Nano as a reference

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<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=14151676#post14151676 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by inkmates
I counted nine under 20g, but you have to go back three years to get that many that just proves my point that it's very hard to compete with larger tanks that have more real estate because real estate = diversity and diversity = attention and attention = votes.

I'd like to see an 'up-time' requirement for the nTOTM. It's not that tough to setup a tank and load it up with mature corals for display...its quite another to keep that system going for 3 years..I should know! lmao....
yup...major water leak forced me to retire it...I'm setting up a 22AIO now. Glad to hear your cube is still up and running... Congrats!
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=14154113#post14154113 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by chrishet
I'd like to see an 'up-time' requirement for the nTOTM. It's not that tough to setup a tank and load it up with mature corals for display...its quite another to keep that system going for 3 years..I should know! lmao....

I agree with that 100%.
Wow great topic.... I myself always would see these 20 and up tanks listed as nano, and I would say to myself come-on.... really. 20 and under in my opinion is a real nano, and the suggestion for the UP-Time is also a great idea, because the size together with the up-time is really what displays a successful reefer.....
I had a saltwater 30 long setup in 1981. I can tell you it was darned tough to keep things alive. Technology has changed greatly since then. In 2007 I set up the same tank and had to learn all new information. I had to purchase many new pieces of equipment. I did keep it running for over a year before a return pump melted while I was out of town thus crashing my system.

Are All-in-ones different that piecing a complete system together? I don't know because I don't have an AIO.

Currently my 15 and my 20 are hooked together. Does that make them "regular" tanks? Do I add them and the 5g sump to get 40 gallons? Each has its own dimensions, rocks, sand, lights, livestock.

Please let me know so I am not posting in the wrong place. All this time I was trying to find someplace I was accepted.
...I'm thinking of getting a 40 breeder...where do we get to hang out lol :) The "big guys" look down on us as being too small and the "little guys" look down on us for being too big !!!!

:D ;)
forgot to add...

I love the sub forum idea (as long as there's enough folks for each lol)

30g and below
20g and below
10g and below
5g and below

with the economy the way it is I see nano tanks becoming more popular than ever. People get their "salt fix" without it costing an arm and a leg.
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=14168321#post14168321 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by miniwhinny
...I'm thinking of getting a 40 breeder...where do we get to hang out lol :) The "big guys" look down on us as being too small and the "little guys" look down on us for being too big !!!!

:D ;)

I'm not sure that's an accurate statement. It's not about superiority, it's about dealing with similar issues. For example, people with really big tanks (180 and above) have to deal with problems completely differently than people with nanos. The husbandry and stocking can be completely different, and the equipment is at opposite end of the spectrum. Those in between have more in common wether it's a 30 or a 120, they have similar issues and/or problems.

Delinating the forums too much will dilute information and participation on all the forums. I don't see that being a positive action.

If we set a hard limit on volume, at 20-gallons for example to satisfy "true" nano (and pico) keepers, then we will lose allot of participation in this forum. If we set a volume limit for this forum, then it better include most of the AIO tanks. A thirty gallon limit would cover most of the AIO tanks.

If we make no changes, then we will have everything from pico tanks on up to 40 gallon breeder tanks sharing this forum.

Personally, I think that adding at most two subforums for "nano" and "pico" tanks within the Nao Reefs forum would accomodate everyone. We could even add just one subforum for tanks of 20 gallons or less to keep it simple.

So far, the options appear to be:

1. Make no changes to the Nano Reefs forum.

2. Set a volume limit for this forum.

3. Add one or two subforums within the Nano Reefs forum for true nano and pico tanks.

Can you think of any other options?

the 4th option that many people seem to be suggesting is to setup another forum for the 'in-between' tanks.. those that are more than the 'nano' and less than the 'larger tanks'.. I tend to agree with this, simply because there are so many threads started in the general reef forum that I think someone with, for example, a 40 gallon tank will be overlooked because of the high thread count.

I don't agree with splitting up the nano forum into 5, 10, 20, etc. .. that will dilute it too much. The mods are 100% correct in this section.
I would like to say that I agree with EdKruzel (and Julian) that a nano is under 20 gallons. However, I think this should only account for the display volume.

I do not agree that a 20 gallon attached to a 100 gallon sump is still a nano - there's not the same amount of skill and diligence required in such a situation. I believe there should be a limit attached to the sump - let's say 10 gallons (obviously needs discussion) - which, though stretching the total to 30 gallons, would still require the special attention nano owners dedicate to their hobby. Additionally, I think in tank filtration area should be regarded as "sump" space.

AIO manufacturers, such as Red Sea, have simply jumped into a market to sell. Just because they're calling their tanks nano's doesn't make it so. By the same token you could make the argument for Julian Sprung - but you would be a fool to have more respect for a manufacturers opinion over that of a highly regarded expert.

Additionally, just because TOTM competitions have been awarded to tanks larger simply means that the issue of size should've been defined and set a long time ago.
In my opinion, a Nano should be a display of less than or equal to a 20 gallon tank. Part of the Argument that Ive read so far on here for a 30 gallon ceiling is so we can fit in the AIO tanks. But Why? "But why should my NanoCube not be considered a Nano!? It says Nano in the Name!?" Yeah, thats true but that doesnt make it a Nano. There's a chap stick-like product out there called Bird Poop.......but its not bird poop is it? We also have wing nuts, monkey bread and kangaroo rats. As far as the sump issue, I think there should be a limit, such as a maximum size of 10 Gallons.........That way it levels the playing field just a little. Yes, julian Sprung Coined a phrase on the first Nano....... but when? I could very well be wrong, and am willing to admit it if proved so, but Im sure technology has advanced alot since then.
so if you take my 22gallon cad, it has a display part that is about 16g and a sump that is about 6g. so that would fit into you description and so would most other AIO tanks that are larger than 20g.
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=14220256#post14220256 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by fatrip
so if you take my 22gallon cad, it has a display part that is about 16g and a sump that is about 6g. so that would fit into you description and so would most other AIO tanks that are larger than 20g.

I cant see anyone with a level headed mind raising a flag over 2 gallons. But what about a 23 gallon display? Or 24, 25 Gallons? I dont know......I make that argument with my kids regarding other things in life, but I personally wouldnt throw a fit, or disqualify you as NTOTM over 2 gallons.
I think the important thing with nano's and AIO is regarding the inner filtration as sumps, and making a seperate allowance for this. After all, it's only really with nanos where you have in-tank filtration (I know there are exceptions, but most big tanks have sumps).

If the display was over 20g after taking out the in-tank filtration then I don't think it should be considered. You have limits for reasons.
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