed to go???? There is a LARGE forum and a NANO forum. The large forum has stipulations, 180 gallons or larger. No problem there, total know the rules on that one. The nano forum has nothing. No stiuplations what so ever, just says nano, and people on there decide on what ever they feel a nano should be and then harase other people when it dosnt meet their own personal rules. Well IMO if the large is for 180+ and the only other is NANO then wouldnt that meen that everything else should fall under that catigory, or am i missing somthing?

They are categories under "Special Interest" where much of the equipment used is either DIY or ordered and not usually found in your common LFS. There are many unique challenges to those sized aquariums. So much so that if you check older threads in our DIY section, you'll notice how it has influenced many of the big name vendors. Tanks in between have a place in the "General Interest Forum".

My favorite tanks to work with are all common sizes and what I recommend most for family display tanks; they are the 40Breeder, 58, and the 120.
lets just make everyone happy and say total water volume of 30gallons or less. people with the bigger aios should be able to post here rather than grd imo.

i agree that a 10gallon tank is harder to maintain than a 30, but to banish the larger aios wouldnt be fair.

i kept a 2.5gallon minibow up for almost a year and it did better than a 12gallon aquapod that was only up for a few months... the 2.5 didnt have the heat issues that the aquapod did... so i think aio owners have their own set of problems that they should be able to discuss in this forum.

im currently working on a starphyre rimless 15gallon to be my new nano... im planning all the bells and whistles just with a smaller water volume.

maybe re-name the forum nanos and aios?
I agree there needs to be somthing for the middle people. And if nano wants to go 30 gallons, i have no problem with that, but i think it needs to be posted like the large forum says 180 gallon.
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=14236456#post14236456 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by rupes reef
Ok, but where dose it say that??? How are people suposed to know that unless they get on here and talk to YOU.
Believe it or not, you have access to any area visible in your browser; we actually encourage members to browse ALL areas of the forum. You may or may not be able to apply all areas to your particular system, but can learn from each forum here.
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