Need feedback for my new reef Setup

That´s the sump area design...

hope to receive any advice on that...

best regards.

could you explain each step starting with water in, why the six houses, three anual renews, and reason for not skimming first at the water in area? thanks
1- the light blue is the decanter, where the water flows from the botton to the upper and usually the "dust" stay ther don´t going to the rest of the SUMP.
2- the dark blue area is where the Denitrator and calcium system (jaubert) stays, where I have three separate areas with 4in substrate that will create a low oxigen zone with low PH and removes Nitrate and also ads calcium to the system... As this area tends to stop working with the time we create three separate divisinos and renew one each year.
3- the yellow area is also the largest one and that´s why is where I place Skimmer, carbon, Calcium reactor and etc...
4- Bubble break
5- refugium with algae and substrate.

Hope you can understand my terrible english.

Best regards.
First time running in this way.

Usually I just have as first step Filtration (Skimmer, carbon, O3) then buble breaker than refuge and done.

this one is a bigger and more complicated than the usual setup... will be built on glass
Would like to know from you... (specially if you live in Florida or Texas) because of weather similarities if a 3/4HP Chiller will be enought to coller a system this big (Fans will be used too)
Some new pictures of the project...

The aquarium is beeing built in my house... so here is the process...

Parts beeing delivered...


Glass set up...


Aquarium Stand


The room almost ready...


Then the general view of the room...


Here the first view of the SUMP....


And the Eurobracing....


Best regards
So here you can see the sump and glasses already in finish process...

Sump final mount:


And skematics...


Living rock start up:


Me in my ne home...

Happy new year !!!
Wow Carlos that is one huge tank project you've got going there!!!! I need to take the time to read through everything but it looks like this will be a killer setup.
I'm definitely lovin' that sump, Carlos! - and that tank's not bad either. :D :cool: It's going to be a great setup and your off to a strong start.

Very nice setup, congratulations !!

I gave to you some advices in ipaq, maybe a little bit later :p

Hope I can see this beauty one day

Glass Reef
I´m really proud to see you here... It´s a honor to me.

Very important parts of my setup are based on your setup... and thank you very much for your support and patience.

Elliott, Reefenabler, Monk and Jerm77
Thank You for your kind comments.

Denadai... just tell me when...
Som by far just some small changes...

Overflow box already in place, back of the tank painted with black Silicone and Sump totally finalized.

Next week Plumbim and eletrical will be done... and water will start running....

New pictures...

Overflow Box

Inside view of overflow Box...

Fan system

Picture of my "most special fish"... still waiting to go to the big tank....

Best regards.